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Showing posts from June, 2019

The black hole and the event horizon

The black hole and the event horizon The golden rule about the black holes is that we cannot get information from the area what is behind the event horizon. This means that "being in the black hole" means actually "being behind the event horizon". The event horizon is an area around the black hole. That thing is actually the point in the trajectory, what particle goes before it drops in the black hole. And the point, where the particle disappears from the eyes of the observers is called "the event horizon". When we are thinking about information, what disappears behind that point, we must realize that everything, what we are writing or talking about thins, what happens behind the event horizon is speculation. We cannot get any observations of those things, because even the light cannot escape behind that point. So the event horizon is the point, where we can make the last observation of the particle, what is traveling through that point. And that is ...

La MƩmoire or "The Memory" by RenƩ Magritte

La MƩmoire or "The Memory" by RenƩ Magritte Above this text is the image, what is painted by RenƩ Magritte, and that thing is really interesting and at the same time really stopping and talking painting. The image brings in my mind one thing, and that is, even if the person seems calm and nice, there might be things, what has been hurt that person sometimes before. Even the person would not show the feelings, the thing is that something might hurt and made that inmate really sad, and brought the bad things in that person's mind. The thing is that the saddest memories are sometimes connected to the most beautiful places on Earth. And sometimes those memories return. When we are thinking about the character, what looks like the Greek statue, we can think, it symbolizes the beauty, what is trapped in the stone. But there might be another aspect of that creature, and it is, that if we are looking some handsome and beautiful person, we must realize that this inmate mi...

Gestures are important in international relationships

Gestures are important in international relationships Today Donald Trump is made history and visited in North Korea, and this might be a big step for the relationship between the USA and both Koreas, or it might be "only one step". The thing is that North Korea or its leader is even meet Trump is a really nice thing or sign, but as we know but the real results are the things, what are needed. And one thing is clear, something is happening in the country, which has been closed many years, which makes this situation interesting. International relationships with the Western world and North Korea are really complicated. And that means there are many things, what must be done before the relationship with that country is normalizing. This thing can be done when the family of Kim would leave the power to somebody else, and that thing would be very far away from the realistic situation. Also, South Korea has something to explain with the history, and we must realize that the mili...

The end of five eyes intelligence co-operation between the USA and other nations might be real

The end of five eyes intelligence co-operation between the USA and other nations might be real The five eyes co-operation between the  AUS/CAN/N.Z./U.K./U.S. might be cut off says, Bloomberg. The reason is that western nations need bigger and more sophisticated intelligence service, what it has now. The thing is that the sophisticated combination of ELINT and other ways to get information about terrorism and other hostile actions. The modern intelligence is a combination of multitasking tools like aircraft, human operatives, and electronic methods. The field operatives need absolute trust in their operations and the data security in those field missions is extremely important, and that's why the security leaks in those operations is a little bit embarrassing. If the identities of those field operatives, who are working in a very dangerous field of the anti-terrorism and anti-narcotics operations. When we are thinking about the people like Edward Snowden, we must realize that th...

The Men In Black

The Men In Black First, those creatures what are called as MIB:s might feel have magic powers but then we might see, that the subliminal command systems and quadcopters, what have the loudspeaker-microphone combination might make the effect of the psychic powers. That kind of things is really easy to make if the creator has the right knowledge and ability to get the right stuff like small size LRAD systems and the quadcopters, what have the ability to shoot sodium amytal arrows. There are stories about the sunglasses of the Men In Black, that they are equipped with special screens, which are flashing with the same frequency with the human brains alpha wave EEG. In this case, those sunglasses might actually have LCD-screens in both sides, and the cameras on the frames and that thing would make possible to make the system. That system would make impossible to resist those mysterious creatures, what are the famous part of the UFO myth. If the stroboscope would synchronize to the alp...

