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Showing posts from May, 2019

The symbol of the spiral

The symbol of the spiral 1. The spiral symbolizes many things There are many explanations, what the spirals in the rock paintings are. When we are making theories of the meaning of some symbols, we must just think about, what that could mean, because we don't know any cavemen, who would tell us, what the spiral or some symbol means. Maybe that symbol might be warning about things like water whirls or tornadoes, what can be an extremely dangerous effect. One theory is that the spiral symbols the place, where some rituals must make. Or maybe sometimes it means the snake or some other thing, what people should remember when they are going to hunt. In this text is many times repeating the word "maybe", because there is no written information, why this thing is drawn on the rock. 2. The mark of the ritual place Sometimes the spiral is a mark of the hallucinations, but it is a symbol, what is used in modern movies. But there is a possibility that when the witch or sha...

Whirlwinds are the most devastating meteorological phenomena

Whirlwinds are the most devastating meteorological phenomena 1. Forming of the Tornadoes.  Naturally, the tornadoes are forming like every other whirlwind on Earth. The temperature of the clouds would rise, which causes the air below the cloud is starting to rise. When the air pylon starts to rise, it will make clod stronger, what will increase the power of the whirl. And if the whirl stands long enough, it will become one of the most devastating meteorological phenomena on the Earth. In fact, the wind speed in the so-called normal-size hurricane can in theory rise to the speed of Tornado. The thing what causes the hurricane is the stable air whirl and in some cases, there is theory, that the butterfly, what flaps wings near the equator can cause the forming of the hurricane. 2. Controlling hurricanes can happen by increase specs on the air, which makes clouds rain harder, and remove the cloud layer Another theory is that the roots of the palms are causing the stable whir...

The city of Pompeii, and the eruption of Mount. Vesuvius

The city of Pompeii and the eruption of Mount. Vesuvius 1. Why the city of Pompeii name was not changed, when Caesar won Pompey, because Pompeii has a similar name with Pompey? One of the most interesting thing in the name of Mount Vesuvius is could that mountain named after some ancient Roman warlord. There are long traditions about this name, but as you know, the name of that volcano seems like some Roman noblemen name, so could it be possible that in a long time before the fatal day on 24 August 79 AD. The city was named for the enemy of Caesar, and the question is, why Romans didn't change its name. The city has an autonomic position in the Roman empire, and when it was surrounded in 89 BC.  every people of that town got Roman citizenship. The story of the road to that point began in the year 290 BC. , when that city was forced to take the position as "socii" with linguistic and administrative autonomy. 2. Why Lucius Cornelius Sulla show mercy to that town? ...

The lake monsters

The lake monsters 1. Loch Ness monster is not only "monster" in the lakes There might be many natural explanations for the lake monsters, and one is the thing that when some sea animal or crocodile would get in the isolated water system. That might cause that this animal would grow in very large size. In that environment, those animals might have no enemies, and their size would rise to very large scale.  And when we are thinking about Russia there is a possibility, that somebody has released some Orcas in the lakes, when the Soviet Union have been collapsed. 2. Could those monsters be the result of the attempt to grow things like European Sturgeons in those lakes? Maybe some monster sights are causing only that the local people have not recognized some big fishes like European Sturgeon, and that have caused the reports of monsters. There might be attempts to grow those fishes in some lakes, and maybe some of those individuals have grown at very large scale. almost ...

What would be living underground?

What would be living underground? 1. Vril the coming race There are many tales about secret laboratories, which are located underground below the surface of the Earth. In many stories, the Nazis have escaped in underground tunnels, and the thing, what is feeding those rumors is the thing, that many codes or code words, what was used by SS  were taken from the book, what was written by Edward Bulwer-Lytton, and it was named as "Vril, the coming race". That kind of stories was feed by books like "Les MisĆ©rables", what included the tales of the people, who are living in the sewer systems all around the world. H.G Wells have also mentioned the underground society in the book "Time Machine", so that kind of things are very influential for the imagination of the people. Sewer system has offered safe places for the political refugees, anarchists, and artists, who were too brave to make their paintings and texts in public places. The underground resistance f...

