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Showing posts from August, 2022

The Navy develops high-energy DEW (Directed Energy Weapons) against hypersonic weapons.

A concept of directed energy weapon (Image: Lockheed Martin) ( Against Hypersonic Missiles, US Navy Turns To ā€˜Faster & Lethalā€™ DEWs To Battle China, Russia ā€“ Top Admiral) Hypersonic missiles are hard targets but "easy to destroy". If the air-defense weapons can track and aim bullets or missiles against hypersonic missiles they can destroy them. But the problem is that counter-weapons must hit to target. And the low-flying hypersonic weapon will not let a long time for reacting.  Hypersonic weapons have the same thing as all other missiles and airplanes. That thing is that they are easy to destroy if the ammunition hits to target. There are developed weapon systems that can shoot over a million small-caliber ammunition against the target. The problem is that those CIWS systems (Close-in Weapon systems) are using lots of ammunition.  And the ship needs an ammo ship for refilling its ammunition storage quite often. There are also missile-based sy...

GPS is the key to next-generation military systems.

Above 1: The Vampire system Many people think that most armored vehicles are main battle tanks (MBTs) like M-1 Abrams and "Leopard". Most of the armored vehicles are not MBTs. They are cheaper and lighter vehicles like Russian BTR-60 and "Movag Piranha", is one of the armored and weaponized cars. The thing is that things like "Javelin" and heavier "Spike" missiles are making even jeeps dangerous to at least some MBTs until there is a new invention that protects the MBT against the incoming missiles.  Weapon development is the race between improved warheads and improved armor. If the MBT is modern it should do its mission. But if that tank is not modern and equipped with modern offensive and defensive systems it's a death trap. The thing in old-fashion technology is that is working. But if the opponents are using things like GPS-guided ammunition and recon drones with AI-based aiming and launching technologies the old-fashion systems with dumm...

A couple of words about Chinese flying submarine drones

Image 1) Chinese flying submarine concept.  The idea of the flying submarine is not new. There made more or less theoretical plans for creating a submarine that can slip near its target, attack it, and fly away. Sometimes those systems are planned to use the ground-effect technology. And that thing could make those aircraft-submarine combinations fly at a low level.   Above this text, you can see the Chinese model or artist's impression of that thing. The fact is that those drones are large-size. And they can carry also agents and special forces operators to the coastline. But those systems' main role might be to operate as the ship-killers. And against coastal targets. But there is the possibility that the Russian new nuclear-powered "Skyfall"-missiles might be planned to have similar abilities.  The ability to patrol silently under the ocean surface. Until they get orders to attack. And then suddenly go airborne and attack against inland targets.  https://en.w...

Genetic research solved 30 years old mystery. Nerve-agent sarin caused The " Gulf-war illness".

New genetic research uncovered that the depleted uranium ammunitions didn't cause the famous "Gulf war illness". The reason for those symptoms was in nerve agent sarin (1). Sarin or GB is one of the deadliest chemicals in the world. And it has a deadly effect, even if the person wears protective suits.   Organophosphates like VX, sarin, soman, and tabun cause death by skin contact. Also, even if the person has the counter-chemicals or antidotes to sarin like atropine, Biperiden, and pralidoxime. (2).  The chemical database says: "The lethal dose for man is estimated to be 0.01 mg/kg". (3). even if the dose is not deadly, can sarin cause permanent nerve damage. (4)  The sarin and other G-agents remain on the surface layers like weapons and other equipment. Those chemical weapons can cause ADHD-like symptoms.  So operators must remove nerve agents from the surfaces in the poisoned area very carefully because even a low dose of those chemicals can cause symptoms. T...

The new hypersonic missiles will install into the Zumwalt-class destroyer USS Michael Monsoor.