The silent media

The silent media There have been rumors that the people, who have been family members of the social media activists have been offered cheap trips to Russia and China, and that thing has been used to force the activists to keep their mouth shut. The social media is the thing, what has been uncovered the problems in western society, as well as the problems in the authoritarian nations. The authoritarian leaders are always offering support to each other, and this thing is one of the saddest notifications from history. When the people who were resisting the dictatorship got the power, the new rulers have used the same methods, what their predecessors have been used. The reality is that the name of the leader and the faces in the photographs on the wall have been changed, but the way to use power has stayed similar, what the ruler, what have been lost in history had. The name of the secret police changes, but methods are the same. And the worst thing, what the nation can face is the p...

The myth about Planet Vulcan, what orbits inside the Mercury's trajectory

The myth about Planet Vulcan, what orbits inside the Mercury's trajectory Many astronomers have believed about the planet Vulcan, the small planet, what orbits in the Mercury trajectory. But what actually is the story behind that planet? The thing is that many people have seen that the normal astronomers have found that kind of things, what was disappear. And if somebody might be seen the planet between the Mercury, and Sun, that thing might be the asteroid, what dives to the Sun. If that thing is was the planet Vulcan, we ever can see that thing again. Maybe the size of that thing was not very large, and then it just disappeared. Sometimes people have talked about the errors in the trajectory of Mercury, and the reason for those interferences or the things that the results of calculations would not be the same with the observations are caused because of the gravity of the sun warps the universe near it, and that's why there are differences between calculations and observat...

The distance between Egypt and Israel is about 613 kilometers, but Hebrews took 40 years for that trip

The distance between Egypt and Israel is about 613 kilometers, but Hebrews took 40 years for that trip In this text, I will use the words "Holy Land" and "promised land" about the place, where Hebrew people went after they were gone from Egypt. Here I must say that Moses and other people who were born or worked in Egypt had no change to get in that new country. The risk that those people would be traitorous and believe, that the things were better in Egypt was so big, that they must die before those people went to that area. Sometimes people ask why Hebrews walked 40 years or 43 meters per day for finding the holy or promised land after they escaped from Egypt. The reason, for that journey, is that Hebrews were moved around the Arabian peninsula after they went to the desert because they wanted to lose the men of Pharaoh, and that is the reason, why the persons, who were born in Egypt were not able to move in the promised land. That land was reserved only their ...

Why physics don't think and philosopher think?

Why physics don't think and philosopher think? When physics make something, that person is connected to the observations, what has been made. That means physics must make every decision by using the tools like particle accelerators and prove every single word, what that person says, and the thing, what makes the life of physics sometimes really boring is that they must reserve those physical tools for their tests. And every part of the life of physics is connected to the material and nothing else can exist than material. The thing, what makes the life of physics so stiff is the need to prove those things. But here we must say that the philosopher must also prove the things, what that person claims. But the proof must be done by using the rhetoric method. In real life philosophy or pure philosophy, the philosopher must use language and rhetorics to make the opponent become convicted that the thing, what the philosopher says is the truth. So the philosopher should not make e...

Another old gravestone

Another old gravestone In the next text is simultaneous repeated one word. And here I must say, that the thing is that I have thought many times, what is the story behind that signature? Was there something special, what that person made in those cases? Or was it made for remembering people for something? When we are looking at this old gravestone, we might face interesting detail in that memorial. Of course, the grave is left without attention, but if there is some remarkable person, I thought that family would be interesting about that grave. But how important and the remarkable person the long-term juror has been? There is a signature of the juror, and the thing, why I know that this man was the juror, is that there is mentioned, that he had honorific, what was admit by the head judge of the court to the person, who has made the long career in the court system as the juror. So this kind of details makes me interesting about this kind of things, because if the family m...

The Philosopher's Stone (Why one stone is different?)

