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Showing posts from October, 2021

The small addition to the qutrit teleportation text

This is a small addition to the qutrit teleportation text. The idea of this test agreement is that the annealing of the first chamber is transported to another chamber. And the easiest way to make that thing is just making the quantum annealing of the quantum fog in chamber 1. Resonate the particles of quantum fog in chamber 2.  Researchers can create that quantum superposition by using two similar particle groups. When the first particle group will get the energy that thing will resonate with the particles in the second chamber. The term superposition or quantum teleportation means. The oscillation of those particles is transferred to other particles. In the cases of electromagnetic fields, superposition means that two electromagnetic fields are oscillating with the same frequency. When two electromagnetic fields are facing and their wavelength is the same but the other is stronger. The stronger electromagnetic field would synchronize the lower energetic field with it. And they ar...

Quantum physicists are teleported "qutrits" for the first time.

Image I Qutrits are giving superpowers for a quantum system. Qutrits are giving superpowers for a quantum system. In the most conventional case, the data is transported in the form of qutrit. But if the computer or quantum computer starts to use a ternary system that makes them even faster than they are. The ternary system allows making the virtual layers inside every state of the qubit. Qutrit or quantum trit is the cubit equivalent of a triangular number system, the ternary system. A trit is the bit equivalent in a ternary system. And that means if the quantum computer uses qutrits their power will increase.  X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X The qutrit(1) can give extreme power to quantum computers.  The qutrit means that the quantum computer uses the ternary numeric system in each layer(2). That will give the quantum computer extreme power in data handling.  Normal quantum computers use qubits where the data is packed in many layers. The ...

Why computing is a unique thing in business and the environment?

The "open source" is the new thing in the R&D process. The term "open source" means the use the open data where everybody has access to the development process. The data is collected from the Internet. In the next step, the developer will modify it to the product. The developer can be a single person, or it can be a group of people.  We might say that the Internet is the great gold mine of information. It offers big data that is not sorted but freely accessible. The developer must only need the right search words for sorting the data that the developer person wants and need to get the needed data for the project.  There is a lot of data on machinery, sciences, and especially programming. So the internet allows getting all data that people need for their programming.  Software development benefits the "open source" of all free access information.  The thing is that programming doesn't need anything more than skills. That means everybody can learn pr...

China's new quantum computer has a million times the power of Google's.

China's new quantum computer is the most powerful calculation unit in the world some researchers say. And that thing makes quantum computers very interesting. The Chinese quantum system is programmable and that makes it flexible. The thing in quantum computers is that they are turning more common. And they are the most powerful tools for driving artificial intelligence.  The new quantum systems mean that the data security of the internet is dangered. And there is the possibility that the main part of the protection based on RSA cryptography will break soon. Or are already broken. The AI is a powerful tool. And even the researchers of that thing are not know all its capacities.  The AI can observe areas if it is connected with a sensing neural network. That means the AI can search for things like common clothes. It can find out the favorite color of skirts of certain ethnic groups. But it can also search is there some common clothes like a certain type of slips. That people wea...

Even the best plan doesn't save the company if it doesn't follow them.

Service is entirety. And all parts of the service must plan well. But putting the plans into practice is also an important thing. If people are not following the plans those plans have no effect.  So very high-paid consultants can make many reports. They can introduce things but if their customer would not make anything to put them into practice they are just reports that do not affect productivity and profits. The company is service. That means that all parts of the service must think and plan well. But also the practical application in service and other things is the important thing. The practical service is the thing that impresses the customer.  The service design of the company should be the dynamic entirety. The workspace, crew, and technical equipment must work for making the pleasing and good service experience. If some of those parts are missing or are not working well that means the service is bad.  And the entirety is not working and the service doesn't leave a...

The design of the company is always important.

