The F-22 (Image above) is the 5th generation stealth fighter. The next-generation stealth systems are already coming into service are replacing those old-fashion jet fighters.
But the fact is that the 5th generation stealth systems are well-known and there are projects in the countries like China. Which goal is to make the anti-stealth and stealth systems that are turning old-fashion stealth systems visible.
And they might turn useless. The new type of anti-stealth system can break every stealth system if the system uses the fixed shape of the structure. The idea is to use the radar wavelength that can jump back from the layer of the jet aircraft.
In the other versions, the system combines multiple sensors. Those sensors are acting as optic, radar, laser, and acoustic areas. And the system handles them as an entirety.
There are two ways to benefit the quantum technology in anti-stealth systems. The first and more conventional way to use that new technology is just to use the quantum computer that analyzes the data that the multiple sensors are sending the data to quantum computers that are connecting and analyzing that data.
In this type of anti-stealth system multiple ground-based, air- and seaborne and satellite-based system are working as an entirety. The system uses radio waves, lidars (laser radars) space telescopes. And things like acoustic sensors for uncovering the stealth plane. The spaceborne optical sensors are things that are causing risks for the stealth system.
The weakness of the satellites is that their location is changing when they are orbiting the earth. If the airborne system must protect things like cities they must hang in a stable position during the operation. One version is to use blimps. The unmanned balloons or airships that can rise to a high atmosphere can carry multiple sensors.
That can detect stealth aircraft. The idea is that the system sees the aircraft by using optical sensors. The airborne radar can see the shadow of the stealth aircraft when it travels over the ground. The stealth aircraft denies the radar echo from the ground. And the shape of the stealth aircraft is seen as the shadow when it comes between ground and radar. But that system requires an extremely high-resolution radar.
Another version is to use a laser scanner. The laser scanner scans the surface of the stealth plane. And the shape of it is coming to the screens of the operators when it goes through the laser wall.
And the Mars helicopter can use as the base for the new type of unmanned, high-flying AWACS system. The rotor blades can be equipped with radar and the helicopter itself can have a CCD camera. The purpose of that camera is to observe the area by using optical systems. Those systems are observing the area by using the wavelengths of infrared and visual light. Also, those helicopters can use lidars (laser scanners) to search stealth aircraft. Those helicopters can hang above certain areas, and they can get energy from the ground.
The small size makes them harder to target than some airships are. The reason why these kinds of systems are under development. Is that they can hang over a certain land area and observe it intensively. Those helicopters can use microwaves as EMP weapons which mission is to disturb the robot-drone operations in the area. But they can also have a laser system for destroying the incoming missiles.
In the anti-stealth radars, the system uses the indirect way to see stealth aircraft. The system tries to notice the airflow. Or pressure wave that is escaping from the surface of the aircraft. And it can use radars and laser systems for that mission.
Quantum technology, which mission is to make a new type of sensors can end the era of stealth. There are many ways to make the quantum radar and one is the plasma field. When stealth aircraft is entering the plasma field, the radar of some other sensors is seeing the interaction between the aircraft and the ion cloud.
In some of the most futuristic versions of quantum radar, the system acts like a giant electron crystal. That electron crystal sees if something moves its particles. And that makes it possible to notice the stealth aircraft. Other versions of the quantum radars are the chained ions or some other particles. And those radars are feeling the surface of the stealth plane.
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