The Philosopher's Stone (Why one stone is different?) The Philosopher's Stone is a mythical item like some kind of version of the "Holy Grail". And sometimes I have thought that this kind of Item is not actually physical thing like some real stone or something like that. Or maybe The Philosopher's Stone was the stone, what was painted by using a certain way, and that would be marked for membership of some community. So it was the stone, what Philosopher owned. Or maybe it was the thought about the group of stones. And the mission, what master gave the student was to think, why there is a couple of stones, and why one of those stones was different? Was The Philosopher's Stone actually the item, what every philosopher carried in their pocket, and why did they do that? The alchemists looked for the spiritual aspects from their experiments, and that means that The Philosopher's Stone is not actually the item. I could also be a way of think. or maybe ...

Strange notification about PointcarƩ formula

Strange notification about PointcarƩ formula PointcarƩ's conjecture is a mathematical formula, what is allowing to calculate every form in nature. So if we would input this formula to the CAD-program, it would automatically draw those forms. And that allows creating automatically things like forms of the STEALTH-aircraft. But for making that thing is needed the computer. The PointcarƩ conjecture is in the list of so-called millennium problems of mathematics, and the list is created by David Hilbert in the year 1900. If we would want to benefit things like PointcarƩ conjecture, we would need a computer, what has the ability to create those images. and in the year 1900, there was not that kind of computer. So this is the thing in the Millenium problems. Those problems were useless in the time when Hilbert introduced them in Paris. There was no practical use either the PointcarƩ conjecture and Riemann conjecture. The last one is used to calculate the primary numbers for the math...

About the intelligence of the trees

About the intelligence of the trees We have always been interested in the opportunity to find another intelligent special on Earth and Universe. When we are thinking about the intelligence of the vegetables and trees, we might have noticed that the trees, what have dropped them leaves, the form of the trunk seems like the veins of the brains. And that thing has brought in the mind one thing, would the trees have some kind of extremely primitive intelligence. When we would think about the intelligence of the plants, and their ability to communicate with other species, we might first laugh. But then we might think this case more careful, and then we are looking at some well known Meadows, and suddenly we see the animal paths on those grass yards. Sometimes we might think, why animals and humans are following those paths, and why there are no buildings on those places? When we are thinking about the plants and their intelligence, we must understand that those vegetables are co...

Generic manipulated food and next-generation space system.

Generic manipulated food and next-generation space system. Genetic manipulation of the plantages and the threats, what this thing can cause are really interesting. The vegetables can manipulate for creating the pheromones, which causes fear, and this kind of things makes possible to create vegetables, which deny going in some areas. That kind of things might be extremely good for denying the animals go in the irrigated areas. But that kind of manipulation would make the ability to create new vegetables for space stations. Those new species would product dryer waste, which is more suitable for the nutrient layer for the closed cycle live support systems. The closed cycle systems are able to make the space stations cheaper to operate, because of all waste in the system would be recycled. And that minimizes the need for the service cargo to that space station. there is some kind of thoughts that when we are talking about the "green" or self-sustain communities, some of t...

The plant intelligence

The plant intelligence Below this text is the film about plant intelligence. That thing has brought in my mind one really interesting thing, and that thing is, that could there be some other intelligent species on Earth, and when we are looking at this film, we must realize, that even if the intelligent organism would have the high-level of intelligence, that species can be very different than we are. In some theories, the intelligent organism can be a group of vegetables, which are connected with together. In this version of the hypothetical intelligent species would have a modular structure. That means that even if every single unit of that organism has only a couple of hundred of neurons, that species would be in a very large area. This is the thing that can compare with the electric network. If there is only one single unit, what makes the electricity, would one error in that unit cause terrible problems? But if the system would contain multiple small size power units the los...

Aviation and ICT-sector

Aviation and ICT-sector The carbon-dioxide releases of ICT-sector are bigger than aviation, and that is not a surprising thing. The NSA headquarters has been the largest energy user in the State of Maryland. The monstrous server rooms need always a very large-scale electric supply. And the number of those server rooms is increasing all the time. The reason is that mobile devices transfer the calculating capacity to the servers, which means that those systems need more and more power. The high-power computers and servers need more and more electricity and the mobile systems, what is communicating with servers needs more electricity for communication processes. And if we would use light and non-powerful processors in the mobile systems, we would transfer the calculations to the servers, and that means that we would need more and more powerful server technology. The reason why this thing has happened is that the remote use of computers and digital meetings will be a cheaper choice f...

