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Showing posts from January, 2023

The Chat GPT can be more than we ever thought.

The Chat GPT artificial intelligence is the next-generation tool for programming. Same way as the Chat GPT creates the homepage by connecting sources. It can create things like computer programs and websites for programmers. All websites, like web stores, are acting the same way.  And that's why AI is the ultimate tool for programming. Maybe in the future, the person who wants to create a program just writes a description of the program for the AI. That description can involve the drawings of the user interface. Then the AI will collect the needed code from its database or the network.  In the simplest version of the AI-based programming interface, the programmer just writes a description, of what the program must do. And then the AI searches the list of needed libraries and other things. In more complicated versions that might come soon, the AI can collect data from the open network or the libraries of some programming tool.  The system needs only information about what ...

Evolution and discrimination.

"Collective discrimination refers to the discriminatory actions or attitudes of a group or society towards a particular group of people. This type of discrimination can be based on any characteristic that is used to distinguish one group from another, such as race, ethnicity, religion, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, or disability. Collective discrimination can take many forms, including prejudice, stereotypes, and institutionalized forms of discrimination such as laws or policies that disadvantage or discriminate against certain groups." ( Study Uncovers Surprising Connection Between Evolution and Discrimination) Why do we discriminate against people who are different than us? The origin of discrimination is evolution. During human evolution, humans lived in groups. The group was the thing that protected individuals. And in every certain group were individual routines. Those routines show that an individual was a member of the group. In that kind...

New research claims that Russian Twitter campaigns in 2016 didn't change voting behavior.

The Russian trolling campaigns have one problem. Makers of those campaigns believe in the authority and selfish ideology. So those campaigns are telling ideology, that is against the values of most Western people. Or those values against the ideology of Western social media users. Another thing that decreases the effectiveness of Russian trolling campaigns is that people know more about Russian and Russian internal affairs than in the past.   The third thing that is is decreasing the effect of Russian troll campaigns is that people afraid that somebody will target them for cheating and trolls. If people are afraid to join those groups where propaganda- or information operations happen. Delivered information would not reach their targets. We know that many people are afraid of trolls and other kinds of things. And we are all faced with cheating and trolling. The Russian trolls are operating under the control of the Russian government. And they sometimes use very bad language an...

Revolutionary AI system learns by using text, video, and audio.

The new AI system can connect information, that it gets from text, video, and audio. This new AI-based system can connect itself with multiple systems more effectively, than ever before. And that thing makes the system very effective.  At this point, we must realize one thing. The AI itself is a platform-free application. So the system can use things like robot bodies and surveillance cameras as the physical tool that increases its operational environment. If learning AI works with the robot. Their AI can operate as a visible control system.  Or it can operate backward and send information to the central system. That central system interconnects data that it collects from the network, robots, and other things. That allows the system can collect multipurpose data matrix. That it connects data from multiple data-handling tools.  Machine learning means the ability to connect memory blocks. Same way, when the human brain connects neurons to virtual neurons, the learning machi...

Drones are deadly weapons.

  Shahed-136 The Ukrainian war shows how effective tool drone is. The Russian air defense could destroy all Beyraktar drones. But before that, the Bayraktars terminated lots of Russian equipment and men. So the efficiency of those drones is good.  Another name for loitering ammunition or kamikaze drones is cruise missiles. The problem is that almost anybody can make the kamikaze drone at home. Basically kamikaze drone is an RC airplane that carries explosives.  There are also anti-tank versions of those loitering ammunition. Those versions are just artillery recon drones or target drones equipped with suitable warheads.  And even if Russian air defense destroyed them.  Those drones played a big role at the beginning of the war. Today we see how effective cheap Iranian drones are against fixed Ukrainian targets. Lucky for Ukraine, Shahed-136 drones are very primitive. They can fly by using fixed routes. And they don't even change altitudes.  Shahed-136 canno...

The problem with quantum computing is: how to transmit information over long distances in a qubit.

"In a recent study, researchers achieved high-visibility quantum interference between two independent semiconductor quantum dots, a crucial development towards scalable quantum networks". ( of Solid-State Quantum Networks ā€“ The Holy Grail of Quantum Information Sciences) The limit of binary networks is that they are slow for quantum computers. If quantum computers connect to quantum networks. That makes it possible to connect them to one entirety.  Quantum networks allow quantum computers to communicate without bottlenecks. And that will be the next revolution in the world of quantum computing.  The ability to transmit the information as a qubit over long distances would be the next step in quantum networks. The quantum networks will be faster and more secure networks than regular binary networks. There is a possibility that the spectrum is the key to those networks.  When we think about the spectrum we must remember that each spectrum's color is an i...

The new integrated data security requires hardware and software-based solutions.

New nanotechnology makes it possible to hack computers, even if they are off the internet. The cyborg bug or small robot can carry a microchip to the microcircuit. And then, the system can put that microchip on the wire or microprocessor.  The microchip can record and transmit information to the relay station that resends to the satellites or the internet. Even if that microchip doesn't have powerful data transmitters, the system can use a chain of miniature relay stations that transmit data to the drone or a fixed station that can be a cell phone that communicates with those microchips by using BlueTooth.  Those microchips can also transmit electromagnetic impulses to wires. And they can use to deliver computer viruses or spyware to polluted computers.  If we think of the traditional locking system. The AI can easily make copies of the physical keys. The AI-based camera just photographs the keys, and then it can measure the length of the key. The system can also use sona...