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Showing posts from August, 2019

In the courtroom only facts are important.

In the courtroom only facts are important. Social media has great power, as we have seen. In cases like a confession of AREA-51, social media had a vital role in the uncovering the secret, what might be bigger than we ever imagined. This case has been shown that the power of social media has a very large role to force the rulers to tell the truth for the people, and also Brexit has shown the force of this way to share opinions and thoughts. But the thing is that social media has brought one problem in the mind of people. If we think that so-called traditional media would give one-side information of something, we must realize that the great mass of false information has more effect than the small mass of right information, if people are believing that kind of data. The confession is the key in this kind of way to act. If shared data confess people, it's the same, what people shares. One way to make people silent is to claim that some people have taken to court because of thei...

Activism and problems with writings on social media.

Activism and problems with writings on social media. In the past days, there was a very good way to handle activists, and that thing is that those persons have stamped as the sick. And then the divorcement or kicking off from the working place has been argued by things like depression or some other mental problems that are not tolerated in the working life. The idea has been taken from Nazi Germany, where the mental illness was the reason for arrest and kill people, who had opinions what were not tolerated by the Nazi government, and still in many dictatorial countries the mental illness is the cover for the political arrests and imprisoning. When we are thinking the climate activism, there are many times connected terms like climate angst. That term has been created for ridiculing people, who have been worked for nature. And in that thing is always connected news, where the people who are been political activists are shown to a public audience as some kind of freaks, who are going...

What was the real reason for the Iraqi war?

What was the real reason for the Iraqi war? One of the reasons for the invasion of Iraq was that Saddam Hussein didn't predict that some people would make suicide attack against the World Trade Center. But that thing was only the last thing of the series of actions, what caused the allied invasion to Iraq, or at least gave the reason for the attack. Many times I have written that there were many, so-called real reasons for that war. One of those reasons was that Saddam Hussein openly opposed the resolution of the United Nations Security Council, what was under the scrip by all members of the Security Council, what has the veto right. And that was a very bad thing for the authority of the United Nations and so-called superpowers. Also, the acts of formed Yugoslavia military forces in the Yugoslavian war forced the United Nations to authorize the military actions against Iraqi. But there were also many other reasons, and one was that the United States wanted to demonstrate the ...

The political culture and use of power

The political culture and use of power The thing is that democracy is a good way to rule the country if the decisions, what government makes are pleasing me, is a good way to think about things. This is the thing, what we must remember when we are talking about the way to rule the nation. If every people in the country supports the leaders, in every state, would have democracy. But why western democracies are supporting dictators? This is a good question, and the thing is that dictatorial government are a good way to turn attention away from internal politics. If somebody goes worse than in our country, why people should complain? And if people would get too much salary, that thing means, that the production must transfer to some far-east countries, which are also suitable enemies for the western world, because they are far away from us. Who cares about the conditions, where those people live, because of their national firewall denies the information, what comes from that country...

Western World and problematic relationship with China

Western World and problematic relationship with China China is the biggest economic area in the world and that makes it very good and wanted trade company, but there is one problem with that nation. The one-party system and the governments' attitude to freedoms of speech and other democratic things are causing problems with the relationship with that country and other nations. When we are thinking about the riots or protests in Hong Kong and political arrests of that country, those things could be easy to keep away from the public, but the Social media like Twitter and other solutions causes, that information flees from authorities. The problem is that authorities have no time to search every single E-mail, and the foreign companies must have access to communicate over the national firewall. But even if China would be closed, the memory cards are easy to carry out from the country, and that data can be published in the social media, and the thing what makes that kind of actio...

Far wing movements, cheaters and social media

Far wing movements, cheaters and social media In the real world, everyone can create the account to social media, and that makes them interesting but at the same time, somehow dangerous places to hang. And that's why some people are recommending another to leave those places, or there would be some consequences. That thing is quite sad, because do you want to leave those places to the far-left and far-right movements and members of some anarchists, whose agenda is straight from some Viking-era? The thing is that there have been many tales about that far wing persons would leave other people alone if they would keep their mouth shut. But do you believe that is true? When we are talking about neutrality about the media, we must realize that there is no possibility of being neutral. Also, most professional reporters and journalists have their political and other opinions. The press houses have also owners, who are making decisions about publications. And also the great social me...

The mass shooters and their political agenda

The mass shooters and their political agenda Mass shooters have not political agenda and the thing why they are doing their things might cause that those persons had deep hallucinations. If the person uses drugs like cocaine or amphetamine and the anabolic steroids they might not able to handle their violence. Also, if the person is under the influence of drugs, alcohol and other chemical stimulants, the touch with realities might be lost.  That means that those people might think, that they are part of some great international revolutionary movement, what is fighting against Trump government. The thing is that those people might have some kind of sympathy for the so-called "white power movement", that means people, who are believing the superiority of the white race. The "white power" movement is not identical and one single organization. Those people might have only one thing, what connects them, and that is hate against black people and the government. Th...

