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Showing posts from April, 2019

Ion technology and supercomputing

Ion technology and supercomputing The biggest problem is re-assemble the particles. Teleportation is the basic simple thing. The person or object that wanted to transfer to another place just turn to the ion cloud, what will shoot to the target, and then the ions must take the same place in the structure, where they were before this process. And the re-assembling the object is the biggest problem, but if we could someday make the ion cannon, what can shoot ions to the certain place by using necessary precision, we could maybe in someday make this thing true. The thing, what makes this technology very difficult to make is that the magnet field must stop each ion in the precise place. That thing would make possible to transfer objects through the wall if we could create the magnets, what can stop each ion in separately in the right position. There is a little different if we would have able to transfer things like screwdrivers by using ion tra...

Theory of relativity and space travel

Theory of relativity and space travel The fish-example  Einstein's theory of relativity is one of the most interesting and remarkable theories in history. And there is one connection to the example of the flowing river. That thing is that if the fish would swim against the flowing water with very big power, would it face the flowing water with faster speed than in the places, where water is standing still. So if the speed of the fish is 20 kilometers per hour and the water would flow against it with the speed of 20 kilometers per hour, the impact speed with water is 40 kilometers in an hour. The example is taken from the examine, where the impact speed of the cars is asked when they are hitting against together while both of them have a speed of 40 kilometers per hour. That means that the impact speed is the addition, where the speeds of both particles are sum together. Ability to travel faster than the light When we are thinking abo...

Could the robot used in the body switch?

Could the robot used in the body switch? Could some heads of the states be actually the body doubles? We all know that some heads of the state use actors to hide their real position, and those actors are called as the body switchers or doubles. That thing is very well known and interesting part of the security of the heads of the state, but then we must ask one question, how long would the governments go with those body doubles? Could some very important meetings between the leaders of the states be made by used body doubles, and if the body doubles are meeting, could they make also contracts? In this case, we must think about one of the wildest rumors in history. That is that some very important meetings between state leaders are ever made in the form, what the great audience wants to know. In the wildest scenarios, some head of the state would be replaced by a body double, who could be the intelligence operator of another country? Could ...

How the position of the observation obfuscates people?

How the position of the observation obfuscates people? Havis Amanda statue Helsinki (Wikipedia) Usual can be extraordinary Thinking is the thing, what we should practice very hard, and in fact, we should confess that we don't know everything. What we think as the regular and common thing might be very extraordinary. And while we are practicing thinking we must try to find another side of the things. There is always something good in everything in the world, and there are many ways to see things. Let me explain a little bit about this thing. Normal people think that fishes are swimming in the water, but why don't we try to think something extraordinary, and try to think that fish is in some certain place and it would move water around it. That would mean that the fish is a stable object, what is laying in the water, what flows around it. This situation is true in some places, like fast flowing rivers, where the fishes are at a ...

The thoughts about the UFOs and the technology, what is behind them

The thoughts about the UFOs and the technology, what is behind them Could the UFO be some psychic phenomenon? The reason why some researchers and intelligence services are interesting about the UFOs is that those things can use in the base for the innovation, which would give benefit for the technical advantages. And also the things, what are called UFO sightings can give data, what can use the creation of the extraordinary flying machines, which could also dive in the oceans. That thing would allow thinking that could the UFO be some kind of psychic phenomenon. In that case, the sighting of the UFO could cause some kind of electric eruption in the nervous system, and in that case, the UFO could be some kind hallucination what would be the vision, what is similar with the thing, what some artists get, when they are creating their innovation, and some of those visions could probably breed to the merchandise. What would you do with a flying ...

The Winchester mansion the most extraordinary building on Earth

The Winchester mansion the most extraordinary building on Earth Was the reason to build this house simple the loneliness? The Winchester mystery house locates in the San JosĆ©, and it was built by the widow of the gun manufacturer William Wirt Winchesters widow, Sarah Winchester.  The building was built between the years 1884 to 1922, and the project is still incomplete. One of the best theories about that building is that Sarah Winchester wanted that project would stay the rest of her life because she wanted people around her. That would give changes of the day of the widow of the wealthy businessman, and maybe Sarah Winchester afraid that somebody would want to revenge her or otherwise make bad things for that woman, whose husband made a legendary rifle, what killed many men. Maybe the men, who worked in that worksite made Sarah Winchester feel herself feeling better than being alone in the house. Was the reason for extraordinary stru...

