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Showing posts from December, 2021

Even the speed of the best systems has limits.

    Even the speed of the best systems has limits.  The resources of quantum computers and human brains are enormous. But even the best system has limits. What is the limit of the speed of a quantum computer? Nobody yet knows what the abilities of quantum systems are. But the thing is that the abilities of the quantum systems have limits.  Even the fastest systems have limits. And the speed of the system is not limitless. The thing that the quantum systems can reverse time has brought an idea to the mind of researchers or at least myself that maybe someday. Quantum computers can create a solution and then send them to the past. But today that reversal of time is extremely short. And that means we should wait for practical solutions for a while.  If the quantum computer can operate through time. That means that it can increase its limit. That means that the new state of quantum computers could be the qubits where the time dilation is extreme. And that thing ...

About nuclear fusion: the Holy Grail of energy production.

     About nuclear fusion: the Holy Grail of energy production. Tokamak reactor Nuclear fusion can turn to produce energy sooner than we expect.  Nuclear fusion is a "Holy Grail" to energy production. But the problem is how to make the reactor create more energy than it uses for creating the fusion power. Energy can store in flashing Tokamak reactors to the batteries. And that helps to keep fusion under control.  The flashing fusion reactors are things that are promising tools. A reaction would not happen all the time. When the reactor is producing energy. The system stores it in capacitors. The purpose of those capacitors is to stabilize energy delivery. To the main electric network. While there is a break in the energy production. And the researchers will stabilize temperature. By removing the pressure. That means fusion doesn't happen all the time. That helps the system keep the temperature and energy production under control. The system can use two plasma be...

Nanotubes are not standing forever. But they are ultimate tools.

 Nanotubes are not standing forever. But they are ultimate tools.  The nanotubes are vulnerable to pulling. If the atoms that are creating nanotube would be separated. That thing will pull them away. The difference between carbon-based nanotubes and metal is that carbon nanotubes are not elastic. They can cut before previous damages. And that thing is one of the weaknesses of nanotubes.  Every material has limits. And even nanotubes cannot stand forever. The thing is that stress and other things are causing the situation that sometimes even diamonds will break. The fact is nanotubes are strong and very useful materials for many purposes. They can use in modern photon-based computers for protecting laser rays for eavesdroppers. And in quantum computers, the qubit can travel through nanotubes that protect them against outcoming effects.  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Image 1: "Rice University researchers determined several ways a nanotube ...

NASA and planetary defense

NASA and planetary defense "NASA’s DART spacecraft is due to collide with the smaller body of the Didymos binary asteroid system in October 2022." "ESA’s Hera mission will survey ‘Didymoon’ post-impact and assess how its orbit has been changed by the collision, to turn this one-off experiment into a workable planetary defense technique." Credit: ESA–"  (ScitechDaily/We Asked a NASA Expert: Is NASA Really Crashing a Spacecraft Into an Asteroid?) NASA and planetary defense NASA DART mission will impact the space probe to an asteroid in October 2022. Or more accurately saying, asteroid Didymos binary asteroid. One of the things that makes asteroid 65803 Didymos interesting is that the asteroid has its moon. And when the DART impacts the asteroid. ESA:s "Hera" probe will observe the debris from the surface asteroid's surface. That data is important for creating a defense against asteroids.  The mission of that spacecraft is to researc...

China has increased its ECM power near its borders.

 China has increased its ECM power near its borders. China increased its ECM (Electronic Counter-Measure) systems at artificial islands near its borders. The fixed countermeasure stations can deny the use of most modern US weapons. But the more interesting things are details that the Chinese are kept away from people. China has developed many new weapon systems. And there is almost certainly the DEW (Directed Energy Weapons).  The problem is that those EM stations are on-ground stations. And that means. There could be even a megawatt-class microwave or radio system in those stations. The powerful radio waves can cause the synthetic EMP-pulse that destroys the computers.  The countermeasure stations can cut the communication links that are integrated ground, sea, and airborne troops in one entirety. Those communication links are playing a vital role in communication between satellites and US systems. If the communication between troops is not working the main tactics of th...

Gravitational waves and beyond

    Gravitational waves and beyond  The impacts of black holes are extremely powerful things. They are the extreme cases in the reactions of the universe. The gravitational waves are the thing that is opening the mystery of gravitation to researchers. A gravitational wave is the mysterious energy wave that travels in the universe. Things like black holes are sending gravitational waves. Especially in the cases when they collide. And, the same way neutron stars are sending those mysterious energy waves, the same way every object should send gravitational waves.  While they are impacting each other. But those gravitational waves are so weak that they cannot detect. So the gravitational waves are caused by the energy that travels away from the gravitational center. But what happens when the extremely powerful energy impacts the material. That is surrounding black holes or other gravitational centers.  The energy impact pushes material. But that thing also caus...

The use of AI requires data security.