Why artificial intelligence is a necessary tool for nanotechnology?

Why artificial intelligence is a necessary tool for nanotechnology? In nanotechnology, the system consists probably billions or particles, which are operating together. Those particles are extremely small, and they must operate together. If we think that human operators must follow every each of those particles, we would be trouble. The idea of nanomachines is that they are artificial molecules, which are based on the carbon chain, where are connected other atoms like chlorine, iron or silicon. Transferring and forming those molecules happens by using magnetic fields or laser rays. The idea is that those extremely small machines are not making things alone, but there is power in groups. And the groups of those machines could be even billions of particles, what should put in the right places. And in this kind of actions, the computer is an ultimate tool. The computer can calculate every each laser or another electromagnetic radiation impulse at a certain time, and it can calculate...

One little writing about pyramids and chemtrails

One little writing about pyramids and chemtrails There are many movies on the Internet, which are considering about pyramids and chemtrails. And when we are talking about real facts about pyramid structures, we must remember that the air is flowing up by following the walls of the pyramids. This will clean the air because the bacteria and mushrooms are flying away from the space, and rising air would deny micro-organisms entry to that structure. This works, if there is a hole on the top of the structure. But when we are looking at the purpose of pyramids, the mission of that structure has a connection with the ancient Egyptian religion, and those people believed that the soul of the pharaoh would fly to heaven, but of course, those structures might be used also for secret meetings and other things. The ancient Egyptians had no problem to get workers to the building site of pyramids because every Egyptian had a duty to take apart in those projects, and the Pharaoh would introduce ...

A little tale about bitcoin.

A little tale about bitcoin. Do you know what is the Bitcoin? That is the virtual currency, which acts like real currency, but it is more like a share. The biggest difference between regular currencies and bitcoins is that the bitcoin is created by some private corporation like a bank, and it can be used only at the internal payments of the corporation. The thing with the bitcoins is that they can be used also with payments between corporations. But that needs special contracts for those payments, and in those contracts should determine the value of bitcoin to regular or governmental currencies. The difference between bitcoin and normal currency is that sending bitcoin over the national border doesn't need permission or make reports. The transaction by using bitcoin happens by the way, that the person would buy bitcoin from the operator, who will send that currency to the receiver. The bitcoin can be text message or PDF, where is a certain control number. And then the real mo...

Dogs and intelligence

Dogs and intelligence Dogs are the best friends of human beings. Below this text is a video of the smartest dogs in the world. This dog can learn 1000 words and this kind of tests have been done by using the names of objects. And the dog could find all of those objects and actions, what the trainer has been taught to it. This dog is mentioned being the smartest dog on Earth, and that Border Collie what looks a little bit "Laika dog" what was the first organism, what flew around the world in space capsule Sputnik II. The thing is that this kind of animals is used for tests, where is tested the animal's ability to learn things. This kind of method, where the dog is taught words by showing one object after another is used to create things, what allows people to learn things younger and younger. Also, those methods are used with handicapped persons and advancing the research of machine learning. There are rumors about tests, where the pineal gland of the dogs are change...

Why Russian agents attacked Skribal?

Why Russian agents attacked Skribal? Trump has ordered new sanctions against Russia because of the Novochoke-case, where 5 persons were injured, and two of them were dead. Attackers have been claimed to being high-ranking GRU officials or at least another one has ranked as colonel, if we would believe about Wikipedia in this case. The attack against Sergei Skribal is a very complicated thing. The attackers used poison, which connects the case straight to the Russian government. And the men who made that strike were recognized to GRU agents. Those things, unfortunately, show that the person, who is behind that attentate is working in the Russian government. This Skripal attentate has similarities with the Polonium-murder, where the ex-KGB agent has been murdered by using Polonium-210, which is very highly radioactive material. And there are two possibilities. One of them is that the Russian government i...

Can we create robots or computers that are more intelligent than humans? And would we need those systems for travel to distant words like icy moons of Neptune?

Can we create robots or computers that are more intelligent than humans? And would we need those systems for travel to distant words like icy moons of Neptune?  This question is very interesting because we can connect the human-shaped or even bug-sized robot to the supercomputers by using mobile data connection and outsourcing the calculation capacities will give the ability to give even the smallest robots very sophisticated abilities. If we think the ability to connect the robots straight to human brains by using EEG-bandanas, we can think the case. That the system would consist of the ability to connect human brains to the same interface, what allows remote-system controls the field-operating robots, that would give the robot more brain capacity than humans. And this thing has given ideas to the robots like "Data" in "Star Trek" movies. Those robots would look like very emotional, but they would be the part of the craft"s central computer system. That ...

