The next-generation microscope
1) The next-generation optical microscopes allow seeing the interaction of the single enzyme molecule
Free-electron lasers can send extremely shortwave radiation, which has the diameter of the electron. If the researchers would want to create an optical microscope, what would see the single atoms or electrons, they must take a single proton or electron to the chamber, and the just shake that particle by electromagnetic stress.
That thing makes the proton or electron send the electromagnetic radiation, which allows seeing the structures of the subatomic particle. So what we could do with that kind of system? The optical microscope that could see single atoms allows researchers to see how single molecules react in the living cells. This thing allows the observation of the interaction of the protein-and enzyme molecules in the cell.
2) What would researchers will do with a microscope, what sees single protons?
And one of the greatest dream mysteries was the dream, where the snake bite it's a narrow tail in the fire. And that dream made Friedrich KĆ©kule realizing that the benzene molecule was circular the ring of six carbon atoms. The reality is that the laser microscopes, which operate in the frequencies that are shorter than the diameter of carbon atoms have shown that KĆ©kule was right.
The scanning tunnel microscope works like the stylus of a gramophone. It puts the atom or ion hover over the layer, and that thing gives the very high accuracy to that system. But what if the ion would be replaced by a single electron? That would create extreme accuracy for that system, and the most extreme accuracy for the microscope can be created by using quarks, and the name of that system can be a "quantum microscope". Also extremely short wave electromagnetic radiation can benefit in that kind of research.
3)The quantum microscope, where the scanning tunnel microscope uses a single electron can revolutionize science
And sometimes I wonder how the structural formulas of the molecules are made before the laser, and scanning tunnel microscopes. The thing is that when we want to send the electromagnetic radiation, what has a certain frequency, we must use certain size atoms. So what if we would put the proton, the hydrogen ion or even the electron on the stylus of the scanning tunnel microscope? And could we someday create the quark or quantum microscope, what is using a single quark in the stylus of the scanning tunnel microscope?
That thing allows us to create a microscope, which would see the structure of single protons and neutrons. That allows us to see the nucleus of the atoms through the electron layer. And that thing is one of the most fascinating ability, what the microscope can have. So what would we do with the stylus, what can aim the radiological stress to the extremely small area, what is the size of the nucleus of the atom?
That ability would allow researchers to move single atoms and put them in the right place in the extremely complicated molecules. That thing allows creating single molecules for the purpose, where the abilities of the molecule wanted to test by following their actions when they are contacting with enzymes and atoms.
The stylus, what can aim the radio wave to the nucleus of the atom could adjust the size of the atoms by pulling the electron layer to the nucleus. That thing would make possible to make the atoms smaller, and that thing causes the possibility, that someday we could adjust the size of the merchandise like aircraft and ships. But those visions might be part of tomorrow.
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