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The changing roles of nations in global politics (The two-polar global environment has turned to a multipolar environment)

The changing roles of nations in global politics (The two-polar global environment has turned to a multipolar environment)

Pakistani and Indian nuclear weapons are a good example of the changing international environment. That environment is turning from two polar to the multipolar environment.  

The two-polar global environment has turned to a multipolar environment, which brings new challenges to crises management and international relationships. We must realize one thing, and that is any nation would not want to be worse than others, which means that every nation has the right to be proud.

But the question is, would that always mean the dressing with nuclear weapons? That thing is what considers in this kind of cases. When we are thinking about the nuclear weapons of India an Pakistan, that advantage has caused India thought that Pakistan has superiority in conventional firepower. And that's why they created a nuclear test called "Smiling Buddha" in 1974, and the nuclear weapon would turn operational in 1984. 

After that Pakistan exploded its weapon in 1998, there were claiming, that this nation has built a couple of warheads before that test, and if the test would fail, that program can be buried. But in the case of the successful test, there would be enough strike capacity to destroy targets in India, if it strikes against Pakistan. The thing in the Pakistani nuclear program is that bases enriched uranium, and the size of those weapons is 5-10 kt. 

That is probably caused by the primitive technology, but the usage of those systems might be tactical, which means they are meant for attacking against enemy forces near the front. Or they can be used as the primary shots for hydrogen bombs. Use of enriched uranium also covered the Pakistani nuclear program, because those needed platforms are only chemical factories, and that means there is no need for the nuclear reactor, which will uncover the nuclear weapons programs. The Pakistani and Indian nuclear programs are a good example of the thing, how the global environment is transforming to the multipolar game area. 

The multipolar field of international politics and strategies. 

In the beginning, we must notice, that we have limits on the word, which means that the space of even the global environment is not endless. So when new actors come to share those resources, what we might think as cake, we must realize that there would leave a smaller bite of that cake to share, if there are more actors for waiting for those bites. When we are thinking the nuclear weapons, and why other nations want to get them, we must say that the reason, why those weapons are so addictive is in our actions in the global areas.

Both superpowers the USA and the Soviet Union have shown a good example, how those weapons are used as the shield when the national security of those nations have been treated. And here we must remember, that also China, Great Britain, and France have acquired those weapons for securing their national interests, and that example has been a good model for other nations, what has wanted the same respect what nuclear power has brought to those nations, what already have nuclear weapons. 

This is the thing, what his new in international politics. During the cold war, there were two polar or main actors in the geopolitics, the USA and the Soviet Union, what had the global monopoly, and every other state must ask those states acceptance for their actions. IRBM contract is a good example of the contracts, what the USA and Russia or the Soviet Union have made together. 

Prohibiting of intermediate-range ballistic missiles is a thing, what is dead. One of the reasons for that is that the new actors in the nuclear club have those missiles and because of Israel, India, Pakistan, and China haven't been in those discussions, they would see things, that they must not follow those contracts, what are made between the USA and Russia. This is one way to see things. 

One of the most important things is that there are many new attempters for the role of global leadership or at least leadership in their neighboring areas, and those new actors have also made nuclear weapons because that thing has seen to bring respect for the owners of those weapons. And those actors have taken their model from the USA and the Soviet Union. Nuclear weapons offer very well and strong shield against other lands. And this advantage has brought new gamers in the global game board. 

This means that there are lots of new nations, which must listen when the decisions and resolutions are made in the global area. I think that this advantage will make the world more complicated, but it also brings new points of view in the global environment. We must now remember, that we cannot just steamroll the opinions of other nations, and that would bring new advantages in the long period. 

And as we have seen, nuclear weapons are a good reason for leaving military actions against some nations away from the plans. So when we are starting to think the international cake of the global political field, the advantage is causing that there are smaller bites to share for more actors. The thing, in this case, is that we must just accept this situation. We must live with the thing, that there are other actors that Moscow and Washington. 


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