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Showing posts from November, 2022

There is no trace of phosphine in Venus's atmosphere.

Sofia-telescope found no evidence of life on Venus. And there is no phosphine in that planet's atmosphere. So that thing means that Venus is dead.  But the question is why the first telescope saw phosphine in the Venu's clouds and then that phosphine is gone. The wrong calibration might be the problem. But how telescope couldn't detect that the source of phosphine is in Earth's atmosphere? There was not very much phosphine in Venus.  Image Sofia-telescope So maybe the reason for that trace was some chemical reaction where some volcano released phosphorous into Venus's atmosphere. And then things like lightning caused a reaction where carbon monoxide reacted with phosphorous.  There is a possibility that the lightning destroyed CO or CO^2 molecules. And then phosphorous could interact with hydrogen forming PH3. So there are no lifeforms in Venus's clouds. https://www.universetod...

Three new industries can change the world more than we ever thought.

Three new business areas are giving great opportunities. And they are also causing big threats.  Those three things are the privatization of the force, privatization of space, and privatization of internet services. Those three things are the most powerful tools in the world.  1) Privatization of force.  There are two types of privatization of the force. The military operative companies. Or so-called war companies. Actors like Blackwater and Wagner group are the most well-known private military contractors. Those companies' operators are working as military instructors. But, those mercenaries are also working in front-line duties.  The official operation sector of those military operative companies is "security". But they offer highly trained military personnel to give their services to customers.  The risk of those operators is that they can offer their services to people who are working against western values.  And some military contractors can offer thei...

Researchers found how we learn.

Knowledge about a phenomenon makes it possible to model it. When researchers observe how brain chemicals, and especially proteins behave and interact with other chemicals.  They can see how brains work while they are learning something.  We have two levels of learning, short- and long-term. Short-term memory preprocess data and then sends it through the diencephalon where the brain selects information that requires long-term storage. The need to remember things connected with negative things like danger. Memory is formed to protect us. So that's why we remember negative things better than nice things. And this is why people who have bad or aggressive behavior stay in mind. We will remember almost all the bad experiences from school times. But good things are harder back in consciousness.  And that's why our negative things sometimes dominate our discussions. Memory is one of the critical things in everyday life. Memory allows us to walk on streets. And if there are some p...

Why are researchers interested in what the attractive date profile looks like?

Attractive date profiles are a thing that interests many people because they offer a tip on what the net profiles should look like when people seek a new job on the internet. The purpose of the net profile is to cause interest in the eyes of the recruiters.  And especially marketing people can use for making attractive commercials. We can think that merchandise that commercial offers goes to date with customers. The purpose of commercials and net profiles is always to wake up interest in those things.  When people are making net profiles they are making commercials about themselves. The image that they give in the recruitment office's profile or social media is the thing that should be interesting. If the recruitment officer will not open and look at the profile, that thing causes nobody calls the candidate to interview.  The problem with net profiles is that they must be interesting that the recruiter wants even open them. This is the problem with the net profiles. We sh...

Discoveries in genetics are forming fundamental discoveries.

Researchers uncovered how the genes fold and work. And they also could manipulate the digital information stored in the DNA. Those things are making it possible to create artificial organisms. The ability to manipulate genetic information makes it possible to create a new type of computer data storage. And, of course, that ability can use to create new species.  One of the most futuristic visions is data bacteria. Those bacteria are a hybrid version of neurons and some bacteria. They can help neural systems communicate with computers.  We could create artificial bacteria that can use as data storage. The idea of that kind of bacteria is that data is stored in the bacteria's DNA. Then, the bacteria would transmit this data to microchips by using electric impulses.  When reads that DNA. The data- bacteria sends the data stored in it to the microchips. That kind of technology can make a new and powerful tool in data storage.

The black holes, and what is their relationship with eternity?