 The use of AI requires data security. In the beginning, I must say that modern malicious software is searching data. It opens back gates to the system. And then that sends data to the third party. Another thing is that in most security scenarios the destructive viruses are used to open roads to the data breakers. Those people can try to slip non-secured components into the system.  This component can send the entire data to the attacker's system. It is not the same does the computer virus infects the server or the workstation. If the computer shuts down sometimes. That clears the virus from the RAM. Servers are vulnerable because if RAM-virus infects them it would not be removed from RAM-memory until the next boot. Servers are also involving most of the data.  That is stored in the system. So that means if the spy tool is infecting the server. That requires that the operators must change passwords and other access keys to the system. Computer viruses are always advancing...

Where is "Planet 9"?

     Where is "Planet 9"? Planet Neptune The mystery of Planet X or Planet 9 is an interesting thing. There is something that causes errors in the trajectory of planet Neptune. And that thing is predicted to be an unknown planet. The thing that makes this planet so mysterious is that it hasn't been detected yet.  There is the possibility that the temperature of the surface of that planet is about 3 Kelvin which means it hides in the cosmic background. But as you see that mysterious planet is theory.  There is also another explanation about the error of the trajectory of planet Neptune. That theory goes like this: a gravitational effect of Alpha Centauri, Proxima Centauri, and Luhman-16 systems is causing that error. But that gravitational effect should affect also Oort clouds. Sometimes the group of small asteroids at the Kuiper Belt has explained the source of the mysterious errors in the trajectory of Neptune.  So what causes those famous. And also unknow...

Research tangled quantum memory for 50 kilometers. And that makes it possible to create safe WiFi between systems.

 Research tangled quantum memory for 50 kilometers. And that makes it possible to create safe WiFi between systems.  This thing is a breakthrough for making new quantum networks that are extremely safe. Extremely safe quantum networks allow the creation of the WLAN that benefits the abilities of the quantum computer. That thing allows sending data through the air by using qubits.  And that allows connecting quantum computers without binary layers. The thing is that the connected quantum computers are the single quantum system. And the bottleneck is how to introduce processed data. But the quantum entanglement can also transmit data in binary mode. There might be two lines of quantum entanglement. When Line 1 is in use the value in the system is 0. And line 2 means the value of the bit in the system is 1. That means the quantum entanglement can offer secured data transmission in the binary network.  The thing that makes quantum entanglement safe against eavesdropping ...

The new nanotechnology needs miniaturized microelectronics.

 The new nanotechnology needs miniaturized microelectronics.  The bottleneck in the interaction with nanomachines and quantum computers is the interface. Computer keyboards and screens are using binary systems. And that means the development of binary systems is also continuing. Artificial intelligence is the best tool for controlling nanomachine swarms.  But those systems require powerful computers. And another thing is that the nanomachines are also required internal and well-protected computers. Screens and keyboards are needed to send commands to nanomachines through the quantum system.  Development of the new quantum systems is not enough. If we want to use quantum computers things like screens and keyboards are the bottleneck for interaction between quantum computers and humans. When we are developing new quantum systems we must load information to the quantum systems. And for that kind of duties is needed to develop more and more powerful binary computers....

Terrifying visions of genetic engineering.

 Terrifying visions of genetic engineering.  The modern Hounds of Baskerville ABW:s (Advanced biological weapons are the modern Hounds of Baskerville. The term ABV means the animal which is genetically engineered. And which is controlled by using some interactive electronic systems. There is a possibility to connect the action camera to dogs collars. And transmit commands to that animal by using electronic systems. Spoken words can use to the commands.  Or they can be a series of sounds that are stored in the sound files. When the operator activates a certain file that sound means a certain command to the animals. There is the possibility to automatize some commands by connecting the system to the image recognition tool. When the action camera sees something that is stored in the memory of the computer. That system sends the coded order to the animal.  Nanotechnology and genetic engineering are the most lethal combination in the world. The ABW:s (Advanced Biological ...

The artificial DNA can use as the "genomes" of the "Von Neumann machine".

 The artificial DNA can use as the "genomes" of the "Von Neumann machine".  The term "artificial DNA" means simply the chemical computer program or program where data is stored in the chemical form. The artificial DNA is only the chain of ions. So it means it's not similar to human DNA. It's quite easy to create artificial DNA.   When we think about the computer program that involves data how the Von Neumann machine will make copies of itself. The data that the system requires in this kind of process can be stored in the punched tape. The microfilm can use for that mission. The system can read the microfilm by using the photovoltaic cells.  When the frame will let the light go through the value is one. And when the light will not go through the frame the value would be zero. This kind of system can use store data on how to boot the system.  Or how to make copies of the robot.  The idea of this kind of ROM (Read Only Memory) has been introduced to u...

Peto's paradox: why whales don't get cancer?

 Peto's paradox: why whales don't get cancer? There is introduced an idea in the Cosmos Magazine. That the rapidly evolving genes cause that whales can't get cancer. But also water is protecting them against UV and other electromagnetic radiation as well as alpha and beta radiation. So maybe lack of natural EM- radiation causes that whales don't get cancer. Whales are enormous animals. They live a long life. Also, whales carry lots of fat. And the new thing that makes those great animals interesting is that whales have no genetic mutations.  And they don't have cancer. The genomes of the whales have less mutated than other animals. So what is the thing that makes whales so wealthy if we are thinking about cancer?  One of the things that can save whales from cancer is that water protects them the natural radiation. Water absorbs radioactive radiation better than air. And good senses may be protected whales also against poisons like carcinogens. There is a possibility...