Magic (Electric) crystals and military technology.

Magic (Electric) crystals and military technology. The crystals and their mean in the weapon technology is the thing, what is not very well known thing. If the bullet, what is made by using quartz crystal hits the target that thing would create the electric vortex. That thing would increase the power of the bullet if it hits to the drone or robot. The electric shock what the crystal is creating depends on the power of the punch. And there is a very easy way to load the crystals with extreme powerful electricity. The only thing, what the person must do is to hit those crystals simultaneously. That would load them with very high voltage of electricity. And the things work with drums. If the crystal is in the drum or near it and somebody drums it, that thing would cause a load of electricity, if the crystal would not touch the ground. When we are thinking about the magic crystals, what would send as the birthday present for Adolf Hitler I think that in those crystals were loaded v...

The thoughts about the book "The Second foundation" and the characters, what have the extraordinary skills.

The thoughts about the book "The Second foundation" and the characters, what have the extraordinary skills.  This book is the part of Isaac Asimov's "The Foundation" series, and I will write something about this book because there is mentioned the "physic powers" of the second foundation. That thing is quite interesting because we could think the psychic powers as the research target. That book is really interesting because in the main role are psychic skills, the characters whose ability is to brainwash the people, who they meet. At the end of the book, the member of the second foundation uses the psychic powers against another character, what has psychic skills in the cave of Trantor. This thing would make the researcher ask one very good question: is that modifying thoughts possible only at a certain place, and in that book, the place is fictional planet Trantor. In this case, the brainwashing would be made by using high-power radio-impulses. ...

The thing about the use of hydrogen as the radiation insulator

The thing about the use of hydrogen as the radiation insulator  The pure hydrogen absorbs very good way the radioactive material, and there have been plans to cover the nuclear reactor by using liquid hydrogen. This system would be effective in the lightweight nuclear reactors, where in theory again, needed the two layers of material, and the hydrogen would put between those layers. The problem with liquid hydrogen is that the material itself is highly reactive. And if the hydrogen would touch the air, it will explode. This kind of reactors would be useful in some interplanetary flights, but the problem is that testing that equipment on the Earth causes very big resistance. There have been plans to use hydrogen as the propellant for the nuclear-powered aircraft because it would not become radioactive. In those cases, the aircraft would use nuclear motors, where the nuclear reactor is inside the motor, and the hydrogen would inject in the same chamber with the reactor, where i...

The other ways to make a lightweight nuclear reactor is to use radioactive gas as the fissile material.

The other ways to make a lightweight nuclear reactor is to use radioactive gas as the fissile material. The is the successor of the writing about Element 115, and the thing is that the new types of lightweight nuclear reactors might use another kind of nuclear isotopes than the traditional versions. I don't know how many kinetic tests have been made by using nuclear reactors, what are using radioactive gas as the fission material, but this kind of solutions might be interesting. Also, synthetic elements like Einsteinium and Californium might be planned to use as the fuel of the nuclear reactors. In most modern nuclear reactors the bite of the really highly radioactive material would be kept in the move in the cyclotron, that the heat of that material would not warm the only one place, and that will be hoped to deny the reactor melting. Also, radioactive gasses are an interesting choice for nuclear fuel material. But the problem is, that nobody has experience of the use of gas...

How we could use Element 115 (Moscovium) as the fuel in highly effective nuclear reactors?

