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Showing posts from September, 2019

Photon computer

Photon computer The idea of photon- or laser computer is that the electricity would be replaced by light, which means that the temperature of the microprocessor would be lower than in some traditional computer, what will use electricity for transporting data. In laser computers, the problem is that the production of needed components is really difficult, and the replacement of electricity by using the light seems absurd. But then we can think one thing, what is not normally mentioned when we are written or read things like laser computers. We could use a laser system as well to transport information and energy to the components. In this solution every each component of the computer would be equipped with small-size photovoltaic cells. Those cells would receive data from transmitting a laser beam, and also they could create electricity for the component, and this brings fascinating things in the mind. If this kind of computer would someday be made, the system could save electricit...

The quantum teleportation and its possibilities outside the quantum computer

The quantum teleportation and its possibilities outside the quantum computer What would you do with a quantum teleportation machine, what will load particles with energy, what makes time slowing?  This hypothetical opportunity to stop time would give many futuristic visions in front of our eyes. Have you seen a movie named "Hitman" or seen some movies of that series? One of the key elements in those movies is the chancing the clothes less than a second. If we think the possibility to do that thing in real life, that thing might seem fictional. We could ever do that thing in real life. But if we would have the ability to create the man-sized version of quantum teleportation, we could do that thing very easily. And there would be many many things more, what we could do if we would have the ability to create the quantum teleportation system, what can create the phenomenon, what is our size. The thing, how the quantum teleportation system works is quite simple, as I have wr...

Darth Vader and the Star Wars creatures relationship with futurology

Darth Vader and the Star Wars creatures relationship with futurology Water tanks and rotating cylinders might help to create the ultimate creature, which would have extremely good balance and strength. In this case, the centrifugal force inside the cylinder would help to make the extreme gravity conditions for creatures, what are trained to some actions. And in the same way, the water tanks would help to make perfect simulation conditions for balance training. When we are thinking about the fictional world of Star Wars, there would be thing what we humans cannot even think. If we would have the technique, what allows us to travel between the stars like people of today are traveling between cities, that thing would make possible to create the creature, what could be extraordinary and superior for other people. The effect would be similar like in the story, where dad told his son to rise the calf of the cow over his head every time. Then in someday, that son could rise the entire c...

Is the new Cold War rising?

Is the new Cold War rising? The new weapon race would be more complicated than ever before. There are new actors in the field of international politics, and every each of those actors would want to be the leader of the world. If we think the weapon systems of nations, that have a nuclear arsenal, those weapons of mass destruction would give a very big boost for a tolerance of the neighbors and also the aircraft or other devices of nuclear power would not be the very addictive target for some air defense missiles. So are those weapons so good in the hands of the nation, what has not nuclear arsenal is one of the big questions. The thing is that the world is a little bit different in modern times than in the Cold war era. When western nations declared oneself as the winners of the Cold War, they just repeated things, what France and its allies made in Versailles 1918. When the Cold War ended the attitude to Russia was that it must withdraw the nuclear arsenal, and be treated as t...

What went wrong in Venezuela?

What went wrong in Venezuela? Venezuela is a school example, how the country, what could be like South-American Qatar just collapsed? The major point in that question is that this country has very big oil resources, and that thing might be accepted and guaranteed product for export trade and that product should bring money in the cash of the state. But then the people started to think about environmental things, and one of the worst sources of pollution is oil and another kind of fossil fuel. This kind of things is causing a decrease in demand for oil. But there is another thing, what causes a collapse of the nation, and that is corruption. One visible sign of corruption is counterfeiting history. And another is that the really popular person would just buy votes by promising freedom from taxes. There is nothing wrong if the person is popular, but if the popularity is got by attacking against minorities or making laws, what is limiting the private life of people by the unnecessar...

The new threats need new tools, which can detect also faked data

The new threats need new tools, which can detect also faked data The problem of information warfare and disinformation is that the locating of those homepages is difficult. When we are thinking the case, where criminals are using faked information for cheating investors, the thing is that only the data, what contains the information of the one specific company can be changed. All other data can be authentic and got from real marketing homepages, which means that making sure that the data is authentic is hard to find out. And that's why people should always use secured mobile connections like their GSM-phones because that thing would make harder to connect the WLAN cards of those computers to some faked servers, what can deliver those homepages. So use only secured connections. Also, that kind of cheatings needs new kind of tools like artificial intelligence, what is comparing things like used colors with the targeted homepage, and real homepage, and also those systems can use t...

