The AI can probably help us to understand animals better.
The AI can probably help us to understand animals better. And the AI also can read and understand the animal language. The idea of this kind of behavioral research is always similar. The AI collects a dataset that involves things like animal sounds. Then those sounds will play to other similar animals, and the AI follows the reactions. Then AI connects certain voices with certain actions.
The AI-based communication system can order animals very easily. The system must only know what signals predict certain actions. When a system operator wants the animals to make something, that person must only play the record that launches certain behaviors.
That allows it to control animals by using their voices. The AI must record voices or sounds that the animals use as communication in ultra- and infrasound areas. The system can also use holograms so that those animals can see all things that activate certain behaviors.
But if we think about things like squids. That communicates with colors the AI must just take images of squids and then compile certain colors with certain interactions between those squids. If we think about animals that communicate other than using sound, the AI can create holograms where those animals will communicate. And if the AI knows what reaction happens after a certain mark, the AI can control those animal's behavior.
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