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The cold areas in the cosmic microwave background are a mystery


 The cold areas in the cosmic microwave background are a mystery

Image 1:

The empty area in the cosmic background is visible in the WMAP image. There is also another similar area in the middle of the image. And those so-called "cold areas" (also known as "Bubble of nothingness" or empty bubbles" ) are things that are causing discussions.  Those areas are marked in image 2. 

The reason why that microwave image is not homogeneous is a mystery. There was something that caused shadow in the comic background. There is possible that black holes pulled radiation and material out from those areas. Theoretically, somewhere in the universe could be the black holes in which the event horizon can be larger than even galaxies. But the question is, where those black holes are?

Empty areas are the cold points in the cosmic microwave map. They are like shadows that some object left in the shine of the Big Bang. In some theories, those empty areas are formed because there was an impact on another universe.

Image 2: 

Or the supermassive black holes outside the universe would pull the matter from those points. The fact is that there should not be black holes out of the universe, because those black holes would vaporize. Image 3 shows the observable universe. As you see, the material and galaxies are like in ball-shaped form. And if the black hole is out of that material core, that thing can cause that it's invisible. 


Image 3:  "Artist's logarithmic scale conception of the observable universe with the Solar System at the center, inner and outer planets, Kuiper belt, Oort cloud, Alpha Centauri, Perseus Arm, Milky Way galaxy, Andromeda galaxy, nearby galaxies, Cosmic Web, Cosmic microwave radiation and the Big Bang on the edge" (Wikipedia Commons)

(The reason why Earth seems to be in the middle of the universe is that the observer would stay near it. So when the observer is making the ball-shaped image there is an optical trick. That the observer seems to be in the middle of the ball.)

(If an observer makes a ball-shaped image of the universe. That person seems to be in the middle of the universe. That is one of the most interesting optical illusions in the world.)


The fact is that the supermassive black hole must position only away from a material plate of the universe that it can remain unseen. The thing is that there are no holes in the empty areas in the universe. There is only less dense material or radiation in those cold spots. So the energy load of those points is smaller than other places in the universe. 

And that means something has pulled even radiation away from those points. The thing that made that thing could be a black hole. If the thing that created those cold spots is a black hole. That means the place of the black hole is ahead of the radiation. So the black hole must be born before the material and energy released to the universe during the Big Bang. 

The cosmic background image is introducing cosmic background that is like an echo from the Big Bang. The thing is that if somebody caused that the cold areas of the cosmic background are formed by something that causes shadow in that background. Another answer could be that there is some kind of asymmetry in the cosmic background. So was the Big Bang release some kind of flares during that case?

Image 1:

Image 2:

Image 3:
