The hoax information and the dangers of it
The false-flag information attacks
The false-flag information operations are one of the most sophisticated tools in the hands of trollers. The false-flag attack in social media would be done by using faked social media accounts, or by stealing the well-known user's account, and then start to deliver the deep fake images and films. That means that the faked commercials can deliver on social media, and the customers would come to some shop, and ask for sales, which have not existed.
The most dangerous effect in cyber warfare is that using deep faked information, which is connected with false-flag operations in social media. During those operations, the hackers can use that thing as the platform's phishing operations. And even the nuclear weapons officials would try to get in the trap and give the access codes to the nuclear storages. This is one of the scariest visions that have been introduced in the media.
False-flag attacks can be made by using captured social media accounts, which belonged to some media houses. That thing would make those attacks more effective than they would otherwise be, and in the hands of the wrong people, those things are creepy. If we are believing that some actor is trusted, the captured account can make very big damages, because the trusted actor would not deliver faked information. And that would cause the thing that somebody would even start the nuclear war by using that kind of method.
So the worst of the fears is that the faked information can cause nuclear warfare. This theoretical scenario begins with the idea that some support systems of nuclear weapons would be hacked. In this case, somebody would get the codes for access to the nuclear weapon message and communication systems.
When we are thinking that the military place like Cheyenne Mountain or Gora Yamantau would be hacked and in those screens, what is used to commanding the nuclear weapons would be caught by hackers, who would deliver the hoax information of the incoming nuclear strike, that thing can cause war in theory. The problem is that if the nuclear weapon operators would notice the attack, they have only a couple of minute time to react.
And there is no time for making double-checks by using What's App and asking about the situation on the ground. So what if somebody hacks the communication line of the nuclear command?
In this kind of visions the persons, who are serving the third country, what is in war, and then those people would hack some missile control computer. After that, they would deliver the hoax information that some missiles have been shot from their enemy territory, which could cause that the personnel of that base would estimate the situation that they should open fire with nuclear weapons.
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