Why physics don't think and philosopher think?
When physics make something, that person is connected to the observations, what has been made. That means physics must make every decision by using the tools like particle accelerators and prove every single word, what that person says, and the thing, what makes the life of physics sometimes really boring is that they must reserve those physical tools for their tests. And every part of the life of physics is connected to the material and nothing else can exist than material. The thing, what makes the life of physics so stiff is the need to prove those things.
But here we must say that the philosopher must also prove the things, what that person claims. But the proof must be done by using the rhetoric method. In real life philosophy or pure philosophy, the philosopher must use language and rhetorics to make the opponent become convicted that the thing, what the philosopher says is the truth. So the philosopher should not make empiric tests in the work. In some claiming physics just conducts things what that person sees to the form of doctoral dissertation.
So what is the doctor of philosophy?
Philosopher has the freedom to take also other dimensions in the work than physics. That means that the philosopher would take the spiritual aspect along with material if that person can convict people that the thing, what philosopher claims is true by using rhetoric way to confuse people. So that's why the philosophy is a more flexible thing than some kind of physics.
When we are thinking about the doctoral degree of philosophy, we must understand that the doctors of mathematics and many other abstract sciences are actually the doctors of philosophy. And here we can think that mathematics is so-called empiric science, but it is actually also the part of philosophy or abstract science. When we are thinking about the doctoral thesis about mathematics, we are facing thing, that the word of mathematics is an abstract word.
Every single part of that thesis must be made by using the methodology, what mathematics has been accepted. And every single part of mathematics bases the thing, that we have ten fingers. That thing has brought us the numeric system, where we are using the decimal system, what bases the number ten. And somebody has thought that what if the Sumerian high priest, what has accepted the numeric system would be lost one finger. Would that mean that we would have a decimal system, what bases the number 9?
Or what if some mathematicians would create an idea that the calculations would go linear way. That means that the brackets would not have mean, and the multiplication would not have a special place in the formula? So what kind of world would be in that kind of cases? Would it somehow different than it is today?
Of course, there are numbers, what has no opponent in the normal life. Those numbers are called as the complex numbers, and that thing is a little bit interesting. The complex numbers have two points in coordinates. And that means that we cannot use them in real life.
The real number is the thing, what we can calculate normally, but the complex part, what is above the coordinates of Y-axel is impossible to model in some shops. But that kind of numbers is the product of very clever mathematicians use of brains. Those things are a really interesting way to think.
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