Are the flashes of hyper-energetic lightning the thing that causes X-ray emission in the atmosphere of Uranus?

     Are the flashes of hyper-energetic lightning the thing that causes X-ray emission in the atmosphere of Uranus? Image: "A composite image of the planet Uranus shows 2002 X-ray emission in pinkish purple. (Image credit: X-ray: NASA/CXO/University College London/W. Dunn et al; Optical: W.M. Keck Observatory)" ( The forming of the X-ray emission in the Uranus can explain by impacting the high energetic particles. So we might ask, is the same thing that causes X-ray emission in the high atmosphere of Uranus the thing that causes the formation of the acetylene in its atmosphere? Flashes of lightning can be the reason why there is an X-ray emission of the atmosphere of Uranus. So the theory of the source of those X-ray flashes goes like this:  There are two types of fashes of lightning in the atmosphere of planet Uranus. 1) The first type of flashes of lightning form in the high atmosphere when the high-...

Water is not similar everywhere.

     Water is not similar everywhere.  The water on Mars is not in the form that it is on Earth, say NASA scientists. The thing is that there are many forms of water in the universe what is different than we know that liquid. There are deep oceans on the icy moons like Ganymede and Europa.  Those oceans on single icy moons are involving more water than on Earth. The icy moons like Enceladus have icy geysers. And that makes them interesting places. There is the possibility that some tiny, primitive organisms are living in those oceans. They might get their energy from the volcanic temperature that is created by the tidal forces of the giant gas planets.  But the thing is that those oceans are different than oceans on Earth. The tidal waves are keeping those oceans liquid. And the thing is that the gravitation on those moons is weaker than on Earth. So the pressure in those oceans is lower.  And that makes water more moving than it moves on Earth. The di...

What mean that AI understand?

 What mean that AI understand? Understanding is the answer to the question "why"? So that means that we should know how to make something. And then we should know why we should do things exactly some way.  When we are turning our car to somewhere. We must follow certain rules. But then we must realize that those rules are made. That also other people who are outside our vehicle know what we are going to do.  When we are researching AI we are facing the question. Does the computer understand things what it does? The thing is that understanding is something that even humans don't understand. When somebody asks "do you understand what material is"?  Everybody can say. That material is consisting things like protons, neutrons, and quarks. Some person who has read a little bit more about the material. Can say that there are subatomic particles like quarks inside protons and neutrons. So that person is mainly right. Most of the mass of the atom is in protons and neutr...

Why cold spots are forming in the cosmic microwave background? ( The cold areas in the cosmic microwave background are a mystery Part II)

  Why cold spots are forming in the cosmic microwave background? ( The cold areas in the cosmic microwave background are a mystery Part II) There is a couple of theories. That could explain the cold areas in the WMAP image above this text. That theory is that the so-called cannibal effect of dark matter is causing those cold areas. That means that the energy flow between the dark and visible material adjusts the size of some subatomic particles in that area and turns the material invisible. In some other theory, the particle flow that came outside the universe could cause this kind of effect. If those particles hit those areas came outside the universe. This means that their speed would be slowing. The speed of light is always on the top. But outside the universe, the photons travel faster than in the universe.  And the same thing is happening with all other particles. So when the particles are hitting the universe. They are releasing their energy in the wave movement. This wa...

The cold areas in the cosmic microwave background are a mystery

   The cold areas in the cosmic microwave background are a mystery Image 1: The empty area in the cosmic background is visible in the WMAP image. There is also another similar area in the middle of the image. And those so-called "cold areas" (also known as "Bubble of nothingness" or empty bubbles" ) are things that are causing discussions.  Those areas are marked in image 2.  The reason why that microwave image is not homogeneous is a mystery. There was something that caused shadow in the comic background. There is possible that black holes pulled radiation and material out from those areas. Theoretically, somewhere in the universe could be the black holes in which the event horizon can be larger than even galaxies. But the question is, where those black holes are? Empty areas are the cold points in the cosmic microwave map. They are like shadows that some object left in the shine of the Big Bang. In some theories, those empty areas are formed because there was...

The James Webb telescope is on its way to L-2 point.

     The James Webb telescope is on its way to L-2 point. Image 1: The Schedule of JWST (James Webb Space Telescope) (Source: There was a little mistake in my text yesterday. The James Webb Space Telescope is on its way to Sun-Earth Lagrange point L-2, not L-1. The JWST is the new and the most powerful instrument that astronomers ever get in use. And the thing is that this instrument is acting as a pathfinder to other, more powerful telescopes that are sent outside the Jupiter trajectory.  Maybe someday the NASA and European Space Agencies are accomplishing the TAU mission. TAU (Thousand Astronomical Unit)is the space telescope that will be sent away from the solar system, and that telescope will base similar technology with the JWST. But those things are the future views of deep space missions. The truth is that the JWST can reach outer planets as well as another solar system by using excellent accuracy....