The main problem with the warming of the atmosphere is the use of fossil fuels. If fossil fuels or fossil energy sources are replaced, using some other energy source like hydrogen that is produced by clean energy will decrease carbon dioxide emission.
But the problem is that the new energy sources like geothermal energy, wave and tide energy, wind and solar energy require new investments. The thing that gives brakes to those investments is the cheap fossil fuel. The investments that the new energy sources require are causing the rise in the price of energy.
The Ukrainian crisis is opening the people's eyes that the Russian government can use its energy weapon against the West. That means the cheap oil and natural gas are not enticed to invest in some kind of green energy. That thing is the weapon in the hands of the deliverer of the energy source. When we are looking at history we should remember the oil crisis.
The Ukrainian situation can cause a new "oil crisis". Gas and oil are effective tools in the hands of the people, who want to use them to drive their political goals.
The reason for the oil crisis was that in 1973 the OPEC or Arabic nations that were members of OPEC decided to increase the price of oil, and tried to force the USA and its allies to stop the military aid to Israel. The reason why Arabs have so many friends is that they are controlling a very large part of the oil rigs of the world. The Islamic revolution in Iran was the reason for the second oil crisis in 1979. The leaders of the Muslim oil producers wanted to help their "Islamic brothers".
The 1979 oil crisis caused the situation that outside nations didn't want to intervene in Iran's internal political situation.
And that raised Khomeini to power. The fear was that OPEC will stop oil delivery to NATO. And that was the reason why Khomeini got power in Iran. Relationships between Iran and other Islamic nations are sometimes very cold.
The oil crisis should warn the world about the scenario that governments can use their oil and energy weapons against countries. That is determined "hostile". Maybe Putin waits for the next winter when Europe needs the energy to start to use that energy weapon. If we would use green energy we would not face that kind of problem.
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