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Showing posts from September, 2022

The problem with quantum communication is how to make systems understand each other.

In old fashion encryption, the sending system decodes the message by using the precise key. That key is the coin in this text. Then the receiving system decrypts the massage by using the same key that the sender uses but oppositely. If the sender encrypted the ASCII codes by using multiplication.  The receiver will divide the ASCII codes by using the same encryption key. In the quantum system, the sender uses a certain group of encryption keys. The idea is that the sender doesn't know precisely which encryption key it uses. But the system knows that in the number of the keychain it used.  But the sender doesn't know which number the "keychain 2" is in the receiving system. That thing makes it harder to capture the key. Each encryption key in the keychain has a certain value. In the next text. The keys are handled as physical tools like coins. So each coin is a certain key. Those values are the material (frequency), color energy level, and many other things. In the cas...

The mystery of lost pulsars.

"Radio detection of an elusive millisecond pulsar, PSR J1740-5340B (NGC 6397B), in the Globular Cluster NGC 6397 with the Parkes radio telescope in Australia. Credit: NAOC/ScienceApe" ( Have Pulsars ā€œGone Missingā€ ā€“ A New Finding Offers Some Answers) Pulsars are fast-rotating neutron stars. And that means many forces affect that thing. There is the possibility that the extremely fast rotating neutron stars will stretch from their poles. And the neutron star turns to look a little bit like a dumbbell. That change in the form of neutron stars is not quite big but researchers can measure that change.  Pulsars can turn away from the Earth. And that means they can be "missing". The changes in material symmetry can cause the pulsar will get an extra dose of positive or negative particles. So in that case the asymmetry in electricity of particles that impact with neutron star can cause the pulsar changes its position.  All pulsars are neutron stars. The...

The problem for Putin is that losers have no friends.

China's complicated relationship with Russia is an interesting thing.  The thing that the government of China is afraid of is that Putin's fall makes pressure on it. That pressure can come from outside in the form of sanctions. Or it can be internal pressure, and the major question with PLA (People's Liberation Army) is are its equipment is more capable than Russian equipment. Can the Chinese military systems make any better work than the Russian military? They should be better if PLA wants to use them in military operations.   The question is: why China stays with Putin?  Russia turns weaker. And that offers a change. That China can get something from that land. There is a possibility that China wants some economic benefit for its support. Or even to expand its area.  Putin and Xi ensure that their cooperation continues. But what is the price of that cooperation? China is very clever in taking benefits in the global arena. And when we are thinking about the coo...

Microsoft HoloLens enhanced reality system adopted by Pentagon.

    Enhanced reality means modified Virtual Reality systems. Those systems are based on basically similar technology to Virtual Reality. But enhanced reality means that the VR systems are integrated with other systems like cameras and microphones.  This kind of system allows users can project images from fixed surveillance cameras, drone cameras, and even satellites in orbital trajectory to screens that are in front of the eyes. Also, the person sees the precise location of fellows all the time by using this kind of system.  The HoloLens can connect with the intelligent scopes of the weapons. So the shooter can keep the head down and aim the weapon by using HoloLens.  The enhanced reality systems can use also in many other places than just in some military work. The surgeons can get the images from the cameras connected to their instruments. Also, the images from endoscopes and other systems can project onto those systems.  Enhanced reality can also use to ...