The paradox of poor people is that in the wealthiest states lives poorest people

The paradox of poor people is that in the wealthiest states lives poorest people 1. The natural resource-based economics would not need a highly educated labor force When people are talking about the wealthy states and people, they are facing a paradox, that in the richest countries lives poorest people. This is a very interesting point of view when we are looking at the segmentation of material and capital in the world. The difference between the poorest and richest people in some nations is very huge, and this advantage is seen also in western countries. This is the thing, what is somehow interesting because when we are looking at the gross national product, nations are very wealthy. But that money would not benefit individuals, and of course, there is a possibility to get social benefits, but those benefits are coming only if the person is filling the papers, and knows how to seek them. And this is a really interesting thing. If the person is living in the country, which is ...

How algorithms are searching for data?

1. How algorithms are searching for data?  RAM memory based algorithms are making RAM virtual disk or package and those algorithms are making possible to infect computer memory by using algorithms, what are collecting the data, what is sending or shared by that computer or mobile system. That makes possible to infect the computer, which is used to watching the films or something like that. The thing what makes those algorithms very big risk is that if the MAC-address of some computer is in the surveillance list, the algorithms can infect only those computers. That makes easier to process the data, and the system benefits the TCP/IP way to operate. The IP-address is the thing, what separates computers together and when the computer is connecting to the network it would send the MAC-address to the server, what will send the IP-address to the network card. In this process, the server might tell to somebody else that to some computer have been shared IP-address. And of course, that...

What if people have a basic income?

What if people have a basic income? What if the basic income would concern only the wealthy states like Japanese or some other industrial state citizens? The wealthiest people in the world own 720 billion dollars, and most of the people would not have money to buy the clothes. So there have been talking that the wealthiest people would give money to those poor people. And that is the question, what is always on the lips of some people. But there are also politicians, who have given permissions of basic income what concerns only the people, who have the nationality of some western country. In that thing that money would not go to Africa or Asia or Latin America. It would be reserved only to the people, who have the nationality of the European, North American or the wealthy Asian States like Japan, Korean and Singapore citizens. In this case, that money would not help any person outside those countries. What would you think about that? It's true that this idea would be absurd...

RenƩ Magritte "Philosophers lamp" and "El Hombre Dorado"

RenĆ© Magritte "Philosophers lamp" and "El Hombre Dorado" (Picture I The lightweight respirator would save lives in today I have written about this recently, but repetition is the mother of all studies.  When we are looking at the painting "Philosophers lamp", which is painted by RenĆ© Magritte, we might see many things, and one is the small respirator. That respirator would act that way, that the respirator would recycle the exhalation gas through the pipe, or chamber, what is equipped with an active carbon filter. That filter would remove the carbon dioxide from the breath. This kind of small-size systems would allow the scuba diver to dive freely and longer, than use the normal respirator or at least those small-size machines can make scuba diving safer because if the bottles would go empty. That pocket-sized small respirator allows keeping the diver life until that person would go to the surface. Or this kind of respirators would be used by t...

How to travel in space without spacecraft?

How to travel in space without spacecraft? Sometimes this question is coming ahead of us when we are investigating cases, where somebody has seen brilliant light in the sky and suddenly that person was in somewhere, where should not be. The travel without spaceship is impossible, but there is a technical solution, which might make possible to travel to space by using only the space suit. Of course, we could create a very small size craft, which will pull us to space. If the exhaust gas of the rocket motor would not touch the person,  the spacecraft would pull that person to space, while an astronaut is hanging outside it. The aerodynamic structure of the craft would protect that traveler against the heat, which causes by the friction. But when we are thinking about the systems, what can transport the person to another side of the universe or at least to another planet, would there possibility that the skin of the traveler would be covered by using nanotechnology. In this case...

The water powered engines

The water powered engines The pump of the hydraulic engine can be replaced with a vacuum chamber. There have been made the research with the hydraulic motor systems what bases two chambers. Another chamber is filled with water and another is a vacuum. When the hydraulic liquid travels through the motor, what is between those chambers, it will put the engine run. Then the liquid would pump back to another chamber, and the vacuum chamber would pump empty again. The pump system needs of course electricity, which can be created by using a capillary tube, or it can be loaded from the electric plug. Sometimes inventors have introduced hydraulic motors, which are suitable for cars. The hydraulic motor itself doesn't need fuel, because the principle of the hydraulic motor is that the hydraulic liquid would travel through the motor, and makes the parts moving. But the pump of that system needs fuel or electricity. The underwater hydraulic engine vehicle, what doesn't need extern...