How we could use Element 115 as the fuel in highly effective nuclear reactors? What if we would want to make a nuclear reactor, what is the size of a football, but gives megawatt-class power output. That kind of nuclear reactor could use synthetic elements like Element 115 for giving the power to the aircraft. The problem with Element 115 is that the lifetime of that very short living, highly radioactive material is very short. So the engineers, who are working with this thing, must somehow control the fission of this nuclear isotope. The simplest way is to slow the time in those atoms. And the thing, what allows us to make that dream true is that we would put the Element 115 to a particle accelerator, where we could drive it in the cyclotron by the speed of light. The thing is that that speed of light would cause that the time in those isotopes stops, and that allows to use that isotope in the nuclear reactors, what is the most powerful and lightweight, what mankind has ever im...

Could there be the intelligence without own will?

Could there be the intelligence without own will? This question is very interesting, and the idea of intelligent species, which acts like some thinking machine, what solves our problems would be a really interesting way of spending the free day. When we are thinking about this kind of species, we think, of course, the computer or artificial intelligence. Here we must ask one simple question and that is are we going too far when we are creating machines, what can think and solve problems automatically. But on the other hand, that kind of technology is really important, if we are beginning the unmanned flights to deeper in the universe and our own solar system. And when we are making that kind of systems for space probes, we must understand that this kind of systems is the realistic way to research the solar system. The visions of the journeys to other planets like gas giants would take a big part of the life of the crews. And that's why we should create intelligent probes for ...

The wild idea: was Valdemar Atterdag search for the Holy Grail when he attacked against Visby in the year 1361.

The wild idea: was Valdemar Atterdag search for the Holy Grail when he attacked against Visby in the year 1361.  (Picture I) The world is full of theories, and one reason, why I will write this text, is that many things, what we think as the fact might be something else, what people have been told. In medieval time, people were superstitious, and they believed things differently than modern people.  In 14th. century there were remains of the ancient pagan religion and the Catholic Church was really tough, if the person has some other opinions, what were accepted by that organization. So if Valdemar Atterdag believed the Holy Grail, that would not mean, that this person has been found that relic. Search is different than finding something, and this is the thing, what many people forget when they are talking about this kind of things. If Atterdag searched for the Holy Grail, that would not mean, that this man has found anything. But It's interesting to think, what was ...

Using black holes for space travel

Using black holes for space travel This is writing about a theoretical way to benefit the black holes for space travel. There are plans to benefit the black holes as space travel. The simplest way to make that thing is to use black holes as the gravity slings. In this case, the method is the same, what is used with Voyager space probes, when they were sent out of the solar system. The rocket had not enough fuel giving enough punch for turning over the gravity of the sun, and that's why it must use the gravity field of the planets for taking more speed for the flight from the solar system. The thing is that the gravity sling is basing the natural law, that energy cannot disappear. It can only move from the particle to another. So when spacecraft would pass the planet in a certain angle, the gravity energy is transformed to the spacecraft and gives more speed for it. So the black hole can make the same thing for spacecraft, but the punch, what it gives is more powerful. The g...

Why we should concern about genetic engineering and biomanipulation?

Why we should concern about genetic engineering and biomanipulation? When we are creating something, we must realize that we have responsibility for our creatures. If we are creating new intelligent species, we must realize that nothing denies that new species to continue its modification. This makes the fastened evolution so dangerous. If we would create intelligent species, that thing can start to self-development of itself. And maybe we cannot soon control that organism or its descendants. This is the problem with genetic engineering. If we would transfer new genes in the chromosomes, that thing might get influence so far only the descendants. That means that the manipulated organism itself might have no effect about the genome transfer. But the descendants would get the influence from the genomes. And that makes the genetic manipulation and engineering really interesting thing. If we would create an intelligent organism, what looks like something else than we are, we would be...

The natural constants and reality

The natural constants and reality The speed of light is one of the natural constants, and it's a very interesting thing because in real life the speed of light is not stable. Gravity and medium are causing the changes to that thing, and this thing might have meaning in the extremely large scale of distances. When we are talking about the mean of the changes in the speed of light, those changes would not have meant even in the scale of the galaxy. But when we are metering some really far distances, what are in scale thousands of trillions of light years, those changes in the speed of light have influence in the metering and results of calculations. But when we are thinking about the speed of light as the natural constant, that thing is a really important thing in everyday life. The laser-based rangefinders are very simple to use in the big distances, and the technology, what is used in those systems bases the knowledge of the speed of light. Or actually, most of those systems ...