The man-made earthquakes

The man-made earthquakes The system would be quite easy to make One version of the man-made earthquakes is simply. Only thing, what is needed is explode explosives under the surface of the Earth, and that was the idea of the 10 000 kilograms "Grand slam" bomb. This was created during the Second World War to use against heavy armored German submarine bunkers. Those bombs would push in the ground before the explosion, and then the seismic waves would destroy targets, what are under the ground. The idea of bunker-buster nuclear explosives is similar, just use the nuclear version of the "Grand Slam" bomb would cause the destruction of the commanding bunkers, what is deep inside the ground, and those ground penetrating bombs are installed in the nuclear missiles and strategic bombers. The thing is that nuclear bombs would cause radioactive pollution, which uncovers the system. Modern nuclear bombs are really sharp, and the m...

The story of Illuminati

The story of Illuminati In this text, I will write the "political Illuminati", what is the mysterious thing or conspiracy, what will control some part of the society, so in this text, I will not write the story of Adam Weishaupt and his Bavarian society, what was disband in the early 19th. century. In modern life "Illuminati" means the Mafia or organized crime, which will influence the economic life by buying the strikes to some firms, what have competition with Mafia, and those strikes would cause that the competitors would kick away, and that will allow getting a monopoly in the business. This kind of conspiracies is claimed to cause the death of Jimmy Hoffa. In modern writings, the word "Mafia" is replaced by using word Illuminati. When we are thinking about the political field, the public invests like house building and other things are very additive targets to the criminals, who want to get benefit from those jobs. The traditional way is to deli...

The primitive life can deny the advantages of the intelligent lifeforms

The primitive life can deny the advantages of the intelligent lifeforms Primitive beasts can danger form of the intelligent species.  When the number of descendants would be guaranteed the survivability of the species, the intelligence level would not start to grow. Jellyfish is the most sophisticated beast in the world and that primitive animal might have a vital role in the ecosystem and evolution. This animal makes billions of descendants during its life, and only a couple of those descendants would grow big and fully advanced jellyfishes. Rest of them will die. The opposite version of those species are humans, which makes only couple descendants but almost every one of those descendants would grow as an adult. So there has been something in history, what made human species start to favor the high level of intelligence. If the jellyfish would be a very effective beast, that kind of primitive hunters can deny the forming of higher an...

Water covered exoplanets

Water covered exoplanets (Picture I) The exoplanets, what is covered by oceans are a fascinating thing.  The planet what would be covered by the ocean are very interesting things, and sometimes many people, including myself, would think, what kind of places those interesting planets could be? And would it be possible to swim in those very deep oceans? The thing is that many of those exoplanets have a very poisonous atmosphere, and that means that living in the surface or atmosphere of those planets is impossible. But also swimming in those oceans would be a quite different experience than swimming in the oceans of Earth. Could there be animals in those oceans? Many of those water planets are super-Earths and that means that the gravity would suck the swimmer to deep very fast, and that would cause death, even if the man is using the space suit. And the winds would make being in the atmosphere very dangerous, and at those planet...

Writing about climate changing again

Writing about climate changing again Why somebody makes contracts, but not follow them? In the research station on the Sammaltunturi, Finland is seen that everybody would not follow the contracts what are meant for stopping the increasing the level of the carbon dioxide. That means that the rising of the global temperature is rising with the higher speed and the result would be problematic. One of the problems that are causing by the warming climate is very bad, and the thing is, that the rising temperature would cause wars and epidemics as well many other things would change. And the question is, why those people will do that thing to themselves and other people? We are all living on the same planet, and we must realize that the contracts are effective, only if people would follow the orders of those contracts. If the polder dam would collapse the Netherlands will sink under the sea level The rising sea level would cause the situation, ...

