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The relationship between diversity and leadership

The relationship between diversity and leadership

A new person in a team is always different. That individual hasn't yet learned the written and non-written rules in the team. The things like who cooks coffee might mean small, but they are in a very big role in the society and social hierarchy in working place, and here we must say, that before we realize that we are racists, we cannot face the problems.

When a new member comes in the team, that person must dare to tell own ideas in the meetings, because there is some reason to hire that person. If that person would not understand that there is a role for every person in the team, that means that some person might not tell something important in the meetings. When a person is hired, the boss mission is to tell the reason for hiring, and the employee must realize, why some things are done. And if there is a disappointment, that employee must be separated.

The thing is that there are many other minorities than some ethnical groups, and for those invisible minorities we might be more racist than the being member of some visible group of minorities. Things like psychic symptoms are still things, what are allowed to use in humor, and when Donald Trump compared psychic patients as animals might look funny, and that thing might seem acceptable. Here I'm wondering, why we are always celebrating the wrist cancer week, but we ever celebrating the Tourette week?

But that thing is the attitude of the psychic patients is always negative. Also, sexual minorities are facing similar racism as members of some ethnic group. Those persons would meet very bad racist humor, and that thing might cause very bad situations. The problem of those people is that nobody sees those things by first sight. The thing about minorities is that they are groups of individuals, and when we are thinking about hierarchy, there might be some people of those groups, who have very much benefits, but those people are always crushing rights of their own.

And if we are thinking about the possibility to be only with people, who have the same ethnic background we might think that thing as isolation. The thing is that nobody must even talk about members of the minority groups, and there is a possibility that their internal hierarchy is also very pressing. Before the civil war Ć­n the Southern cotton fields in the USA, the position of the leader of the slaves gave those leaders position as slave whippers, who raised above others in the hierarchy.

Those leading slaves were not made things what were ordered themselves. They just ordered other prisoners to make them work, and they were just whipping the others. Also, the Nazis used the same method in their concentration camps. They selected leading prisoners from the line, and then those persons just motivated other prisoners by using whips and batons.

Diversity brings challenges to working life. The thing is that there are many people, who have different backgrounds. And different backgrounds are sometimes causing that people are closing some person outside the team. This kind of thing would be a very big waste of potentials if somebody knows about things or has some new ideas, but that person would not bring those things in meetings.

If somebody would keep mouth shut, even if that person has ideas or some special skills and knowledge would feel that nobody listen. When we are thinking about people, who are working as temporary, we must ask, why that person wants to give skills and knowledge for the company, what would not hire that person, regardless how good that person is? When we are talking about diversity, that is more than education, linguistic, cultural or national diversity. 

That thing might be the also psychological or social diversity and differences between people. One bad experience in the personal history of a person might cause that some individual has a problem with social situations and attitudes for some things, what would look like natural for others, who are in that team. Here we must remember one thing, what is that those experiences are not visible while we are looking at those people, and the thing is that also positive experiences can turn against the working community.

If some people have learned blind trust to other people, that individual could tell things, that should not be told when that person answers to telephones, and a call comes from unknown telephone numbers. Those things can have destructive results for the company, and it's information security if somebody tells things like email addresses,  passwords, and usernames to telephone

Diversity is not a threat in working life. Many individuals believe that it is uncomfortable to work in the working environment, where is working a different kind of people. When we are thinking about the homogenous working community, that thing has one very bad weakness, and that is the one-sided point of view to things, what the company or its workers do.

The thing is that diversity gives one big benefit for the company, and that is that there are multiple points of view things, and that thing guarantees that every side of the things is analyzed. So this is the reason, why we must understand that diversity is an opportunity, not a threat. When we are thinking about the homogeneous working environment, there is one thing, what we are thinking, and that is everybody knows each other and everybody is similar to each other. 

And that thing is not always good when we are thinking about leadership. Leadership is a complicated thing and that means that the leader of the group must have a distance to henchmen. A position as a leader requires, that person must observe the work, what other people are doing, and that means that sometimes the leader must make decisions, what is not feeling right. But what is necessary for the company, and ib that case is best, that there is little distance between leader and henchman.


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