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Making the predictions of the future



 Making the predictions of the future


The key element in politics is to affect the masses. Scientists made the high-accurate digital twin of our planet for making predictions, what would happen in the future. Using that kind of simulation what is the combination of the profiles of the people and things like climate chancing the politicians and decision-makers can train and simulate the effects of certain political decisions and also the effect of delivering the information of the information.

The problem with making this kind of simulation is that the psychological effects of the single individuals are hard to predict. The system is using large databases and search engines for making predictions, what kind of effects some kind of decisions have on society. The behavior of single persons is hard to predict, but the psychological mass-effects are easier to simulate than the acts of the single persons.

The key element in the decisions is that they are justified acceptably. The acceptable way to tell people that some decisions are important or necessary is to make people understand that the decisions are important for the life and health of regular people what they are themselves. The disinformation is always a risky thing, and the problem is that the disinformation is told by using the way, that is flattening people. So when people are some disinformation they are following it because they want to believe it.

Willing to believe is the key element for the effect of disinformation. And we must at first confess that the disinformation can affect each of us. We want to see many things, that is supporting the way how we are seeing the world. If we are confessing that we might be wrong, that thing would make us able to fight against misinformation. The thing is that we are not immune to marketing and psychological influence.

If we confess that thing, it would make it easier to search for information from the confirmed sources. If a person would believe in being immune against the disinformation and lies that makes the person vulnerable. It's not a shame to be affected by the psychological operators, who are using the most advanced tools, which are created by the highest trained neuroscientists in the world.

How to resists misinformation? At the first, we must realize that we are only humans. Then we must realize that the people who are leaders of their closed societies are the best targets for the delivery of propaganda and misinformation. If the leader and authority of the group would be affected that would give the bigger and larger scale effect than trying to affect all individuals separately. The key element in a successful disinformation operation is to confess to authorities.

If the person who is seeming aggressive and carries the assault rifle is confessed, that would decrease the will to protest against those people. And things like Gamo-suits are also confessing people that those people are governmental operators even they have nothing to do with the government. This is the thing that boosts the propaganda of far-wing radicals. They are hinting that they hey have supporters in the lines of the police and other government.

And on this point, I must say that marketing is the key to many things. Marketing is one way to make the psychological and neurological effects that are making people make something. So if we are starting to think of the marketing specialists as the information operators, we might have an easier life. Real and confirmed information is the best way to fight against harmful disinformation.

So as in one Dracula movie was written: "arm yourself with information and knowledge". The worst enemy to the human individual itself. If we think that we are someway above all we are in trouble. And that's why we should confess that we are sometimes believing in lies. But are we responsible for that thing? Should we shame, that somebody told us lies when we were under school age, and we believed those lies?

As adults we have, or at least we should have tools to search information from the internet. If somebody told us something, when we were children, we can search for those things from the internet or visit the library. And then we might realize that some information, what we thought was absolute truth is elding. Today we know many multi-planet solar systems and the discussion of other lifeforms and intelligent lifeforms is on a different base than 20-30 years ago when the first exoplanets were known. The road of the search for exoplanets is a good example of how the information is replacing by the new data.

That thing would make the "Qanon"-theories so effective. The thing, that the people use as the argument is that "legally they have right", and then they would come to the streets with sunglasses and DM-boots carrying their assault rifles. The people who are spreading that kind of theory are appealing the peopleā€™s feelings. When people are seeing something, that pleases them, they want to read it. And the thing what those people are using as the hook is that they are giving the spectacular solutions, what are firearms and masculine things.

There are made profiles about people who are spreading things like "conspiracy theories". And the key element is that people who are saying that they are not believing in any conspiracies are like black and white. They are believing that all those theories simply lie. And then we must ask "is Mafia or "La Cosa Nostra" the production of imagination? But the fact is that the world is full of people, who are believing that organized crime is not in the middle of normal people.

Some people are always bundling everything in one pack. Organized crime, UFOs:s, aliens, and every other thing are always the same to those people. They are handling sources by using the selective method, where the data that is used is selected from the sources, which is pleasing to them.

And of course, the climate-chancing is a hoax for those people. Or why they should care about that kind of thing because they are not living here when their land is sinking in the Atlantic. And the arguments are that people would not need to do anything, because they have nice-little jeeps, and children would not vote. Then the assault rifles would boost their arguments. Things like expensive investments are increasing the will to believe or play to believe things like "Qanon"-theories. If I would buy an assault rifle and a nice little four-wheel vehicle, would I confess that I bought them for nothing?

They are just saying, that law enforcement will handle that thing, and they should not care. And then somebody offers a nice little solution for those people. They are sending the people who are talking about conspiracies for committing crimes to mental hospitals.

The information was disinformation or real fact advanced in the group like an epidemic, and the spread of the information in the group can be simulated by using the same algorithm, which is used as the modeled the spread of epidemics. In this model, the information is like a virus, and the human population is 2 dimension layer, where the information spread. There is made the profiles of the behavior of people, who have different backgrounds, lifestyle, and education. The computer would calculate the ability of those people to spread the disinformation or start acting in panic.

People who are not independent and search the support from the groups are vulnerable to effects, that are coming from their leaders. If the leader of the group would get panic, that panic would spread in the group. So how the information affects great groups of people? The key element is that the large group of people is acting some way, and then that group would pull other people to the same action.


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