Designing and preparing for the future is one of the most important things in the world. The ability to adapt to the changes in the environment is the lifeblood for a company. And if the company cannot adapt to the physical environmental and technological advantages.  Along with changes in political infrastructure that causes bankruptcy for all companies. If the company and its service don't feel nice people are not buying anything from the company.  And without sales, the company would fall because its money storage ends. The purpose of the design of the company and its services. Is to make people interested in the product of the company. Interest is the thing that makes people buy the products. If the person would not even click on the homepages of the company or step into the shop.  That would mean that the money of that buyer goes to another company. The buyer makes the selection, which company or product pleases that person. And then the buyer selects the best produc...

Diversity guarantees that some companies are surviving in all kinds of economic crises.

The economic environment is like some kind of natural area. The biodiversity guarantees that the forest can continue its growth even if some disease destroys one or two wood species. The same way the idea of biodiversity can use to modeling the economic environment. If the economical infrastructure is too homogeneous the recession in that economical sector causes problems.  Business diversity guarantees that there is always productive business in the economic area even if one of the business sectors faces a recession. A problem with economics is that if the business is homogenous. The politicians can make the laws for thinking that individual business sector.  But a too homogenous economical area where all companies are working in the same area is sensitive for the business cycle. And if there is a recession in one sector the business diversity guarantees the tax money from those sectors that are outside the depression. If the entire business environment is operating in one se...

Facebook and dominance of the media.

The position of Facebook is dominating and that causes concern. Facebook is a well-known and commonly used service. And that thing causes that the information is starting to pile up in that service. That information contains data that we might want to hide. Facebook is a network-based service that can use for many purposes from marketing to intelligence.  Facebook was down and the thing cost about half a million dollars per hour to that service. That shutdown has shown how dominating that service has been growing. Facebook is a powerful tool. It can use to track the networks of people.  Artificial intelligence can show the network map of the people who are using that service. The data that travels between certain members of the network can show how often those people are contacting each other. There is a lot of criticism against Facebook but the fact is that everybody is using that thing.  The attitudes toward Facebook are conflicting. People are criticizing that service ...

The energy crisis is waiting.

The things that are described in the next text might be real in the future. Global climate warming means that we should find new solutions for decreasing carbon emissions.  The fact is that we should make some real or concrete things to stop climate chancing. Maybe we should make something before this. But those investments for energy supply require too much money. And maybe we can turn in those investments later.  But the climate changing is turning faster. And politicians must make those investments must sooner or later.  When we are thinking about the energy supply for western civilization and lifestyle we are in trouble. The requirement is that the carbon emissions must decrease. The solution for decreasing carbon emissions is to use intelligent and energy-friendly technology.  But that thing requires renewing the infrastructure. And this thing causes carbon emissions. When we want to turn the houses that are made before the time of the internet intelligent where...

Can we someday live in society without money?

  The next writing is provocative. And the reason for that is that it would handle the thing that is called society without money. What if we have personal limits on how many times we are allowed to go to restaurants? Or how many pants and shoes we are allowing to use at a certain time? Would that thing seem something radical or a little bit too radical? The radical ideas are breaking the old-fashion economics. And the idea is to make the world more democratic and less pollutive because there is no financial race.  The origin of money is a need to control the use of the products. And we are always lived with money. Money is the thing that is creating our value and the reason. Why we are going to work. But what if we would replace money by using limits? In that case, the person would get limit how many pants, skirts, and other things like food the person is allowed to take out from shops.  So the thing is that if we have only limited what we can take from the shops we can ...

The lunar landers of the future can make their landing pad. (Flight Alumina Spray Technique)

The idea of the FAST (Flight Alumina Spray Technique) system is introduced in Is simple inside the rocket nozzle that will inject solid particles which are making the plate for the lander. The  FAST system acts like some kind of printer. That system shoots solid particles under the rocket engine. And it makes the plate for the lunar lander. There are a couple of versions of that idea. And the first one is in the article which link is below this text. FAST particle spray can have many uses on the Lunar surface and Earth. The same system can operate on other planets.  And the FAST system can be useful for landing on Mars.  The FAST system can use to secure the landing site and make the surface of Mars stronger. The problem with the red planet is that under its surface is carbon dioxide ice that can detonate. And in those places will form quite a deep hole. The FAST system can  The second version is using electromagnetic radiation like microwaves for m...