Do you know, what is the ideology of your candidate during the election? One word more about political commercials, we should know who we are voting, what is the ideology of that group, and what kind of things it supports? The thing is that what if some politician starts to act in parliament against things, what has been promised during the campaign? The problem with political campaigns is that they are made by the people, who are professional salesmen. They might write speeches to the politician, who might not even think about some things and the thing what those people, who are working in those campaigns are offering is the change to get a place in the political system. At first, those people must get a candidate, who they would sell to people, who will give votes. Sometimes some people are saying that selling a politician to the people is the same thing as selling soap to customers. But at the first sales team must get a candidate, wh would believe them. And then they must get...