The element 106, seaborgium (Sg), and could it replace the depleted uranium?
The thing, that would be different in the modern alchemy than in the ancient version of alchemy is that in classic chemistry the chemists could effect only on the electron layer of the atom. In the modern world alchemy is the ability to create new elements by using the particle accelerators, which are colliding ions in the long tube. That thing makes possible to create the environment, where the new particles would be formed by using fusion technology.
So when we are looking at the periodic table of elements, we can see that there are lots of elements, that are created artificially. The difference between those physically produced elements like Lawrencium (Lr) and the insulated elements like Radium (Rn) is that the first one is not found an entire universe, but they can produce limitless.
The thing is that some of the chemical similarities between the actinides and stable elements, we can notice that element seaborgium (Sg) (atomic number 106) has similar chemical features with the wolfram (W), which is commonly used in anti-tank projectiles. So what if we would replace the wolfram by using seaborgium?
The problem is that the half-time of the longest living seaborgium isotope Ā²ā¶ā¹Sg is 14 minutes. So making the next thing true that element must be produced in the tank or aircraft by using the very advanced particle accelerator. So this is why this kind of research is only a theoretical level, but maybe by using nanotechnology, what is making an extremely small crystal of seaborgium, what can be made in the chamber and then put on the nose of the bullet.
The needed elements would be shoot in the chamber by using the accelerator, what has been made by using the nanotubes, what are injecting the alpha-decays (helium ions) to californium 249 target, same way what was used in the first time production of seaborgium(1). So if that system couƶd install in the aircraft, that allows creating the thing, what makes GAU-8 "Avenger" look like a toy.
In this solution on the front of the ammunition would be the bite of the californium, and then the system would target the alpha-ray injection to that point. That thing allows creating seaborgium at the vehicle. Another way is to cover the ammunition like wolfram sabot by a thin layer of the californium and then start the alpha bombardment.
That kind of projectile would replace the uranium ammunition and the fission effect and the penetration of the ammunition would be better because of the hardness of the uranium in the Mohs-scale is 6 and I predict that the hardness of seaborgium with the same scale is 7,5. So that thing could combine the benefits of uranium and wolfram ammunition.
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