Is the speed of light stable?
If we are thinking about black holes, they are pulling material and even light in it. So that means that the speed of light is not stable, because the gravity would affect it. And if the gravity lens affects the trajectory of photons we must believe that gravity affects the movement speed of photons horizontally and vertically.
But this is the thing, what we always forget. If we are thinking about theories and formulas, we are facing the thing that some people want to make reality fitting to formula and not formula fitting to reality. If nothing can cross the speed of light the things like black holes would not exist.
If every natural force has the transmitting particle, we are facing the thing, that everything in the universe is connected to time and material. This is the thing, why we are thinking that Einstein's Theory of Relativity and Special Theory of Relativity are so powerful and that the thing is that every single particle in the universe is connected to the natural law, that nothing can cross the speed of light.
Albert Einstein made two theories, the theory of Special relativity, and after that, he wanted to fix some errors, which has been found in that theory. The next theory is the theory of Relativity, or actually, Einstein made many fixings and transformations to that formula, until he first introduced that theory to the public audience in 1915, and the final version of that thing was introduced in 1917.
E=mcĀ² is a mass-energy equivalence (1) and one of the most powerful formulas in the world.
The name of those theories is really interesting because Einstein introduced his theory of Special Relativity on 26 September 1905 (2), when the article about this theory was published. Einstein started to create a more accurate theory, and the first version of that new theory was introduced in 1907.
And the first version Theory of Relativity (3) published in 1915, and the final and checked form of that theory was published in 1916. Sometimes there have been questions about what kind of errors Einstein fixed in those theories before the final version was published? But still, E=mcĀ² is one of the most powerful quotes and formulas in the world. The thing is that this formula is used to calculate the energy levels of the nuclear bombs.
In this formula
c=speed of light
If gravity would pull photons to the black hole, the speed of light is not stable.
The thing, that causes discussion is the c in this formula. Small c means the speed of light. And that means that the Einstein was terminated partially the claiming, what Albert Abraham Michelson introduced during his test. The thing was that the light was reacting to gravity. So the black holes can pull the light inside them, and if we would face object, what has the escaping velocity tau zero what is the speed of light or really near of that speed, the object must slow the speed of photons.
The gravity lens proved that because of the light would turn its direction because of gravity, that means it is not stable. Or it is stable in most of the places in the universe. And the thing that makes this kind of thing very interesting and fundamental is that the black hole pulls the photons to it with the force, which is greater than the speed of light. And in this case, the mass would drop in the black hole with its escaping velocity.
And this is the thing that makes this thing interesting and it fights against the natural laws and Einstein's formulas. But then we are facing the thing that Black Hole cannot exist because the gravity would cause the effect, that the escaping velocity of a black hole would be bigger than the speed of light. And that means that everything would drop in the black hole with the escaping velocity.
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