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Did we receive a message from a planet orbiting Proxima Centauri, the nearest star of the Sun?
So did we get the expected message from the other civilization? The fact is that we probably never get the answer to that thing. The signal was quite a short period, and if it's not repeating the exact location of the sender remains unknown. The SETI might still wait for the final answer to what another civilization could look like maybe one thousand years, or maybe we get an answer tomorrow. Life on Earth is a coincidence and the intelligent lifeform needs favorable conditions to advance.
The mass-destructions on Earth are the thing, that caused that natural selection started to favor intelligence. If the conditions on the planet are stable. A large number of descendants is enough to keep the species healthy. So the mass-extinctions are necessary for advancing intelligence. And that means that the existence of intelligent lifeforms is a very rare thing.
If there are 36 technically advanced and intelligent civilizations in the Milky Way, we can calculate that there are 36 intelligent civilizations/ 600 billion stars. But even other civilizations might not found in our galaxy they might found in other galaxies like Andromeda Galaxy what is 2,53 million light-years away from Earth. The Milky Way and Andromeda are not the only galaxies in the universe, and that means that there might be millions of technically advanced civilizations even there is only one civilization per galaxy.
So are there 36 civilizations per galaxy? The fact is that we don't know. There are no official contacts with aliens. So the thing is that the number 36 intelligent and technically advanced civilizations are only theory.
A couple of hypothetical things about the alien civilizations
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Artists impression of the UFO crash landing site (Pinterest, Vintage SciFi art)
There is a theory that the galaxies are full of dead civilizations that have destroyed themselves.
Can those dead civilizations cause a threat to the human race in the form of artificial intelligence of their automatized weapon systems?
Sometimes there is an introduced idea that the dead aliens can help the human race to advance our technology. There is a big risk, and that is that the end of civilization was the war. So the artificial intelligence-based command systems might still work, even the civilization destroyed itself. And that kind of thing can cause a risk for other civilizations.
The alien-based artificial intelligence can cause risk in many ways, and one is when the alien civilization has created the spacecraft, what might abandon the artificial intelligence can defend the crew, what is dead for a long time ago.
But then we must think about the possibility that there are dead civilizations in the universe. Can the dead civilizations be a risk for humans? Or can the civilization that exists in the Andromeda Galaxy be a risk to the human race. If those civilizations are sending the probe, what uses artificial intelligence, those probes can cause risks, if they land on Earth.
The thing is that artificial intelligence can defend the aliens, what are dead a long time ago. Or the hypothetical probe that is left from Andromeda Galaxy can wake up near the Sun. In this hypothetical scenario, the civilization would send the probe to travel between stars. And the probe can have technology that makes it shut down when it goes far away from the star.
There is the possibility that the probe could program for searching habitable planets. And when it will approach the star this hypothetical probe can just search the solar system it will activate its system. If there is a solar system around the star it might search the habitable planet, and if the planet is not found the probe will shut its systems down for saving energy.
Sooner or later the probe cannot get in contact with its senders, and then it can go to the intergalactic trajectory if the gravity sling of the black holes would push it outside the galaxy. The probe will travel billions of years in the absolute darkness and absolute zero-kelvin temperature, and then it approaches another galaxy.
If the trajectory is right it can approach the yellow star, and then the system will wake up. Then they notice one blue planet and send the sub-probes to research and observe the suitable place for establishing a colony where the colonists would come after a couple of thousands of years. But that probe would not get contact with its senders.
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Sooner or later civilization must move to other solar systems, and then those populations will separate into different species.
Even if there is only one civilization in the galaxy, they must leave their home when their star will turn to a red giant. And in that case, the hypothetical civilization will travel to other solar systems. The journey would take generations. And sooner or later the populations of our hypothetical civilization will turn to different species.
And the thing is that if the civilization is alone in its little galaxy it can advance in peace. But when the hydrogen inside the star ends the civilization must travel to the stars. And if we are thinking about the possibility that civilization will travel to another planet and another solar system their journey might take billions of years.
That means that if civilization escapes the nova-eruption of their sun, they might travel in different directions. And then the travelers would start to advance to different species. When the travel by using asteroid arks would take generations, and when they reach the habitable planet, the environment would start to affect them. And those populations will separate into different species.
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