How to make artificial intelligence, and why this kind of things are so hard to create in practice.

(Wikipedia) How to make artificial intelligence, and why this kind of things are so hard to create in practice.  Even the best artificial intelligence solution is only the large database, where are lots of actions recorded. And when the artificial intelligence needs to do something new, the new action must be programmed by a human operator. The making of the database would take an extremely long time if we want to create a sophisticated database, where are lots of answers in multiple problems. And making those solutions is very hard to create because every single action needs to program separately. When we are thinking about a chess computer, that program would just calculate an extremely large number of movements on the chessboard. The thing is that on the chessboard is a limited number of possible movements and the computer must just calculate them all. That makes it effective. And then the programmer must find out, what is the most effective first movemen...

The natural-looking recon drones

The natural-looking recon drones Have you noticed that some hoverflies are like searching for the ID-papers? Of course, this is only a coincidence, that when some person keeps the wallet open, there would come the hoverfly to look for the place, where it can put its eggs. But the new kind of nano-drones or robot bugs might make this kind of things, and the thing is that those drones might look like real bugs. YouTube and the Internet are full of stories about nanorobots, what are looking like mosquitos, but if I would create recon drone, what can operate undercover, I would choose some other bug than a mosquito. That form should be something, what is not tempt people to damage drone by slapping it with newspaper, and that's why hoverflies or dragonflies would be more suitable for that purpose. The thing is that the small-size drones have limited computing capacity, but they can operate as swarms. That means the drone can be remote...

Could the newest school of thoughts of philosophy named "Astrophilosophy"?

Could the newest school of thoughts of philosophy named "Astrophilosophy"? When somebody is talking about futurology, what is science that research people relationship with technological advantages and their influence on society, we must realize, that there are many similarities with the writing of novels. Nobody has seen future, or at least nobody ever has given any prove about, what is happening in the future, or what kind of advantages there will be in far after the hundreds or thousands of years. And that's why people would sometimes call the futurology as "Astrophilosophy". That thing would consist of the thought about hypothetical space colonies and travel to other solar systems. Astrophilosophy would be similar than the philosophy of state or "Platonism". It would handle the human and our society's relationship with astronomy and the universe. What would be right, and what would be wrong, when we would start to colonize the universe. Thi...

About the philosophical schools of thoughts

About the philosophical schools of thoughts Philosophical schools of thoughts are many times mentioned in the biographies of philosophers. There are found many interesting schools of thoughts, like Neoplatonists, Leipzigeans, Modern German and many more ways to think about things. There is seen many very good ideas, how to put those persons in the boxes, where people can choose, what school of thoughts of philosophy would the philosopher advocate. And this kind of things are good looking, but if the philosopher self should put self to some of those boxes, that thing would be really difficult. If there would be the allowance to become a philosopher, what depends on the knowledge, what shool advocator the philosopher would be, there would be no philosopher on Earth, who would not have peptic ulcer or who even wrote a single word. When we are thinking about things like putting people to boxes, that thing would be a nice way to destroy the interest of philosophy in the beginning. Tho...

Thoughts about the future and things, what are delicate for some people.

Thoughts about the future and things, what are delicate for some people.  The thing about technical advancements of civilization is a very interesting object for thinking. When we are thinking about the technical solutions and biotechnology, we are facing one very interesting confrontation or paradox in those cases. The future of the human race would seem very nice, without our actions, what are risking the existence of the entire nature and our species. Sometimes I have seen cases or arguments, where genetic and biological manipulation are prohibited because God has created us. Or that seems a very good argument for the new laws. This thing is interesting because some of those people are denying the existence of the god. There is some kind of contradiction, if the same person pleads for something, what does not exist. Some people want to prohibit genetic engineering of human beings because that thing fights against the natural selection of some religious point of view. But t...

A new planet has been found 31 light-years away

  Image: David A. Hardy A new planet has been found 31 light-years away NASA informs that it has found planet from 30 light-years away, what is in the right distance from the star. And that kind of exoplanets is fascinating in many ways. In the next writing, I will think, what would we do, if we will someday colonize that kind of planet. If we would want someday colonize that kind of planets we might have a vision in our eyes, that we would land on that planet and walk around it by arming some kind of rifles. But if we would land on that planet or fly to that solar system, there are two versions of the possibility, what we might find in that strange world. 1. If the planet is similar to Eart This case is given visions to many romantic space movies, but in real life, if we would land to that planet, we might face many dangers, what we ever expected. The surface of the planet could be full of life forms like bacteria, which might use our tissues as the nutrient. And t...