Why this thing has kept out of publicity?

Why this thing has kept out of publicity? And who cares, what kind of videos or something else things I watch on the internet? This is a good question when we are thinking about political influence in of the social and other kinds of media? The thing, what makes this kind of things very serious is that if we would get people, who will have certain opinions, and then follow the use of internet of that kind of people, we might make a thing, called action matrix of those people. And if this frame or matrix contains the data, what kind of things that kind of people are watching on the internet, that thing would help politicians to adjust the speeches, what they make for please a certain type of people. The thing is that things like "Brexit" might be one part of the programs of speeches, what those people make, and also there are many other things, what is affecting the people, when they are choosing their candidate. This way to think is normal, and if we are thinking that som...

Selecting a suitable security solution for the ICT sector.

Selecting a suitable security solution for the ICT sector. When we are choosing a data security solution, the user-friendly and automatized solution might feel good. But the thing is that when we are choosing the solution, we must remember that all software and other maintenance operations are owned and made by somebody. And that thing is making the new kind of threats for security. The thing is that the spies, who might operate in the public or private sector, might want to cover the data, what they steal, that nobody else than people, who are willing to pay that data would use it. If we think the case, that internet security company starts to attack against us, we might feel paranoid. But then we must realize, that we might know somebody, or in our social media or real-life social media network, the thing is that there might be somebody, who might want to target for attackers by using us as the gate. This is one thing, what we must realize when we are selecting the ICT-security...

What thing made Cambridge Analytica so effective?

What thing made Cambridge Analytica so effective? One very interesting detail in the next case is that Cambridge Analytica got the benefit, that the name of that company was connected to the University of Cambridge, and that was causing, that people let that company search the data, what they handle when they have used the internet. People didn't think that the data, what they delivered or handled affect the political system of elections any kind of ways. The case of Cambridge Analytica the thing was that the first time artificial intelligence was used for investigating opinions of people, and then the politicians could fix their speeches to please the great audience. In the Cambridge Analytica case, the thing, what allowed to hack political system, the tool what was used, was the algorithm, what was created for commercial use. The idea was that the software, what meters people interest to the commercial products were used to product used for creating a political program, and...

The problematic situation of Hong Kong

The problematic situation of Hong Kong Hong Kong causes very much problems with international trade and political environment. The thing is that those riots are turning the eye of the World to the internal politics of China. The thing, what makes this situation very complicated is that many corporations are manufacturing their products in China. And the thing what is also making this case even more complicated is the internal political situation in the USA. President Donald Trump is preparing for the next election campaign for the second period in the office of the White House. The thing what people are requesting from that man is the strong leadership in this kind of cases. The problem is that Trump is making many people angry, because of his attitude to research what is touching his relationship with the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin. The last episode in the case of Donald Trump and his relationship with other presidents is asking help from the President of Ukraine for co...

Strong leadership is the thing, what is sometimes supported very strongly.

Strong leadership is the thing, what is sometimes supported very strongly. The young leaders are taking their positions in the top political positions. And that means that the opinions of young people must be noticed more and more sharply. The ability to get in the top position in the political system has opened young people the new way to effect in political culture. That opportunity is also starting to keep youngsters out of riots and start the new way to influence politics. They are taking part in political meetings, and that gives them the right and legal way to power in the nation.  The word of the moment is "strong leadership". Everything that people are looking and doing is needed the thing, what is called as "strong leadership". ICT-systems, new workers, leaders of states and another kind of persons always need leadership, and why the leadership is extremely important, is the question, what we might face every time. Strong leadership means strict a...

Faked moon flights and their connection to MKULTRA

Faked moon flights and their connection to MKULTRA Every myth and legend have a source or begin. There is always the first person, who tells those tales. And this is a thing, what we must realize when we are starting to think about those things. Offices like NASA, NSA, and FBI are sometimes causing embarrassing situations in the highly-ranking positions of the political system. And this is the reason, why some people want to disband them. The normal reason for that is claimed to be the misuse the budgets, and the people, who are sharing this kind of information are many times getting great publicity. If we want to research the myths and legends, we must realize that we must find the origin of those tales, what might be weird. And the research question is, why those tales have been told? The major question is when they first came in the public? Did somebody told those stories in the bat, and then somebody tells those stories forward. But what makes those stories believable? When w...