Could the Schwinger effect in black holes be the source of mysterious Hawking radiation?  Is there some outcoming radiation that comes out from the black hole? And could that thing turn the event horizon invisible? Could that outcoming radiation be the thing called "dark energy"? If that strange wave motion is coming from the fourth dimension. That radiation is invisible to detect. There is the possibility that dark energy tunnels through superstrings that are forming all elementary particles.  There is a theory that black holes are particles. That is in the fourth dimension. The idea is that when a particle jumps to the fourth dimension or otherways saying energy level that means the fourth dimension. It leaves a hole behind it. That hole is the channel where the radiation from that fourth dimension comes from that super-high energy level.  And the reason why we cannot see the singularity is that there is some kind of counter-radiation or wave motion that will pull energ...

Researchers extend the lifetime of the qubit.

Image 1: Molecular qubit Researchers extended the lifetime of the molecular qubits. Many things are making molecular qubits interesting tools in quantum computing.  Researchers can create molecular qubits by putting some atoms (like krypton, helium, gold, etc.) in the fullerene molecule. Then they are driving information to that atom. Then that atom sends the information to the fullerene core. And after that, the fullerene core will transmit the data to the multiple receiving sensors. If that system uses a C60 molecule. That allows the creation of a qubit that has 60 channels.  Image 2: C60 Fullerene Also, receivers have numbers. The system uses numbered data segments. So the data line will delete all other segments than the segment whose number matches the number of the data line. So when data arrives at line 5 the receiver destroys all other data segments than segment number 5. And that allows putting the data row into pieces. Then the system turns the data row into a line....

The Bluetooth headsets are multi-use tools.

Do you know that the Bluetooth headset can use as an eavesdropping tool? In that case, the eavesdropper must only put the Bluetooth headset where the microphone is in the room. And then connect their laptop or mobile telephone to that headset. The requirement is that the blue tooth is in the range of that tool.  The fact is that operators can use Bluetooth devices through the walls. Sometimes computers are accidentally connected to the wrong printers. And that caused embarrassing situations. If the attacker leaves the headband headset connected to the mobile telephone in the room. That thing makes it possible to record everything that happens in that room.  And that kind of headset is one of the remarkable risks to privacy. There is a possibility. By hacking the Bluetooth headset. The hacker can target psychological warfare like subliminal commands to the victim. But even if that thing is not possible hacking the Bluetooth set can cause a situation where hackers hear everythin...

The Ingenuity helicopter got its new software. And Perseverance-rover found an organic-looking chemical compound from Mars.

NASA:s Ingenuity helicopter can use to research how to navigate without the GPS.  The Ingenuity helicopter flies over Mars, and one of the problems with this kind of system is simple: how to navigate without the GPS? There are many possibilities for how to replace traditional GPS by using some other systems. One system what that robot helicopter can use in that kind of operation is TAINS (Terrair contour matching and Aided Intertial navigation system). The camera in the helicopter takes images from its route.  And when the helicopter needs to return. The computer compiles images that the helicopter takes with new images. The camera sends that data to the flight-control computer. The inertial or gyroscope navigation can support return.  The gyroscope can record the entire flight route and then the helicopter must just drive that route backward. The TAINS system is a combination of TERCOM (Terrain contour matching) and gyroscope navigation. This kind of navigation system is...

In 1992 Donated twin embryos were successfully born.

Researchers put 1992 identical twin embryos in the cryostat. And today those twins were born. Those embryos were gifted to science, and then they are stored in nitrogen. These kinds of experiments are interesting.  Those embryos are aborted before researchers stored them in liquid nitrogen. And then, after 30 years, they were born. These kinds of things are interesting things.  Because the researchers must guarantee the parent's position. And that thing includes the children's right to know about their background. There is the possibility that those people feel anger against their biological parents.  In that case, there is a possibility. That this kind of research is limited to the deliverer's lifetime. That means the researchers should make those research must do after the deliverers are dead. This kind of thing is serious. We must concern about the human rights of those born children.  When we think about embryos, that returned to life after spending 30 years in l...

The Internet connects but also separates people.

