The virus that causes multiple sclerosis is found by the U.S military. The thing is that kinds of viruses can use. For creating brand new, non-lethal bioweapons. Those biological weapons can make the enemy unable to fight. And another thing is that those weaponized microbes can use as control tools.
Things like dangerous prisoners can keep in order by infecting them with viruses that are causing something like multiple sclerosis or allergy. If the skin of the person is itching all the time. It is hard to concentrate on the things like following commands.
The new nerve agents would not kill a victim instantly. The origin of those chemicals was based on the Soviet age chemical weapon called Kolokol 1. That opioid is lethal if there are no counter chemicals. The thing that makes Kolokol-1 or some of its derivatives lethal is that they deny the neuron to null itself. The neuron sends the signals until it dies.
Normally nerve agent just denies the action of one enzyme. That enzyme will destroy the neurotransmitters. If that enzyme is not operating. The electricity of the neurons will cause neuromuscular cramps. That kills a person in about 10-30 seconds.
The reason why the Novichok chemical is so lethal is that there could be a transporter enzyme. That takes this chemical like VX straight to the heart nerves. That causes a heart attack in seconds. The Novichok is packed in crystals. Those crystals deny sensors to detect that chemical agent. When the sound impulse or some acid breaks those crystals. They release the nerve agent.
There is also super cannabis. That nanotechnology-based chemical is two carbon pyramids. The transporter chemical transfer those carbon bites between neurons synapsis. Then those neurons are not able to shut down their electric actions.
But there is the possibility that there is a nanorobot version of that opioid. One version of those things is the nanotechnical molecule that can enter the nervous system. And then that thing is acting as a radio antenna. When that thing will stimulate by using electromagnetic radiation. That thing stimulates neurons. The electric signals that are stressing the neuron are finally causing death.
The genetically manipulated amoeba or some bacteria can transport those nanomachines to human brains. The thing is that if those amoebas are microchip controlled. That allows delivering the nanomachines to the precisely wanted place. And the electric shocks can cause the person would stay awake until their brains are empty from the neurotransmitters. The systems that are basing microchips or some nanomachines are not alarming detectors.
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