The Titan moon, and its atmosphere

The Titan moon, and its atmosphere Copyright: Hardy The Titan moon, and its atmosphere On the top of this text is the David Hardy's painting of the surface of Titan, and the second image is taken by the Huygens lander from the surface of the Titan moon. The Saturnian giant moon, Titan is the only known particle in our solar system, there are lakes, what is formed by hydrocarbons. The temperature in that moon is very low, 170 degrees Celsius, and that makes possible that this moon, what is a little bit smaller than  Ganymede has the liquid hydrocarbon in the surface. The gravity field of this moon is weaker than Earth, and the person, who would wight 150 kilograms on Earth would weigh only 10 kilograms on Titan, and that would be very interesting because that thing means that the gravity field is really weak. Titan is actually very famous because if it clouds, and hydrocarbon oceans, what was predicted in the 1970s. The thing what ...

Why IQ level is decreasing if a person has financial problems?

Why IQ level is decreasing if a person has financial problems? We have only a limited number of neurons  The researchers of the University of Helsinki have noticed that the IQ level would decrease if a person has financial problems. Why the human intelligence level would decrease, while the person thinks something negative? The answer to that question is very simple and it's that worries are taking the brain capacity to other things, and there is a very good reason. Our level of intelligence depends on the number of neurons and their connections, and in the human brains is a huge number of those things. But the thing is that brains still have limited numbers of neurons and connections, and each neuron and connection of the neuron would make only one thing per time. And this means that if the person has worries some neurons are reserved for handling those things like lack of money, and that means that person, who have worries have fewer n...

Lead mask case Brazil 1966

Lead mask  case Brazil 1966 When two inmates die, there are no funny things.  There are much writings and stories about this interesting and somehow terrible case, where two persons have been found dead in Brazil in 1966, and this case has caused many theories about the death, without no reason, what could be seen in the autopsy. The reasons for that case have been found from UFOs to Nazis, who claimed to hide in the jungles, and there were rumors, that the "angels of death" or ex-SS doctors continued their horrifying experiments in the South American jungles. And in fact, famous and notorious SS-doctor "Angel of death" Josef Mengele died in Brazil 1979, and that caused the rumors that he or some other Nazis were behind this strange case, where two men were found dead without any evidence of the outer violence. The only thing what made those cases really interesting was the lead masks, what those people used when they wer...

Robots of tomorrow would eat the same nutrient with animals

Robots of tomorrow would eat the same nutrient with animals Soft, silicon core robots can act like amoebas. Nano-size fuel cells, what is looking like mitochondrial have given ideas for creating artificial cells, what would be made by silicone. Those mitochondria could also connect to normal cells. The soft robots would use special fibers for movement. Those fibers can be controlled by magnets. And they can be carbon fibers, where is the iron bites. Or in a simpler solution, the silicone bag would be filled with liquid, that reacts to magnets or electricity. That means that the electrodes, what is installed to those cells would change the form of the core. This is how natural amoebas would move in nature. If we would use the thermoelectric element we could send those robots to search volcanic areas and especially geysers and hot rivers. They could be very useful in that purpose because they could use external temperature as the electric sour...

Solar sails and nanotechnology would allow making revolutionary probes.

Solar sails and nanotechnology would allow making revolutionary probes. Solar sails can also operate in the journeys inside the solar system Solar sails are an interesting idea for the interstellar spacecraft, and if we would use the flexible materials, we might think that the solar sail would be opened at the space like the giant parachute. One of the best materials for this kind of giant solar sails would be mylar, which would be covered by the very thin silver layer, what will make the layer thin, and that denies the ions and gas atoms pass the layer. This makes it more effective. In fact, solar sails would be effective also in the shorter space trips, where small-sized probes would send to search the gas planets like Uranus and Neptune. The probes what would search the solar system might also use the solar sails, and the extreme large mylar sails might work also like the giant antennas, what would allow the probe to communicate with Eart...

Biological recon planes

Biological recon planes (Wikipedia) Use of Pigeons as the biological spy planes is not new Before Google Earth, the Pigeons have carried the cameras, and that kind of thing would be interested in the Intelligence services, what were planned to use those birds as the biological recon planes. The idea of use Pigeons for the photo reconnaissance missions was not new, and the thing bases the idea to benefit the Pigeons ability to fly back to their home in the same route where they have traveled to the place, where they are released. The camera system used microfilms and that was probably a good image from some military or prohibited areas when the Pigeons were released in the right position. Those Pigeons can be released from the modified dispenser units, where the small tank would release, and then the parachute will slow the movement, and after that, the Pigeon will be released when the hatch will open. The hunting of nuclear material....

