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Showing posts from April, 2020

Can the laptop-size quantum computer be possible?

Can the laptop-size quantum computer be possible? The answer to that question is that the interface of the quantum computer can be operated through the Internet by using VPN-connection and in this case, the remote-operation system can be connected to a laptop wirelessly. If the connection is fast the solution is working smoothly and effectively.  Because of the remote-operated quantum computer acts like web-server and the computing happens in the quantum system. The quantum computer will send the solution for the problem to the remote computer, and the things, that hold slowing that process are the limits of the laptop and WLAN-system. Why quantum computer is so effective When we are looking at the 500 most powerful supercomputers in the world, we are seeing that those machines are impressive. But those systems have only the one layer, where they can process information, and this is the thing, that makes people think about creating quantum computers. The thing, what ma...

Nanotubes and binary computers are acting like human brains in quantum computers

1) Nanotubes and binary computers are acting like human brains in quantum computers The quantum computer and abiogenesis are things, which are near each other. The quantum computer can control the manufacturing platforms like human controls the same systems. But what would be the form of this magnificent machine?  And the thing in this kind of system is the ability to process its data is depending on the layers of the qubit. The qubit delivers data to the binary computer or the algorithm that will transfer and translate that data to the operating system that will run over the binary microprocessor. The mission of those layers is to translate the multi-dimensional data to a binary form that it can read from the screen.  The qubit can be the ball-shaped structure, which travels inside the nanotubes, and inside that fullerene, the ball is the molecule that is frozen in the extremely cold temperature, and when that molecule touches the internal layer of the ball,...

The element 106, seaborgium (Sg), and could it replace the depleted uranium?

The element 106, seaborgium (Sg), and could it replace the depleted uranium? The thing, that would be different in the modern alchemy than in the ancient version of alchemy is that in classic chemistry the chemists could effect only on the electron layer of the atom. In the modern world alchemy is the ability to create new elements by using the particle accelerators, which are colliding ions in the long tube. That thing makes possible to create the environment, where the new particles would be formed by using fusion technology.  So when we are looking at the periodic table of elements, we can see that there are lots of elements, that are created artificially. The difference between those physically produced elements like Lawrencium (Lr) and the insulated elements like Radium (Rn) is that the first one is not found an entire universe, but they can produce limitless.  The thing is that some of the chemical similarities between the actinides and stable element...

Why the manipulation of dreams is dangerous?

Why the manipulation of dreams is dangerous? 1) The dream manipulation could be the next-generation psychological interrogation, which will break the victim.  The manipulation of dreams can be the ultimate tool for interrogation staff. That thing can cause that the victim is unable to sleep, because of nightmares. And that thing makes it easier to break the will of those individuals. The manipulation can be given by stimulating the areas, what is controlling fear by using the electromagnetic stimulation.  When we are thinking about the possibility, that somebody would control the dreams of people, we can remember the horror-movie series "Nightmare on Elm Street", where the dead serial killer came in the dreams of the people. The thing is that this story based the old legend of the witch, which could transfer its mind to the babies.  There are many legends of this kind of topic, and one is that the "Men in Black", what are connected to UFOs...

Could black holes be wormholes?

Could black holes be wormholes? Can the black hole be the wormhole? That is one of the best questions in the world. The second question, what is the same way interesting is, are every black holes wormhole. This is one of the most important things, what we should think when we are trying to make theories about the wormholes and their effect on space-time.  So the form of the wormhole is the energy tunnel through space and time, but then we must ask is the wormhole, if it exists the common effect between two black holes or is it the thing, what is possible only between supermassive black holes? The idea is that when the black hole would send the gamma-ray radiation through space and the radiation touches another gamma-ray radiation ray, what comes from another black hole, that thing creates the energy bridge between those black holes.  There are six important questions about wormholes 1) Are both sides of wormhole pulling the material inside the wormhole? ...

A large number of neurons guarantee that the damage of the brains is always minimum

A large number of neurons guarantee that the damage of the brains is always minimum  When we are looking at the brains of the people, we might think that they are acting like an extremely interesting and sophisticated assembly line, what mission is to generate new things. The thing is that in the assembly line is working lots of people, and the missions of those people have been cut to the most minimum parts, what it can be cut. When lots of people are working with the products, the bad job of one worker in the process can cause the most minimum damage, which is possible. And then we can replace the word "worker" by using "neuron" we are realizing the reason, why there are so many neurons in the brains of humans.  In the brains is so many neurons, because each neuron handles only one mission, and that thing means that if there are damages in those areas the damage, what the destruction of one neuron causes is minimum. The thing, that the brains can ...

And what is the description of robots?

And what is the description of robots? When we are looking at the film "Modern times", what was produced, directed, and manuscript by Charles Chaplin, who also portraits the main character in that movie, we must ask one question for ourselves "would we want to work in that factory?". The thing is that this film was one of the masterpieces of that time, and when somebody says that Chaplin should not do that thing or some people are not like that movie, the answer is that the people make their own decisions what they want to see in movie theaters.  Somebody says that this way to work in the assembly line is the most effective way to work. But then we must face the truth, and if somebody claims that way to work is funny or pleasing, I must ask how many times that person has been worked in that assembly line. Henry Ford (1863-1947)(1) was one of the greatest capitalists in history, and the result of his company was magnificent, but the problem was that ...

Does the robot or artificial intelligence moral?

Does the robot or artificial intelligence moral? Here we are facing one of the most remarkable things, what we always have forgotten about robotics, and that is that a robot is a machine. The same way we might ask does the front loader or car some kind of moral or does the stone have a moral? The thing is that every solution, what computer or robot makes is programmed by the programmer. And here we are coming to one other remarkable thing. The combat robots, what are the most feared killing machines on our planet are only the top of the developing and evolution, what became from the Roman catapults, the most common hobby for mankind seems to kill other mankind. And this is one of the saddest and at the same time the most interesting thing in the history of evolution. Why we are so violent species? When we are thinking about the nanomachines or robot bugs they can be the next-generation weapons of mass destruction. The robot bugs would be released to the combat zone, and the...

Now it's good time to think about the future

Now it's good time to think about the future Somebody said that year 2020 is the worst in human history, because of the coronavirus. But I think that when we are sitting in quarantine and afraid every single cough, we can make some productive things, and think deeply, where the world is going on. The thing is that the best and the most effective way to limit the pandemics is prohibiting the flying because that thing is so fast, that the symptoms of the person would not start in the aircraft. So if we would travel by using slower methods, the quarantine can be start and the ship can be isolated. But the thing is that this might look too absurd.  The problem is that the natural resources are ending, and that's why we should think, where to find the new energy sources, and the second problem is how to fix the nature and technology together, that this mixture will serve both human and Earth. The thing is that things like traditional energy sources are ending sooner o...

This kind of system could be installed on old aircraft

   This kind of system could be installed on old aircraft Sometimes we have heard that USAF has been transformed the old good F-117 "Nighthawks" to drones. When we are thinking about the way to turn some aircraft to the drone, we must realize that the simplest thing, what we could do is simply build the man-looking robot, what would step in the aircraft, and then just start to fly that machine. Every connection and communication system can simply be installed to the robot by using USB- wire and electric cable, and everything that is including the mission can install into that robot. So if the robot must just fly to some area, drop the bomb and return home it doesn't need very sophisticated technology. The robot must just pull the aircraft up from the ground, and then the mission can be loaded to the bomb, which can be dropped automatically. The only thing that robot must do is pull the wheels up, and then the autopilot, where is right flight altitude set would f...