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Can computers steal your memories?

Can computers steal your memories?

The computer has not own will

In this text, I will use the words "computer wants" and at the beginning, I must say, that the computer itself doesn't want anything. If the computer would kidnap some people, it makes that thing, because the program inside it would translate it's codes that it must trap somebody, and that means that the computer itself doesn't make mistakes.

Every mistake, what computers make are made by programmers. So if the computer would be programmed to require some kind of identification, while a person would go through some gate, it would close everybody who has not that mark outside. Same way if the computer, what is connected to the robot is programmed to take the fingerprint from every person on the street, the robot would follow the orders and make that thing. Robots ever apply for orders, what they get.

They do exactly, what the programmer would do, without caring about the things like how much trouble the order would cause. And this thing makes computers very effective for things as military actions. In that world, the actor must do exactly what superior would say, and they must not apply anything. But if the opponent would break the algorithm, it can predict every movement, what the opponent will do.

This makes difficult to make programs for autonomous drones

And this is the thing, that makes the creation of the autonomous drone very difficult. When the opponent would learn, how the drone moves, when it's under attack, shooting down of that thing would be quite easy if the opponent would know, what direction the drone would turn.  Have you seen the movie "Tron"? In that movie, the hero would be trapped in the computer memory. But could that thing be possible in real life? Could computer copy our mind or thoughts in its memory, and turn them to part of it? And why it would make that thing?

The thing is that if the high-power radio wave would travel through the human brains, it would start to oscillate with the same amplitude with the electricity of the nervous system if the frequency of the radio wave is the same with the electricity, what travels in the nervous system, and that electromagnetic radiation can be detected by using normal radio receiver. The system can also use highly targeted radio ray, what can go through the pineal gland, and that thing can be used to record the electric phenomenon of the pineal gland. This organ has been connected with abstract thinking and imagination.

What if computers steal our imagination and ability for abstract thinking?

So the computer steals our imagination. And this is why computers would do that thing, and record the electric phenomenon of the nervous system. They need our productivity. The human being is the only organism on our planet, which has the ability to abstract thinking. And productive thinking is the ability to transform the abstraction to the image on the paper, or ability to create the plans and construction orders from the mind. And this is the thing, why computers would need humans.

Even the most intelligent and advanced artificial intelligence is hopeless if it cannot produce new things. And the thing is that artificial intelligence cannot create anything new. Computers are playing chess better than most of the people, but do you know, why chess is used in the tests of artificial intelligence? In the real world, chess has quite a limited gaming area and strict rules. This makes the programming the chess program quite easy if we want to compare that process with the process, where the computer must drive the car in traffic.

Why computer is better chess-player than we are?

The thing that makes artificial intelligence so effective chess-player in the world is the capacity to calculate things very sharply. It can calculate tens or even millions of ways to move the buttons on the chessboard, and it can make gaming models by using those calculations. In this case, the actions of artificial intelligence base the idea, that there are multiple models of the game stored in the memory of the computer, and it would select the best, what is possible in that case.

Why a computer cannot operate that way in everyday life. While the car is driving in traffic, in that environment it is strict and clear orders, but there are many things, which are called "surprising variables". So if we are programming the computer to follow traffic lights we must remember, that some people might have a red or green skirt, and that's why the system is extremely hard to program. And traffic is a really good example of the environment, where the reality is away from stimulations, models, and theories.

But if we would want that robot would make the same things, what we are doing in everyday life, that kind of thing would be too hard to make, because for that thing is needed so many models, that we cannot create them all, and how many programmers would even know them all? What kind of things would a person do, while going to shop? When we would think the case, that computers would want to make some kind of designs, that thing would turn really difficult.

What if computers could benefit the brain waves during the creation process?

So what if we want to make a computer or artificial intelligence, what designs the building, we must understand that the reason, why architects are hired is the please the customer. So how a computer can please its customer? The answer is simple, the brainwaves are telling, does something please the person, who is sitting in the front of the screen, and then the computer can start the creative process.

That process is based on the methodology, where the computer would use simple forms like triangle, square and circle at the beginning of the process. And then the computer would put more and more details in the image. During that process, the system would follow the EEG of the customer, and then it can select the forms and things, that would please the customer. In that case, the chair would have the radio-transmitter behind the head of the person, and the radio receiver would observe the changes of the EEG, what would be moved to that system.

Of course, the system would need data about the formulas and other rules for buildings of that area, but the solution might satisfy every customer on Earth because the EEG would uncover if we like or dislike something. But this kind of thing is the vision of tomorrow. And maybe someday the artificial intelligence would create buildings and act in development missions.



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