USS Zumwalt All three Zumwalt-class destroyers are getting new and powerful hypersonic missiles.  Those missiles have a speed of Mach 5+. And they have a very long range, says the article in the Eurasian Times. The installation of those new hypersonic missiles means that the advanced 155mm. gun turrets are removed and replaced by hypersonic missile tubes. The details about that modification are in the article below this text.  The world is waiting for new lightweight and portable super- and hypersonic systems. Military forces can install those hypersonic systems in vehicles like main battle tanks. Or they can even be man-portable.  The new hypersonic systems can shoot dummy or intelligent ammunition. And they are the most powerful systems in the world.  Hypersonic systems are not always missiles. They might be things like rail guns. And maybe the next stage in hypersonic weapons is the guided hypersonic ammunition for artillery. Railguns can accelerate artillery gren...

In the future, robots can call the emergency center when they need computer assistance, like new programs.

Even if spontaneously learning a computer or algorithm is hard to make it's possible, that in the central computer is the library of the computer codes made for different situations. The man-size robots have limited computer capacity. So for making databases and computer code lighter the robot can "forget" the unnecessary code.  That means the computer deletes the databases after they are used. And then the robot can load the new algorithms into its memory. The ability to change code in the computer makes algorithms less complicated. And robots are more flexible when they can change the components of their program.  There is an image, where the robot is using the computer. The technology where the programmer can program robots by sending the program code from the computer screens already exists. The system uses a camera or robot's eyes for reading programming code to the computer's memory. When artificial intelligence detects programming code it resends it to a pr...

The BrahMos-2 missile requires some Russian parts.

"Artist's impression of a hypersonic missile launched from an Indian Navy destroyer. The missile would have a launch booster to get it up to the speed where the scramjet can take over". ( Goes Hypersonic: New Missile Technology May Be Answer To Chinaā€™s Navy) Indian new hypersonic BrahMos missile uses similar components to the Zircon missile. BrahMos can reach a speed of Mach 9. The reason why there is a race for hypersonic missiles is that they are flying lower than regular ICBM (Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles) -missiles. But those hypersonic missiles are flying higher than regular aircraft. And that makes them hard targets for air defense. There are two types of hypersonic missiles. Regular rockets that are using gliders. And the systems that are using scramjet engines. The fact is that those systems can be hit by using smooth trajectories. They can have nuclear or conventional warheads. But also the kinetic energy of the missile that flies speed of ...

Can the Ukrainian war escalate?

Image:) Taiwanese F-16 fighters.  There is always the possibility that the war starts to spread. In the same way, the Ukrainian war can escalate. And that is one of the biggest problems with NATO. Otherwise, NATO could abstain from giving more weapons to Ukraine. But that thing is the mark for Russia that it can make everything that it wants.  Those signals are always dangerous because the next place where Russian leaders read history could be the Baltic sea. The historic reasons or the history that Russia someday owned some areas justifies that Russia can send troops to that land area and take it under its control. If we are thinking about history same way Germany can insist on the Kaliningrad or Kƶnigsberg area from Russia because that area once belonged to Germany.  But I think that Putin might answer that the Kaliningrad area is not on the discussion list. And that means the only nation that has the right to insist on some areas using historical arguments is Russia. A...

The new hypersonic missile variants concern the USA and NATO.

Russia is taking new 3M22 Zircon missiles in service. Zircon is an air-breathing scramjet or ramjet propeller missile. The speed range of the missile is Mach 5 to Mach 9. And maybe the Mach 9 model uses scramjet. And Mach 5 model uses ramjet. Wikipedia says that the Zircon uses scramjet, so there may be two models of that missile other is reserved only for the Russian fleet. And another is the export model.  Russia has another hypersonic weapon already in service. That is an air-launched Kh-47M2 Kinzhal which uses a conventional rocket engine.  The speed of the Kinzhal missile is Mach 10 to Mach 12. But its flight range is more limited. The dropping aircraft is normally a TU-22B or MiG-31 that takes the missile near to its target. And then it can launch that missile.And the system uses regular rocket engines.  China has two long-range hypersonic missiles in service. DF-21D and DF-26B. Those weapons are meant to destroy the US fleet of aircraft carriers.  DF-21D is an...