The burning in the apartment building

The burning in the apartment building That is not a very usual situation in the western world that the entire apartment building is burning. Of course sometimes in bad neighborhoods is happening that some criminal activities are causing the explosions. But one of the most usual reasons for destruction has been the dust explosion. In those cases, the dust, what have very big burning layer would start to burn very fast, and the result is similar to FAE bombs. The fast burning flour dust has caused many destructions for the mills. Sometimes criminals have dropped the flour on the burning torch for causing a huge explosion. And in the past, some castles have been destroyed because of this kind of explosions. This is one of the worst reasons for the burning of an entire apartment building. The reason, why there is so much dust, that it causes a huge explosion is that the flats are not used. There has been dust on the floor, and in those cases where the entire floor is covered by the d...

Who were those people, who are buried in the old grave?

Who were those people, who are buried in the old grave? This is only the thought about an old grave. Why it seems like that, and who those people were because they had no need to put the cross on that memorial. So this story only the product of the imagination, and the question is was this family wait in this area for one generation, and then those children flew away? And why they made that thing? The reason, why I publish these two images is that there is something special in this gravestone. There is no cross on the mark, and the thing is made by using metal. Those vegetables what are ahead of this metal plate, which shows the mark of this grave seem to put in this place in purpose for hiding this grave marker. There is the flower, what branches in the many parts in the place, where the cross should be, and this would mean that there is some kind of family, what is branching behind this mark. The thing is that maybe there was some family, what was stay in this place, and ...

The fundamental engines and zero-point systems (Die Glocke)

The fundamental engines and zero-point systems (Die Glocke) In the beginning, I must say, that sometimes I have thought that some mystery machines are even more sophisticated than we ever want to believe. When we are thinking about "Die Glocke", and the strange quicksilver looking metal, we have forgotten that the strange "metal" in the accelerator would be only the liquid helium. That would make this extraordinary machine the zero-point test device. There is a possibility to create the fundamental engine for interplanetary flight. That engine would use the combined systems for creating the hovering effect. The primary system would be the zero-point system, which raises the craft from the ground. There might be the laser, what can put in the middle of the motor for creating extra power for hovering, if the liquid helium would not have enough power. When the craft is moving in the space, it would use WARP or radio wave based version of the photon rocket. This k...

Writing about transhumanism

Writing about transhumanism  When we are talking about genetic engineering, we must realize, that even if we would deny that technology by law, there is always states, what allows this kind of research. And the persons, who are working with this kind of things can operate even from the opposite side of the Earth by using remote-controlled robots. That means that those persons must not even leave their homes even if the laboratory would be somewhere in Central America. Genetic engineering allows us to order the gender of the fetus by using nanotechnology. That thing happens by removing of increase the Y-chromosome in the nucleus of the fertilized egg cell. The Y-chromosome could suck away or it can inject in the egg, which gives really interesting things in the mind of people, who are working with the pure-line refinement of the fastened evolution. The ability to remove or increase that chromosome makes possible to clone individuals, what have different gender, but the same gene...

The new type of stealth cargo plane can refuel and drop equipment and men behind the enemy lines.

The new type of stealth cargo plane can refuel and drop equipment and men behind the enemy lines.  When we are thinking about the SST (Super Sonic Transportation) concepts, we are facing the sad thing. Most of those concepts have turned to military systems. The origin of the most supersonic bombers of the world has been in the SST programs. But the thing is that also modern parachutist and other rapid reaction teams can get the benefit from the super fast transport vehicles. Here I'm talking about the transport plane, which uses stealth technology. This kind of advantage makes possible to operate deep inside the enemy airspace. When we are thinking about those extremely high-flying aircraft, there is needed a new type of protective suits, what keeps the pressure on the body, but what is allowing also operate on the ground wearing those gears. Those new type of suits need the testing and that might be one reason why NASA has made test jump by using a parachute from over 30 km ...

