"In a recent study, researchers achieved high-visibility quantum interference between two independent semiconductor quantum dots, a crucial development towards scalable quantum networks". (ScitechDaily.com/Dawn of Solid-State Quantum Networks ā The Holy Grail of Quantum Information Sciences)
The limit of binary networks is that they are slow for quantum computers. If quantum computers connect to quantum networks. That makes it possible to connect them to one entirety.
Quantum networks allow quantum computers to communicate without bottlenecks. And that will be the next revolution in the world of quantum computing.
The ability to transmit the information as a qubit over long distances would be the next step in quantum networks. The quantum networks will be faster and more secure networks than regular binary networks. There is a possibility that the spectrum is the key to those networks.
When we think about the spectrum we must remember that each spectrum's color is an independent radiation wavelength. So the information can deliver from the qubit to the different color lasers. And that allows researchers to make the photon-based qubit, where certain color or wavelength is the certain state of the qubit.
A long-distance quantum network is also possible to create by using multi-band radios. In that version, data is shared to different frequencies. And then send it to the receiver. This kind of system can make a faster and more secure network. When we are thinking about the quantum revolution we must realize a couple of things. The next-generation network should be easy to use, but the same time very secure. The quantum system is not yet common.
But technology is advancing. When quantum computers are turning more common, their prices will get lower. The problem with quantum computers is that they can keep their quantum entanglements only in a couple of seconds. Then the energy level quantum entanglement will turn to the same. And that breaks the entirety.
The requirement for information travel in quantum entanglement is that another side is at the lower level. When the energy level in that structure turns stable, it breaks the superposition. When this thing happens the quantum computer must re-adjust. For that is required high-power binary computers are. In that process the system superposition and entangled two elementary particles. The speed of that process depends on the computer system's ability to control the quantum systems.
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