The fascinating idea of living forever

The fascinating idea of living forever "Roswell incident" has given many topics for philosophers and scientists In this writing, I would not tell stories about the Roswell case. The idea is to tell a story about the ideas, what that case has brought in the head of some philosophers or scientists. This kind of stories are fascinating many innovative people and bring many ideas in their mind, where could benefit the Internet and the most modern technology. But in the beginning, I will rehearse what means "Roswell incident". And more details about that case you might look from the Internet. In some stories, the US Air Force has been captured dead humanoids from some spacecraft, and that story is involving tale that some of those bodies were stored in liquid nitrogen or liquid helium. If the electricity would conduct to the brains of those individuals, the researchers could communicate with that thing. There are many versions of this tale, and one is that the most...

The classical conditioning will be an effective tool in animal training

The classical conditioning will be an effective tool in animal training In the religious paintings are the codes, or instruction how to make some things like grow the obey for some other person. When we are looking at the paintings, where Jesus or some other holy man is sitting with lamb, and this asset is of course really nice looking, but there is another way to look at that kind of painting. That painting could be looking at the point of view of the behavioral sciences, and if we would want to teach the obey younger and smaller person is just give other members of the team punishment. If they would not obey and follow that leader, that would make punishment like hitting another individual or just the second individual. In fact, the thing, what makes possible to take control of every individual in the lamb or any other animal pack that the controller or herdsman just finds the leader of the pack, and then takes the own lamb, what acts as equipment, what to use in the controllin...

One very big threat, what nanomachines can cause is that they are very effective weapons

One very big threat, what nanomachines can cause is that they are very effective weapons When we are talking about miniaturized weapons, we ever think, what kind of threat is nanotechnology in wrong hands. If we want to connect those nanomachines to the algorithms, what are used to track people on the net, we are facing new kind of threat. Sometimes people would not realize, that nanomachines can make people's horrible imaginations true. The idea of use the nanomachines to strike to some target is simple. The algorithms just locate the Internet socket from the network, and then the nanomachine would start to move to it by using the Internet cables, or actually the empty space between cable and insulator, and then those machines can make a physical threat to the target. In the worst cases, those nanomachines would be equipped with small tanks of some poison gas. The artificial silicone amoebas can carry also nuclear weapons Or they can be filled with the small bites of some ...

The new version of the metempsychosis

The new version of the metempsychosis Even if we would not be religious people, we must say, that there are many theories about the soul and its relationship with the material world. Some of those things, what are introduced in the world of computing have been taken from different religions. And one of them is pluralization, the term, which means that we would someday become one with the Internet. In this scenario, the man would be implanted with microchips, which would stimulate the brain core. In some day this might allow humans to control the machines and other information on the net, by using only our thoughts or EEG to that process, and it also connects our knowledge to the Internet databases. Normally people don't mind that this theory is similar to the Hinduistic term moksha, where the soul of the people would connect to the Brahman, the soul of the world. In this case, the world Brahman is replaced by using the word Internet. Many very interesting theories about the p...

How we can get more clicks to our work?

How we can get more clicks to our work? Make things interesting Bad taste is a good way to make things interesting. This is the thing, what is realized many times before. One of the best examples of this thing are films, which should not succeed, but they were the cash magnets in their time. Who would not see things like "Rocky Horror" show, or "Plan 9 from outer space" and of course splatter classic "Bad taste", what were low budget movies, but they turn to great success because everybody wanted to see the worst movie on the planet. And that made those productions the legends. Even today in some student societies is traditional "Rocky evening", where all the students are going to see the film "Rocky horror show". How to get clicks to the homepages? Here is a good example of the questions, what marketing specialists are always asking. And the answer is simple, we must have a great area to get people's clicks in our media. S...

How to handle feelings on the Internet?

How to handle feelings on the Internet? Internet and own home are a very good place to handle things like feelings, and in that combination is sometimes very devastating. When we are tired, or somehow in very sensitive feelings, we might make mistakes, what we will shame in the next morning. And this is the thing, why we should not write when we are tired, but as you know, when the inspiration strikes, you cannot resist emotion. Inspiration is the most important thing if the person is working in the creative area. And here we must say, that creative persons are sometimes somehow different than other people. This is the thing, what we must understand when we are making texts or something else on the net. On the Internet is many people, who like to say, that hackers or somebody else would see everything, what we are writing in here. And why should we care about that thing? Why we must hide things, what we feel or what we like? Like in many other stories, there is a background in th...