Automatized AI-based language translators like Google Translate make all of us language specialists. This kind of AI-based solution can translate almost every text or speech into any other language. When that kind of system translates speech, it uses speech to text-application, then it translates the language to English. And after that, it translates English into some other language.  These kinds of tools are effective and free translation tools. And they are easy to use. So they are making social media applications more effective and fun. But the language and Internet are also making this kind of system dangerous. We must realize that language is not just spoken words. Language is body language but it's also culture. And if people don't realize that, it can cause problems. The thing is that people must realize that some other people might have different cultural backgrounds. And that person might have different opinions.  At this point, people misunderstand that we always mus...

James Webb telescope gives new data about exoplanet WASP-39b.

Above: artist's vision of the exoplanet WASP-39b WASP-39b is hot Saturn. Its mass is 0,94 times Saturn and 0,28 times Jupiter. The size of that exoplanet is 1,5 times Jupiter.  And the reason for that is WASP-39b orbits so close to its sun. The distance to the WASP-39 system is 700 light years.  The WASP-39 is a G-spectral class star. And that means star WASP-39 is quite similar to the Sun.  The size of that star is slightly smaller than our Sun. And that makes the WASP-39b so interesting. There are known many gas giants that are orbiting M-type red dwarfs in close distance.  But quite a small (read low-mass) gas planet that orbits quite a hot star very close is interesting. M-type red dwarfs have solar systems, where all planets are orbiting inside the distance of planet Mercury from their sun. But the WASP 39 is much hotter than some Gliese 581.  The trajectory of WASP-39b is closer than the trajectory of Mercury. And the intensive heat causes the gas giant to...

What is the brand? And why should investors avoid bad brands?

In marketing courses, people always talk about the brand. They are saying that some company is a good brands. Or some company is a bad brands. The manufacturer of the product is an important thing. The manufacturer is part of the reputation of the product.  And one of the reasons for that is simple. The manufacturer is one of the things that are forming the reputation. Things like well-known car manufacturers are the thing that is guaranteed service and high-quality products.  The stock exchange prices are important for investors. But the reputation of the company is always important. If the company is involved in corruption or some other bad-looking activities, that thing causes bad things to investors. And in the worst cases, the wrong investments and bad brands are causing prosecutions or the loss of the investor's reputation.  Things that are making brand are:  *Stock exchange price *Company *Is the company's way operate openly?  *How the company reacts to p...

Mathematics plays a big role in encryption algorithms.

When hackers broke the Pentagon's top-secret quantum encryption algorithm in less than an hour. We are facing one thing. People who are making algorithms are not good at mathematics.  Theoretically, extremely long (quantum) prime numbers are effective tools for ASCII code multiplication and division. They should make the code unbreakable.  But there is one thing that we must realize: if the prime number is easy to guess even the best of the algorithms are useless. The heart of the encryption software is the prime number generator. That prime number generator is the equation that forms prime numbers. And then the system multiplicates ASCII codes with those prime numbers.  The equation that creates the prime number is normally the Riemann hypothesis (conjecture). If the user waits too short a time. The computer will not generate enough prime numbers. And in that case, the attacker can use brute force for breaking the code. In that case, the attacking computer just creates p...

Nobody is safe in the information superhighway.

The key element in modern data security is that all data that travels in the network is hostile. That means all routers, wifi-support stations and all other components like individual computers must have antivirus and firewalls. One memory card where a virus can pollute the entire network if somebody puts it in the computer or mobile device. And that's why the security team must protect all components that connect to the LAN segment.  So the difference between past and modern ways to protect the LAN  is this. In the past, the network is surrounded by a firewall and antivirus. In the modern version, all data in the network is hostile. And whenever data travels through the router or switch antivirus checks the code. Also, things like bandit stations which are routers whose mission is to transmit data out from the net are made impossible to connect by denying the operations of the fixed LAN gates.  There are always weaknesses in the systems. Even if the quantum encryption an...

New instruments are uncovering secrets of the cosmos.

