The morph networks can mean many things. One of them is the network that can use in many roles. The thing is that the same network can operate in many situations. From everyday actions. To extreme situations like sudden accidents or war.
The system will recognize the things like an accident by comparing the information that cameras give with the data matrix. That data matrix is stored inside the memory of the system.
When the system sees the accident the data trigger activates the database where is introductions how the network must operate in that kind of situation. When the network or its sensors sees armed persons. It connects itself with a database where are its introductions to that situation.
The network can morph itself when it faces certain triggers. When the image recognition system sees that the image matches with some condition.
The system connects itself with a database. That involves the movements and all instructions. On how to operate in a certain situation or space?
The new morph materials and networks are making machine learning more effective than ever before. The morph networks can be real or they can be virtual.
The morph means the ability to make and remove connections between databases. That means the system can select sensors that are inputting data in its computers. The system can have two camera sets. Another camera set is infrared. For night vision. And another could be for day use.
The morph network changes the camera system by using visibility as the trigger. When the visibility is low the system turns to use the infrared system. And when the visibility is good. The system turns to use daylight cameras. Because the system can cut the connection with a camera that is not in use saves the system that camera would not overload the system without purpose.
That is an example of the morph system that changes camera sets by following light conditions. Those cameras can be CCD systems that are acting like insect net eyes. That kind of eyes can install on aircraft or drones.
But the nanomachines are making it possible to create artificial physical morph networks. The nanomachines can be like small worms that are making connections between physical hard drives. When the robot will face the thing like city area. It will just turn the nanomachines to make connections with the hard disk that has the programs on how to behave and act in the city area.
The morph network can act like artificial reflexes. When the system faces an emergency. It can remove unnecessary connections. And then it can use only the databases that involve responsibility for the risk. The system turns limited but it acts faster. Because it must not search for the right reaction so a long time as usual.
The idea in this type of morph network is that they can make and remove connections. That thing makes them more effective than solid networks. When the system operates in a normal situation, there is time to ask which hard disk or database has a certain action.
A large number of databases and connections are making the system very versatile. But otherwise, that kind of thing is making the system slower. If the system can remove unnecessary connections that make it more limited. But also faster. So that kind of thing can call as "artificial reflexes".
When the system can change the number of connections that makes it faster. In the cases where the system faces emergencies, it can start to use emergency mode. In that mode, the number of connections between databases. And the number of databases in use. Will turn as small as possible. That thing makes the system faster to react.
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