One very remarkable idea of the military aircraft of the future

One very remarkable idea of the military aircraft of the future One of the most sophisticated military equipment in the world The heading of this article could read, that one very remarkable idea of futuristic aircraft, but the thing has no matter. The idea was to create the aircraft, what was looking a little bit the "Cylon fighter" from the TV-series "Battlestar Galactica" and then that system would be equipped with the  small "UFOs", what are actually the saucer-shaped robot systems, what could be equipped with the machine guns, what can shoot to every direction. In fact, those machine guns would be "metal storm" devices, which can operate by shooting in every direction. Or artificial intelligence can order them to shoot a certain direction. The thing is that those flying saucers can be operated as the highly sophisticated mines. That means that when they are shot from the aircraft, they can land in...

Social Darwinism and Western society

Social Darwinism and Western society What social Darwinism actually mean? Term social Darwinism means the theory, that only the strong persons are suitable for living in society, and the weak individuals would be removed, and this is the thing, what makes some people love this ideology. The Darwinism is visible in the business life because if the people would not buy merchandise from some company, that would cause the bankruptcy or as Darwin would say, the elimination from the environment. But the thing is that this way to think is not suitable for humans. We cannot leave other people dying in the streets, is the western way to think. But that is not true in every place on Earth. There are still places, where people are dying in the streets. The idea of social Darwinism is in the most exacerbating the predestination ideology of some societies. The predestination means that if the person would be born in some social class, that means that th...

Creativity is rising in poor neighborhoods

Creativity is rising in poor neighborhoods Why poor people make good music? Is that thing true? Is the creativity rising in poor families, and here we must remember one thing, the most popular music like jazz and other types of so-called folk music are coming from the poor environment, and this thing is a very interesting point of view when we are looking for the poor neighborhoods. But does the creativity really raise because of the poor environment, and when we are trying to observe that thing, we must ask another question and that is "what kind of folk music is rising in the poor neighborhoods"? In those areas, the experiences are changing the way of thinking like they always do, and when we are seeing the modern folk artists and especially the people, who are making so-called aggressive music, that thing is caused because they have seen so much violence. And the ideas for their music often come from their experiences with gangs...

There is one thing, what people should know about the Internet part XXX There is one thing, what people should know about the Internet part XXX Or there are many things, what people should know when they are using the net and one of them is that there are no anonymities. The thing is that those very addictive services and applications might be honey pots, what promises lots of things, but only real thing is that person, who uses that kind of application would be profiled as the teaser. When somebody offers the anonymity on the internet, there is a possibility, that this system would take the user to the blacklist because the willing to use the net without control would be a very good thing, what makes a person to target for tracking data and usage of the Net. If somebody wants to be anonymous and uses some kind of application to that purpose, the information of that thing would deliver immediately to the people, who are responsible for the purity of the Internet. The thing is that this information can be used to t...

Brainwashing programs

Brainwashing programs Monarch the way to make a human robot, what never say no.  On the Internet is many movies, where is claimed to introduce the methodology, what "monarch" programmers would use. In fact, many of those "facts" in those films are the things, what the religious societies use in their control processes. When we are thinking about the "occultists sings" there are not mentioned, that even every jewelry, wristwatch or jackets are mentioned as the "occultist signs", and many people believe that the "Monarch" programming or the mind control bases about some kind of rituals. There is also claiming that those persons would be the victims of the sexual harassment, but the thing is that this thing is used to make the canyon between the person, who is targeted for brainwashing and the fiends of that person. During the programming, the persons, who are under the control of that program, ...

The growing environment gives some skills

The growing environment gives some skills If the individual has grown in the middle of enemies, it would have better abilities to defend itself.  The researchers have noticed that the water striders, what growing environment would leak the smell of the beast fishes would grow the pikes against those fishes. This thing has brought the mind of the researchers the idea to let the drug addicts grow the sober children, and this would be the way to make the social immune defense against drugs. That means that those persons would have the better able to resist the addiction of the drug dealers and the chemicals, what those people would use. I don't know has somebody really made that kind of growing test, but as you see, the people, who are working with the behavioral sciences are interested in this kind of education theories, because that kind of way would able to create the persons to the service of law enforcement, who would not change their ...