What kind of world is the world of algorithms?

What kind of world is the world of algorithms? Algorithms are a fascinating thing I have written about this thing many times before, and the thing is that artificial intelligence and machine learning is very fast advancing tool in the world of computing. In some scenarios, those algorithms would reach so much information that they would become intelligent, and maybe they will someday reach the level of human intelligence. Many times there would be writings and talking about algorithms, but many people actually don't know anything about this kind so things. So what means algorithm? Many people think that the algorithm is some kind of computer program, but the thing is not like that. Algorithms are actually the computer worms, what are traveling in the world wide web. They can have the form of the program, but the algorithm can be stored in the files, and they are used to track persons, who are using the computers. When one algorithm is finding the target, it calls other algo...

Using smoke to make knives and other tools

Using smoke to make knives and other tools When we are talking about biomaterials, we always forget that those materials are actually food. And the hard biomaterial can replace the plastic in every part, where the strength or other conditions allow.  That means that macaroni can use to make even the machine parts, which are normally made by using plastics. So it can be used in the structures or gearwheels as well as plastic, but if some guy eats it, it would not be so dangerous.  When we are thinking things like macaroni, we should ever forget, that this material can use as a weapon. Biomaterials can also be dangerous because they are nonmagnetic and quite easy to get. Even in prisons, people would get the stuff like macaroni or gelatine in their hands, and they can use that stuff as a weapon. The thing is that the knife maker must just take the macaroni panels and sand them to the form of the knives or axes. But if the top of the macaroni stick would be sharper, that th...

The rise of Russia and its military

The rise of Russia and its military  Tu-95 "Bear H" (Picture I) The rise of Russia and its military  Below this text is a link to the video, what I will comment. So let's begin the reason, why Russian military abilities have been advanced since the 1990s, and the major reason for this is a better economic situation and stabilizing the social-economical areas in the society leaves money for increasing the developing of the military technology, and give better salaries for officers and other professional military men. Also, a restless political environment guarantees that the money and other resources can invest in developing the weapons and support systems. After the fall of the Russian mafia, the western investments in that country have been very large, and that means that Western nations have funded the rebuilding Russian military, and when we are thinking about the systems, what might interest Russia, we must remember that in the 1980s and 1990s Soviet mil...

Radicalism and its relationship with media

Radicalism and its relationship with media When we are looking at history, we are facing the chain of the cases, where the protest movements have risen in the power of the government. After that, they have made a decision, to stay in power, because they have been the best and only real choice for the people. The name of the rulers have been changed, but methods are the same. The hardcore police will terminate every attempt to say something in that country, which would not please those rulers. The radical wing of political movements is a good object for media because the political radicals are so-called colorful people. When we are thinking about politicians, they are normally "quite grey" people, who don't use strong words and then comes politician, who speaks like "real people", that means that those people are like ordinary men and women. This guarantees their popularity in the elections. Many times those people are promising very good things, but then t...

Problems with pocket-size mobile command systems

Problems with pocket-size mobile command systems The hero of our time "man in the suit" When we are thinking about the modern version of the national hero, we might think the man, who wears a black suit and slips. This man has replaced generals and other uniform users in the hardcore national security situations. This modern hero just takes the mobile telephone from the pocket, if the national security is in danger, and then this hero activates the mobile software, and after that this cell phone turns to command equipment. The tablets are actually the same with mobile telephones, and that means that also pocket-size versions of the same mobile tools, what are used in the tablets. This means that the cell-phones can be used in the same role with those tablets, and this allows the operators to just sit on the bar, and use the same battle-control equipment what the men are using in the field, but this makes that person stealth, and that makes them bad targets to the enemy ...

How we can make algorithms?

