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Why cold spots are forming in the cosmic microwave background? ( The cold areas in the cosmic microwave background are a mystery Part II)


Why cold spots are forming in the cosmic microwave background? ( The cold areas in the cosmic microwave background are a mystery Part II)

There is a couple of theories. That could explain the cold areas in the WMAP image above this text. That theory is that the so-called cannibal effect of dark matter is causing those cold areas. That means that the energy flow between the dark and visible material adjusts the size of some subatomic particles in that area and turns the material invisible.

In some other theory, the particle flow that came outside the universe could cause this kind of effect. If those particles hit those areas came outside the universe. This means that their speed would be slowing. The speed of light is always on the top. But outside the universe, the photons travel faster than in the universe. 

And the same thing is happening with all other particles. So when the particles are hitting the universe. They are releasing their energy in the wave movement. This wave movement can push the particles and wave movement out from the areas where they hit. That wave movement is forming when a particle slows its speed to the level of the speed of light in the universe. A similar effect is seen in nuclear reactors. And it's called Cherenkov radiation. 

But forming those empty or cold areas requires an enormous energy impact. The thing is that the reason for those cold holes could be also the eruption that happens after the Big Bang. The thing is that the particles that hit those points and cause the forming of the cold areas must travel faster than the core material of the universe is traveling. 

There could be black holes outside the universe. If they formed of dark matter. 

So at this point, I must say that sometimes I have thought that could the reason for the cold areas of the cosmic microwave background some kind of wormhole. When the wormhole forms it travels like two black holes in the universe until the ends of that thing are impacting. 

During that journey, the ends of the wormholes could act like the normal black holes and "eat material away from their journey. So is there some kind of black hole in the point where the Big Bang happened? And could there be other universes where is similar black holes? 

The thing is that some black holes might be formed just after the Big Bang. And part of the material dropped back to the point of the Big Bang and formed the giant black hole. The black hole is the only known object that can form by dark matter or visible material. So there can theoretically be black holes outside the universe if they are formed of dark matter. 

A couple of things. About the speed of light and Einstein's Theory of special relativity. 

In a normal universe, nothing can cross the speed of light or the speed of the photon. Inside the universe, the speed of light is the cosmic speed limit except in the black holes. The thing is that outside the material. Of the universe, nothing can limit the speed of light. So if we would travel outside the ball that we call the universe, we could travel faster than light travels inside our universe. 

The question is: where we could travel we if there are no other universes? The thing is that the existence of another universe is not enough that we could even see that thing. Another universe must be forming of the similar material that creates our universe. So there might be multiple other universes that are formed of dark matter. And the thing is that dark matter could form universes.

And the existence of the universe doesn't mean that there is a single planet or star inside it. Another universe could be the cloud of dark matter. But the fact is that nobody knows does dark matter forms planets and stars. So let's go back to the cold areas in the cosmic microwave background. The thing is that if some dark universe has caused those areas. That means that the material should be seen by using some telescopes. 

Or maybe some kind of cosmic energy eruption caused that the protons and neutrons are destroyed because the quarks got too much energy and quantum annealing pushes them away. The energy flow could explain why there are cold spots in cosmic background radiation. If there is no material in some places there is no scattering in those areas. So the cosmic background would not reflect or interact with the material. That means that those areas would seem to be colder than other areas. 

So if there is no reflective interaction between a material and cosmic background that means the microwaves are traveling through that area and the thing that the observer can see are the microwaves that are coming straight to the observer. There are no sideways going microwaves. 

Or no microwave can cause the electromagnetic oscillation of the atoms in those cold areas. When energy load hits the particle. It sends the extra energy away from it in the form of wave movement. If there is no extra particle there is no that kind of wave movement. And those areas are so-called cold areas. But what forms them? That is a mystery. Are they evidence of other universes or some more fascinating thing?