Homo Floresiensis and human evolution

Homo Floresiensis and human evolution Was the Homo Floresiensis the result of the extraordinary genetic disorder? The strange skeleton, what was found from the Flores-island, Indonesia caused the reaction in the world of anthropologists because those skeletons have not similar dimensions with the normal midgets. And that thing told that there was something extraordinary in that skeleton. The thing is that sometimes is claimed that the strange skeletons have resulted in the extraordinary genetic disorder, but there is no actually proves about that thing. The skull is claimed to be so small, that those hobbits were not intelligent, but in fact, the size of the brains doesn't mean everything. Also, the number of brain cells and the connections in those cells are important. So if the neurons of the brains of Homo Floresiensis would be very networked, or the neurons would be connected to themselves, that Hobbit could be intelligent, even if ...

The mystery of the PROJECT SIGN

The mystery of the PROJECT SIGN Why the codename of the project changed two times? PROJECT SIGN was established in 1948, and it predicted two other projects, which were named as GRUDGE and BLUE BOOK. The official truth is that SIGN just changed its name and the government wanted to investigate the Foo-fighters or UFOs, how we like to name those objects. But there is a problem with the codename of that program, and sometimes somebody asks, why the codename of that project was changed? US Air Force claims that the Blue Book was officially closed in the 1960s when the Hynek's report was sent to Congress. And the thing is that 2% of the cases, what was researched remained unknown. Was PROJECT SIGN actually the spiritual program? When we are thinking about the spiritual programs, we might first think that the ghosts and spirits do not exist. The thing, what fascinated the men, who established that project was the cases, when the blind arc...

Did the wristwatch cause the destruction of the battleship Bismarck?

Did the wristwatch cause the destruction of the battleship Bismarck? Why battlecruiser Hood was not enough? In this text, I'm trying to think about the reasons, why Admiral GĆ¼nther LĆ¼tjens made the fatal error after sinking the battlecruiser Hood. The main reason for the destruction of the battleship Bismarck was that LĆ¼tjens continued his run at the North Atlantic, and that caused the situation, what is visible in the history books. The thing is that LĆ¼tjens run before taking the command of the battleship Bismarck was a disappointment. During that command, that man was commander in chief of the battlecruisers Scharnhorst and Gneisenau, and during that sail, what took over the month, that man did get any victories, and he almost lost those battlecruisers. After that sail, Adolph Hitler was really angry, but he told to understand that LĆ¼tjens was the new commander of the battleships and battlecruisers, and gave the wristwatch for a gift t...

The Tesla-version of the Big Dipper can be very devastating.

The Tesla-version of the Big Dipper can be very devastating. The idea is coming from the Tesla-coil In the 1920's Nikola Tesla tried to create the system, which allows transferring the electricity without wires. Tesla coils allowed to create a system, which made that thing possible. Tesla coil is actually the plate, what would be put another plate, what is connected to the generator, and then the coil is able to transfer electricity through the air. This idea has been transferred to the weapon technology and the idea is to equip the quadcopters by Tesla coils, which allows them to target high-voltage electricity to a certain point. Tesla-coils would allow transferring the electricity through the air. The idea of weaponizing that thing is not new, because that structure can control the route, where the electricity travels in the air. There have been ideas to make the quadcopters, what is equipped with the metal ring, and then those syste...

Do you know one coincidence of history Dyatlov Pass and engineer of Chernobyl had the same name

Do you know one coincidence of history Dyatlov Pass and engineer of Chernobyl had the same name Dyatlov was the family name of the deputy chief engineer of Chernobyl, and that man supervised the tragic accident.  Below this test is a link to a video, what is shown on the Discovery channel about Chernobyl disaster in 15-26 April 1986. Anatoly Stepanvich Dyatlov (1931-1995) has the same name as the Dyatlov Pass, the place where the most famous "unsolved case" or mystery death happened in 1959. That thing is a very interesting detail in the case of the Chernobyl catastrophe. The thing is that when we are looking at the films, what are portraying the things, what was happen in that night in 1986, we must see that the character of Dyatlov is very nervous, and that kind of things are telling that there might be something wrong with that man, who was in charge at the night, when the fatal safety test was done.