The artificial DNA can use as the "genomes" of the "Von Neumann machine".
The term "artificial DNA" means simply the chemical computer program or program where data is stored in the chemical form. The artificial DNA is only the chain of ions. So it means it's not similar to human DNA. It's quite easy to create artificial DNA.
When we think about the computer program that involves data how the Von Neumann machine will make copies of itself. The data that the system requires in this kind of process can be stored in the punched tape. The microfilm can use for that mission. The system can read the microfilm by using the photovoltaic cells.
When the frame will let the light go through the value is one. And when the light will not go through the frame the value would be zero. This kind of system can use store data on how to boot the system. Or how to make copies of the robot.
The idea of this kind of ROM (Read Only Memory) has been introduced to use in the computers of the interstellar spacecraft. The physical or chemical program code would make sure that the supercomputer of the spacecraft can boot itself if there are some problems.
The physical or chemical computer code can be like the genome of the artificial organism.
And the quantum computer can be the brains of that machine. The other binary computers require for transmitting data from sensors to that system. And also the binary computers interact with quantum computers and other systems.
The artificial DNA would be the row of positive and negative ions. Then the magnets are pulling those ions to the sensors. The positive ion could be zero and anion (negative ion) can be one. So that means data can be stored in the binary form in that simple ion chain.
This kind of chemical computer program can be used as data storage that uses binary data form. In cases that this kind of computer program involves the instructions on how the self-replicating robot or Von Neumann machine creates its copy. That kind of system doesn't need any kind of quantum computer.
The quantum computer is like the brains of the artificial- self-replicating organism. And the chemical computer program is like the genomes of the organism.
The idea of the silicon-based lifeforms is basing the idea that a similar molecule with DNA can control the growth of the crystals. Those lifeforms would be the "crystal flower" rather than any moving organisms. So the silicon-based lifeform can mean crystals and auto replicating molecules. That means those "lifeforms" are living because they can replicate themselves and produce descendants. But those DNA-controlled crystals cannot move. And that means there is not probably any kind of moving animals on that hypothetical planets.
That kind of theoretical DNA controlled crystal has given an idea of the artificial organism which can use a chemical computer program or artificial DNA as the ROM (Read Only Memory). And the RAM which is similar to our thinking process would base the electronic computer. In that case, the chemical computer program or "artificial DNA" is the thing that controls the self-replication of the machine.
The Von Neumann machine can use artificial DNA as its ROM memory. In that chemical memory would store the instructions for making the copy of the machine. The artificial DNA would be in the same role. That the genomes are playing in living organisms.
Machine learning would help that self-replicating machine to analyze what it can make better. And then it can make changes in its chemical computer program that plays a similar role with our genomes. That means the self-replication orders of that machine would store in the chemical memory.
Image: Pinterest
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