The quantum computer can make real processor-based multi-tasking possible. So it can at least theoretically drive regular computer programs. Quantum computers can drive the code in the lines. Which means that the code has more layer than in row moving code.
The system shares the row of the code to the layers. But there is always a limited number of layers or states in the qubit. So the data flow is also driven in rows. The system is introduced in image II.
(Image II)
Every square is the data segment. And the arrow shows the direction of the data flow.
And this ability makes it more powerful than any binary system ever can be. The quantum computers can also have virtual workspaces for regular computer programs. The system can drive the program code also in rows.
In the qubit, the data goes in layers or states. The qubit can drive regular computer programs by using one state for each program. And the quantum system can drive multiple binary code-based programs at the same time. So the quantum computers can make also the real- processor-based multi-tasking possible. And that thing makes it possible to create new and more powerful servers than ever before.
The race of the leadership in quantum computing is going on. The thing that we must understand about the quantum systems is that the age of the room-temperature operating. And (or) commercial quantum computers are coming. The standard optical cable can operate as the quantum data transporter. The idea is that one of the fibers is acting as 0,1 layers. And other is free to transmit data.
The system requires that. Each of the glass fibers in the optical data cable is connected to its communication laser. And nanotechnology is making it possible to make that kind of system possible. The data transmitting in the quantum model makes the system safer and fixes the problem of transmitting data between quantum computers. But the bottleneck is the use of quantum computers. The straight use of the quantum system requires operating systems and solutions that are making it possible to use the qubits for some productive work.
The thing is that we must be sure that our environment and infrastructure are fully capable of revolutionary enlarged data masses that are resulted from large-scale quantum computing. Quantum computing makes many things easier and safer than regular binary computers. But the shadow side is that the supporting infrastructure must also prepare for the quantum systems.
If we are thinking that the advance of quantum computers is similar to other computers. We must realize that the more powerful systems cause the software developers are starting to make more and more complicated program code. The thing is that the next-generation artificial intelligence can simply generate custom software without human assistance. The user of the AI just says that "I need a CAD program".
And then the AI just collects that program from the internet. If there is no ready software for download the system just collects the custom software from pieces that it can download from the net. The thing is that even without the room-temperature operating quantum computers the quantum computing will turn more common. The internet allows using of quantum systems remotely over the internet. And that thing can cause risks for the data security.
The thing is that quantum computers are the most powerful systems. The speed of those machines is so high that they can break any code that is made by using regular computers.
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