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Drones are deadly weapons.



The Ukrainian war shows how effective tool drone is. The Russian air defense could destroy all Beyraktar drones. But before that, the Bayraktars terminated lots of Russian equipment and men. So the efficiency of those drones is good. 

Another name for loitering ammunition or kamikaze drones is cruise missiles. The problem is that almost anybody can make the kamikaze drone at home. Basically kamikaze drone is an RC airplane that carries explosives. 

There are also anti-tank versions of those loitering ammunition. Those versions are just artillery recon drones or target drones equipped with suitable warheads. 

And even if Russian air defense destroyed them.  Those drones played a big role at the beginning of the war. Today we see how effective cheap Iranian drones are against fixed Ukrainian targets.

Lucky for Ukraine, Shahed-136 drones are very primitive. They can fly by using fixed routes. And they don't even change altitudes. 

Shahed-136 cannot make any escape and evasion movements. So when that drone is located. It's quite easy to shoot down. 

And even if Ukrainian air defense shoots most of those slow drones. A couple of them are reaching targets. This is the key element in drone operation, lots of cheap drones can send at the same time, against multiple targets. The maximum speed of those drones is about 150 km/h. Even if those drones are easy to reach by using a car or combat helicopter. And they are easy to destroy. 

A large number of those loitering ammunition guarantees that some of them reach the target. Drones are like all other aircraft. They are hard to see but easy to destroy if the ammunition hits them. The new anti-aircraft missiles are effective against drones. But the problem is that they must see drones before they can be used. 

Black Hornet

The price of effective missiles like Patriot is 3 million per shot. Their target price is less than 3000 dollars. The number of lost drones in missions in 2020 was 24. And it increased. But then. The high command can accept the loss of 24 drones because no friendly crews were dangered. 

The low price of the GPS systems means that the cheap mobile telephone can modify the brain of those drones. And GPS/GLONASS guarantees high enough accuracy that those drones can destroy or damage oil refineries, power plants, transformer substations, factories, and other large structures. 

The small drones that Ukrainians use against Russian infantry and armored vehicles are also very effective. Those drones are just little modified versions of drones that people can buy from supermarkets. 

Those drones are equipped with systems that can drop hand grenades at enemy positions. Sometimes those hand grenades slipped into tanks from the open hatches. And that destroyed those tanks. If those small-size drones are equipped with thermobaric hand grenades the lethal radius of those bombs is 30 meters. 

The Ukrainian military also used pocket-size killer drones that can take off individual shooters. In the wrong hands, those pocket-size drones can cause a big risk to national security. They can leave in position. And then those drones can attack their targets. The small miniature drones can control by using satellite data transmission. And those drones are giving ICBM missiles the ability to kill individual people from the streets. 

The killer drones and loitering ammunition can have similar target recognition and attack capacity as Javelin missiles. There are multiple different drone variants in use. Some drones are equipped with similar radiation-homing equipment with HARM (High-Speed Anti-Radiation Missiles). This makes them effective against radio transmitters. That kind of drone can destroy any radio source. 


The thing that makes drones dangerous is advancing technology. When we think that a 60 ā‚¬ mobile telephone can give drones the same accuracy that made in the 1990s by using equipment that cost millions of Euros, we must concern about the future. The reason for that is. All models that we made against drones are old fashion. 

Image recognition systems are giving drones pinpoint accuracy. And the first supersonic drones are in use. AI-controlled weapons are under development. And the fact is that the fear that Russia or China will be first is making other nations create new terminator weapons. If those international contracts limit that development, we are in big trouble. 

International contracts limit many things like the development of nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons. But those weapons are under development. 

International laws prohibit things like extortion. But somehow, those cases happen quite often. Drones are big ammo over the battlefield. If we think, that some country loses 24 tanks in the mission, that is not the end of the tank. In the case of war, we must realize that somebody doesn't care about contracts.


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