Magic crystals and could that kind of thing existed?
1) Magic crystals can be used as the control tool, which is used as the object in brainwashing. Those crystals can be shown to a person and give the opium for the victim at the same time. So that means that person would conditioning to that kind of merchandise.
When we are looking at some things like "magic crystals", we might think that this kind of thing is possible in three ways. And if we want to research those things, we should know the effect of those things, before we are starting to make any decisions about that kind of phenomenon. So do those crystals make something or do those things have only the "placebo effect" is important to find out.
Things like "placebo effect" is really easy to make by using some narcotic chemicals like opium, and then show those crystals at the same time to the victim. So by using that method, the person can be a condition to identify the crystal or some other merchandise to the good feeling, and that would make those crystals very effective control tools. So most of the "magic merchandise" are tools, that are used to control people.
If the victim would follow the rules and please the master, that person would see the green crystal, and get the dose of opium, and if a person would not follow commands, that would cause that the red crystal will show to that victim. And if the action is not accepted the opium would not be given. That is one of the best ways to control groups in a closed environment.
2) The cells of a person can be stored in crystals. And if those cells, what are taken during the circumcision would be used as the resonance tool, that thing can be used to make the effective resonance weapon.
But of course, the crystals can have real effects. If the crystal, what is loaded with electricity would put on the pleasure center of the brains, that thing might give the electric stress straight to that point. So this kind of thing can cause the tales of the magic crystals.
And the question is, could the magic crystals kill people. By using electric shocks the answer is yes. If the voltage that is stored in crystals is high enough, that kind of thing can store electricity, which causes a lethal electric shock.
But there is another thing, what makes crystals deadly, and the thing is that they can be made by using some material like copper sulfate, and the cells of the people can be stored in those cells, what can be taken as an example in the circumcision, what gives an effective tool to the controlling class to make a thing, what is called as resonance weapon. Or the glance of teeth can be stored in that kind of thing, and then if the person would not follow the rules that bite of glance would be connected to the violin. And the resonance can cause the pain, what people would not even think about.
So if the person doesn't please the superior that would make things like putting the crystal, where those cells are to the resonating tool, and then that resonance can be used to the targeted person. This is one way to control people like high-priests or extremely highly trained military personnel. When we are thinking about resonance that kind of effect is effective tools, but in the past, when people didn't know about the effect of that kind of thing, that would create the vision about magic power.
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