Old fashion acoustic weapon systems just denied a person's ability to concentrate. The new systems are based on the idea that the soundwaves are targeted person while that person sleeps. That thing denies the ability to put things in the memory.
In some scenarios, the soundwave-based systems can drop near enemy camps. And those soundwaves would target those camps while people are sleeping. But there could be more advanced systems that can erase memories during a person's wake.
Someday there could be possible to delete memories that are stored in deep memory. Theoretically, that kind of system can base the nanotechnical microchips. The systems must just find the right memory cells. And then they just start electromagnetic stress on those cells for erasing or manipulating memories.
The new method to erase memories bases sound. The sound-based method to remove memories is one of the most interesting things in the world. That thing can use in law enforcement, the military, and at least in prison systems. There is always the possibility that persons who are working in prisons will face threats. And the violent gangs might want to pressure them. But what if the prisoners would not remember those prisonguards' names or anything they told during interrogations?
The idea of that kind of way to manipulate memories can make it possible that the people who are in the courtroom don't remember faces that they must not remember. Or on battlefields, those systems make it possible for the enemy forgets their mission. The ability to make the person forget things can also serve the learning process. When some unnecessary memories are erased, there is more space in the brain for new information.
Also, alarm systems that protect confidential information can use this kind of acoustic system. The idea is that person who enters the room without access just doesn't remember what they must do. There are old-fashion systems that base infrasound or the combination of infrasound and ultrasound. Those systems are making feeling very uncomfortable. And they are denying that person's ability to concentrate on work.
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