Did Hebrews were slaves in Egypt or were they "only" foreign workers? This is one of the greatest questions in the history

Did Hebrews were slaves in Egypt or were they "only" foreign workers? This is one of the greatest questions in the history When we are thinking the Old Testament and the Hebrews, who escaped from Egypt, we must ask one thing. Is slave happier, if that person doesn't know to be a slave? Maybe Hebrews were lived in their isolated and walled areas, without normal contact with Egyptians. And then in one day, the truth was uncovered. They were below everybody. That caused an idea that something must be done. But the thing is that those cases have only one source, the Holy Bible, and the Old Testament, what was written by Hebrews. And in the air hangs one question, were those people realize that there was something wrong in their position? One of the greatest mysteries of history is were Hebrews slaves in Egypt? This is the thing, what is starting to generate questions in the mid of researchers. When we think the position of slaves, was that some kind of stereotype, where...

The size of the space laboratory is not very big

The size of the space laboratory is not very big There are many laboratories in space and the most well-known of them are laboratories of Mir, Skylab, and ISS (International Space Station) but also in deep space and planetary probes like Viking has been a small size laboratory installed in those vehicles. Also, some satellites have contained biological test capsules, which have used to test life support systems. But the thing is that there might also make another type of biological and structural tests. The size of those laboratories is not very big, and they were made by using the 70's technology. So the question is, why X-37B cannot handle those missions, like microgravity tests by using remote control. The remote-controlled systems are saving time and money in that kind of cases. And the thing is that kind of automatized systems can operate everywhere in the solar system, and those operations might keep secret for some special reasons, what might not uncover for great publ...

The changing roles of nations in global politics (The two-polar global environment has turned to a multipolar environment)

The changing roles of nations in global politics (The two-polar global environment has turned to a multipolar environment) Pakistani and Indian nuclear weapons are a good example of the changing international environment. That environment is turning from two polar to the multipolar environment.   The two-polar global environment has turned to a multipolar environment, which brings new challenges to crises management and international relationships. We must realize one thing, and that is any nation would not want to be worse than others, which means that every nation has the right to be proud. But the question is, would that always mean the dressing with nuclear weapons? That thing is what considers in this kind of cases. When we are thinking about the nuclear weapons of India an Pakistan, that advantage has caused India thought that Pakistan has superiority in conventional firepower. And that's why they created a nuclear test called "Smiling Buddha" in 1974,...

X-37B has been in space for over two years

X-37B has been in space for over two years Top Secret shuttle orbiter of USAF has been at space over two years, and the question is why this shuttle is so secret? Of course, it can be used for the material research, and the thing is that inside its cargo bay could install the manipulator hands, which makes it a really good platform for research. But if we would want to create the remote-controlled laboratory in the orbital trajectory, we can shoot simple the cylinder-shaped satellite, what can be empty rocket stage, what is equipped with the remote-controlled equipment. And if we would use Falcon-9 or Falcon Heavy-type of rockets for that purpose, we might have a more sophisticated system than in some extremely small shuttle.  The stage would be launched to LEO (Low Earth Orbiter) and then the auxiliary stage would be connected to it, and then that laboratory would push to the higher trajectory. That kind of laboratories has a bad reputation because they can test dange...

A very interesting painting, where is claimed to be some hidden message

A very interesting painting, where is claimed to be some hidden message In this text is combined the image, where Tilly's troops are storming in the city of Magdeburg during 30-years war. This is a very interesting painting because it's claimed to portrait the role of elite or something like that in the image. The thing, why some people believe so, is that the part of the group is traveling or is portrayed in the canal or road, where they seem to be in the safe between the walls, and other people are fighting outside those walls.  When we are looking at that painting closer people, who are in this canal are not fighting at all. This thing has translated, that there is hidden some kind of bloodline. People, who are members of that "bloodline" would not take part in the fights, but play that they are involving the battle. And that thing is, of course, translated that elite would play some kind of soldiers, but they are covered inside some social and econo...