How we can make algorithms? Algorithms can be made in the RAM (Read Access Memory) At the begin, I must say, that for making own algorithms people have to own suitable program skills for that thing. But when we are thinking about artificial intelligence, maybe quite soon it can create the algorithms, what the user wants. If in the future the artificial intelligence would form the algorithms automatically by using the parameters, what the program orderer or user gives to the computer. In the real world, the would mean that the program maker would just write the ticket to the program, and if the purpose of that algorithm by using free word-orders. And if artificial intelligence would not know some words, it might ask them from the Internet. Then artificial intelligence would make sure that the client gets, what the client wants, and then it might collect all data from the net and then it generates the thing, what the program maker wants. And if nobody tells the artificial intell...

T-1000 explained (What nanotechnology of tomorrow will make)

T-1000 explained (What nanotechnology of tomorrow will make) Nanomachines operate as a team In the future, this kind of machine could be possible, and that's why I'm writing this text about robots, which can transform their shape. In "Terminator" movies we have seen the "liquid metal killing machine", or T-1000. When we are thinking about the nanotechnology, what that machine is forming, we must actually think that this kind of systems is made by the nanomachines, what are actually feeling like quicksand. Those nanomachines would have silicon solar panel or some other system to take electricity for the structure, where multiple nanomachines operate like one structure. Those systems can load their batteries by using sunlight, connecting themselves to the power plug or using fuel cells. That will guarantee the power supply to the robot. Nanomachines would create a bigger structure Those nanomachines are equipped with the microprocessor, which allows ...

Is there something, what somebody doesn't want to tell about giants?

Is there something, what somebody doesn't want to tell about giants? The question on the top concerns about things like giant mammals and giant birds, what was dominating earth after the dinosaur era. Sometimes on the Earth is found the remains of the giant monkeys, what is lived after the dinosaur era. Those giant monkeys like a giant sloth were a really interesting stage in the advance of mammals, and those giant mammals and birds were dominating species in the short period before ice ages, and at least the ice ages made an end to those species. The reason was that those animals didn't get enough food, and also chances of climate made those animals unable to survive. But there are questions, why there are so few articles about those animals? Is there something, what somebody would really want to cover? Were those giants actually the test animals, what were grown in some space laboratories or inside the liquid what stimulates the weak gravity conditions? Or were they the t...

Biorobots and the transhumanism

Biorobots and the transhumanism Technology, what is straight from Lucifer's handbook Transhumanism or the technology, which connects the human to the machines can be the thing in tomorrow's world. It could be used to create the robots, what are actually humans, whose nervous system has been replaced by a computer. And that kind of robot zombies can be used in many things, like covert operations. This kind of systems might turn the person to the robot, what has not own will at all.  If those nanomachines would slip in the fetus when the mother is waiting for new baby, that thing would help to make a real and perfect identity for the robot, what will control by people, who would not be good. That thing would cause that this kind of "agent" would slip in the high-rank position in the government. In fact, we are thinking that robots cannot grow. Here I must say that in real life some technically advanced direction can create the bionic robot, what can be actually ...

The death ray or beta-cannon is one of the most horrifying inventions in history.

The death ray or beta-cannon is one of the most horrifying inventions in history.   Cathode radiation tube is one of the most dangerous tools in the world, because if the cathode radiation or electron radiation would pass the living organism that causes cell deaths. Those cell deaths are going to suffuse, which would cause the death of the organism. The death ray of Nikola Tesla might be the electron radiation, what was created by some cathode tube or by using some other method to throw the electrons to the target. The cathode tube can install in the mask of the car, and it can become the another "James Bond" equipment. The cathode radiation is normally green, and if some vehicle would have cathode tube, that thing can look like a green balloon or light. So if that equipment would installed to the aircraft or helicopters they can be extremely deadly things. If we would think about the ion cannons we must remember that the particle accelerators, what are used in that equ...

There are many new roles for robots in our homes

There are many new roles for robots in our homes When we are thinking about developing the new kind of emotional robots, which are making everything, what we want we are facing the next kind of solutions of robotics. Those machines are called as sex-robots because they were originally invented or giving an idea for the intelligent "sex dolls", but those machines can actually make many other things, and they can operate as the high-tech servants, what are making things, what people cannot even think about. Those machines can clean our houses, or drive our children to school, but they are horrifying weapons in the wrong hands. Those robots can operate as the warriors on the battlefield, but when we are thinking more operative usages for those things they can operate as the body switches. That means that the leader of the enemy can be assassinated, and then the robot can take the place of that person. But also law enforcement and other kinds of actors are interesting in th...