Jetpacks and national security.

Jetpacks and national security. The jetpacks can cause problems for national security. If the terrorists would get them in their hands, they can use them against civilian airlines, and shoot the aircraft with bazookas or other antitank weapons like LAW-80. But also elite forces, what is fighting against terrorism would use this kind of equipment. The new types of missions need a new type of equipment like jetpacks, what can deliver the team straight to target, and then they can fly away, what hides the existence of the field operatives. That means when the team is on the area, those drones can fly back to the aircraft, or to the greater distance for destruction. Those jetpacks can also equip with robot mode, which allows to use them as drones. Those drones can evacuate wounded persons. The jetpack drone can fly in the hovering helicopter or VTOL plane. They can be equipped with GPS and the remote-controllers can fly them from the great distance. They can bring more equipment or...

The Terminus and the Gaia of intelligence.

The Terminus and the Gaia of intelligence.  In one of the most incredible science fiction books or book series in the key role is two fictional planets Trantor and Terminus. In the fictional planet Terminus of Isaac Asimov's book "The Foundation" is the key element in one of the most fantastic theories of the intelligence. That planet would be the place, where the temperature would be only a couple of Kelvin degrees. In those temperatures, every material would turn to superconductors. And this has been given a very fascinating idea, that if we would take animals like bugs to that kind of place, the neurons of those animals would start to communicate with together. That thing would turn the entire planet to the giant and very effective supercomputer. The thing is that this kind of very intelligent supercomputer can communicate with the characters, who are living on another planet, simply by using radio telescopes. Could the superconducting conditions make person ...

How the aircraft could operate by using the theoretical zero-point engines?

How the aircraft could operate by using the theoretical zero-point engines? This is writing about theoretical motors. The zero-point engines of the aircraft would base the extreme cold conditions. When the outer layer of the craft, what is hovering on air would transform the superconducting, it would start to react with the magnetic field. The rising super-cold liquid helium will make the rise of this craft, which can hover silently on the air. This system can also load its batteries simply by flying above the radio antennas, which can send the electricity for that craft wirelessly. But the thing is, that it can work only in the extremely low temperature. If the temperature rises, the craft will drop. When we are thinking about the zero-point engines, and they use in aviation, we can think a very simple solution. This solution would be the stick where is the hole in the bottom of it. The liquid helium would be released from that hole, and it would be pulled upwards by using magne...

The problem is in attitudes

The problem is in attitudes When people are creating new innovation and services, we have problems to transform into those services because we are used something all of our life. When we are talking about city bikes and another kind of things like electric cars, we are always facing resistance, because that thing needs some changes in our lifestyle or the way, how we have done something before. If we are thinking about combination services, where a person uses electric cars in short distance traveling, and for longer trips, those cars would be loaded on the trains, and then they can drive in the destiny. The reason why we don't use that kind of things is simple, even if we could sit in our cars, and the car would move to trains automatically, we would resist that thing for one reason: we cannot go to the toilet during that trip. Even we ever visited in the toilet on the trips, what is taking the same time with this train-car service, we would start to afraid that maybe we mus...

The robots are changing the battlefield maybe forever

The robots are changing the battlefield and perception of national security maybe forever When we are thinking about the robots on the battlefield, we must realize that those things might be very devastating. If somebody would drop the robot tank to the airbase, that vehicle can cause very much casualties before it can be destroyed. The thing is that those drones and other robots are also dangerous for public security. Even the assembler can make the military drone by using parts, what are free to buy. And the thing is that the military drone or robot difference in those homemade versions are the programs, what controls those things. By using the analog systems is possible to make the remote-controlled fighter, and the machine guns and another kind of things can be shot similar thing, what is used in other remote triggers. The analog systems are easy to deny by using ECM systems, and that's why those systems should be made by using digital components. One of the biggest threa...