"This illustration shows NASA’s IXPE spacecraft, at right, observing blazar Markarian 501, at left. A blazar is a black hole surrounded by a disk of gas and dust with a bright jet of high-energy particles pointed toward Earth. The inset illustration shows high-energy particles in the jet (blue). Credit: NASA/Pablo Garcia" ( Solve 40-Year-Old Black Hole Jet Mystery With NASA’s IXPE) AI makes system possible to follow the changes of the objects in the skies. The systematic observations of the high-energy objects in the universe are uncovering new details in their reactions. The eruption period of white dwarfs, neutron stars, and black holes is quite stable. And that if there is some kind of explosion or nova eruption in white dwarfs that means something impacted those things. Same way if there are differences in the radiation that a black hole sends that tells it eats something.  The new satellite called IXPE observed a black hole called Markarian...

The ICT-business: the symbol of the plastic time.

Image: Pinterest Plastics are the synonym for disposable products. Plastic crocks or plastic clogs were once megatrends. Crock-shoes were single-used if we compare them with real clogs. And that thing is one example of products that are made of plastic. Crock-shoes would not stand so long as real clogs. But they became one of the megatrends.  When we think about plastic and ICT business. We are in the middle of the plastic world. This text is written using a plastic computer. The man who writes this text sits on a plastic chair. And that man looks at the plastic clock. That tells when it's time to meet the boss.  The characteristic of the ICT business is single-use programmers. Replacing programmers or coders in this business is very easy. Those people are learning some new megatrends in this business.  Then the new megatrend replaces the old one. And the new thing requires new skills. And that means the old worker's skills are old-fashion. So changing the programming env...

The QRIP or Quick Reaction Instrumentation Package can make the F-35 even more effective.

Lockheed Martin F-35 "Lightning II" The football-sized device called  Quick Reaction Instrumentation Package or QRIP can store data from F-35. And then, that system can use for the R&D process at both technical and tactical levels. The AI can analyze this data and scale adjustments that the AI needs to make the system, even more, better across the F-35 fleet. And that data can use to increase the effectiveness of cooperation with other units like the navy and ground forces.  That kind of instrument can put also in the "loyal wingman" or some other "trap drone" whose mission is to record the data about enemy reactions. The purpose of trap drones is to make the enemy affect the incoming attacks and record things like radar signals and enemy communication.  The trap drone sends that data to the F-35 and then the AI can adjust the jammer systems to the most effective level. Things like intelligent radar systems that are giving counter-waves can improve the...

The new devices are traveling in deep oceans.

The problem with small robots that patrol the ocean and measure pollution and other things is their power source. Nuclear power or RTG (plutonium batteries)  is a powerful tool. But those things are dangerous in the wrong hands. Things like nuclear submarines could load electricity to the photovoltaic cells of those machines by using lasers. But the problem is that navy might want to use their nuclear-powered submarines for many other purposes.  The new algae-powered soft devices can be fundamental in the research of independently operating nano- and miniature machines. One of the biggest problems with independently operating nanomachines is the power source. The system can use synthetic, lab-grown muscle cells.  They are connected to tiny electric wires. And nanotechnical microchips are not using very much energy. The problem is how to make those tiny machines operate in deep dark places.  And one of the solutions is to use bioluminescence. In that case, the miniatu...

The standardized probability variable and its role in the study

We are all heard of the standard probability variable. But many people do not know what this thing means. The "standard variable" means the criteria used for choosing the participants or actors for research. The ability to handle those variables is the thing that gives results to the researcher.  When the researcher makes research. One of the key elements to getting real information out from research is to know what those "standard probability variables are". The researcher must know the research team's criteria for selecting the sample. That is under research. When researchers are researching things like viruses they must realize one thing.  HIV infection makes all organisms dangerous for those patients. Same way. That is one version of the co-effect that boosts the effect of the primary variable.  In COVID-19 statistics the primary variable is COVID-19. But co-variables ("booster variables") are HIV infection or weak immune defense.   If the patient ...