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Showing posts from March, 2022

The Javelin is one of the deadliest missiles in the world.

Image: FGM-148 Javelin (Wikipedia/FGM-148 Javelin) The Javelin missile is one of the most powerful, man-portable fire-and-forget anti-tank missiles in the world. That missile is proven it's capacity at least in Ukraine.  The missile has been a deadly surprise for tanks in the Ukraine conflict. And that is forcing strategists to rethink the use of tanks on the battlefield. The Javelin-type missiles are always similar. The operator of that missile takes an image of the target. The control unit sends the image to the missile.  And then the missile will recognize the target. When the image that the camera on the nose of the missile matches with the image which is stored in the computer's memory. The idea for that system is taken from TERCOM-navigational systems where the cruise missile uses the aerial images for navigation to the target.  The missile knows, that it's on the right route. The same guidance system can use also in larger anti-tank and other precision-guided syste...

Why do Russians have problems destroying Turkish-built drones?

Image) Baykar Bayraktar TB2 (Wikipedia/Baykar Bayraktar TB2) The Russian-Ukrainian war predicted that Russia will win Ukraine in 96 hours. The reality might be different. The war carries on, and many other predictions are not matched with reality. This war has been a pain and nightmare for Russians.  The drones are invisible and very frightening killers. That can use alone or with manned aircraft. The manned aircraft can drop drones to the operational areas. And then those drones can mark targets. Or they can attack against the targets. Long-range drones like Loyal wingmen can be equipped with warheads and they can hit against missiles. And especially the long-range anti-aircraft and tactical battlefield missile launchers.  Many things are problematic in the Ukrainian war. The predictions are not matched with reality. But one of the questions is simple. Why Ukrainian drones are not as easy to destroy as they predicted? Those Baykar Bayraktar TB2 drones are predicted to be...

How oligarchs can topple Putin without official authorities? (Earlier text continues)

The answer is that there is no official way how oligarchs can even topple Putin. The only thing that those people can make is hire contract killers. And that is the worst mistake that those people can do. If the FSB sees that kind of attempt. That thing causes very big troubles. Like ricin poisoning in the streets.  The oligarchs cannot arrest Putin. They cannot give commands to FSB. Because those people are without official prerogatives they cannot do anything legally. There is no way to resist or even say something that Putin doesn't want to hear. The thing is that the three stages of oligarchs mean that there is no way to make connections with Putin without the middleman.  The thing is that only the top oligarchs can speak straight with Putin. And the lower-level men must find somebody at a higher level to tell their business to Putin. That thing protects Putin very well against people who want to make something for him. Putin wanted to keep their distance from most oligarc...

Why don't Russian oligarchs resist Putin?

The Kremlin in Moscow. (SciTech Daily/Meet Russiaā€™s Oligarchs ā€“ A Group of Men Who Wonā€™t Be Toppling Putin Anytime Soon) Sometimes Russian oligarchs mean Soviet-born Russian entrepreneurs who made their property during the strong privatization era of Russia in the early 90s. Oligarch or Russian business elite are the people who are the most powerful private status in Russia. They are powerful actors in business life, but they have no official status in government. "Putin has kept most oligarchs at a distance ā€“ literally and figuratively". (SciTech Daily/Meet Russiaā€™s Oligarchs ā€“ A Group of Men Who Wonā€™t Be Toppling Putin Anytime Soon) The mission of those people is to make money and pay taxes for Putin's government. Sometimes oligarchs are buying the property or shares of the high-tech companies for the FSB (Federal Security Service). The thing is that oligarch is a half-governmental actor. The person who is acting as a prime mover can look like some kind of entrepreneur....

The electric cells of electric eel can for creating electricity for futuristic robots.

The biological batteries are suitable for power sources for androids.  Have you seen the movie "Aliens"?There is a human-looking android robot called "Bishop". That kind of robot can connect to the computers of the spacecraft. Or the computer center if we want to be less futuristic. That kind of man-looking robot can be the "contact person" between computers and humans. The "Bishop-unit" is similar to "Sophie". The AI-driven robot. That is interacting between supercomputers through the internet.  That means the computers are interacting through those "Bishop-units". And that thing means that quantum computers can communicate straight with humans by using those undercover models. Those man-looking robots could also make repairments for the computers.  That kind of robot can use a biological power source. Like the electric cells of electric eel for making their electricity. In that case. The system will eat the food to the artif...

The morph network can be the Frankenstein of the next generation.

The morph networks can mean many things. One of them is the network that can use in many roles. The thing is that the same network can operate in many situations. From everyday actions. To extreme situations like sudden accidents or war.  The system will recognize the things like an accident by comparing the information that cameras give with the data matrix. That data matrix is stored inside the memory of the system.  When the system sees the accident the data trigger activates the database where is introductions how the network must operate in that kind of situation. When the network or its sensors sees armed persons. It connects itself with a database where are its introductions to that situation.  The network can morph itself when it faces certain triggers. When the image recognition system sees that the image matches with some condition.  The system connects itself with a database. That involves the movements and all instructions. On how to operate in a certain ...

Artificial intelligence is the next step in a brutal automatized battlefield.

The thing in artificial intelligence-controlled drones is that they are effective and cheap. Their operators don't require long and effective training. Because those people are sitting on their chairs in offices.   Under the control of their military police, they are always under control. The thing is that those people are safe for their commanders. The person who is in the field tells stories about the war. The person who operates remotely will not be so proud of their actions. And they cannot even connect themselves to the war zone.  When a person operates remotely. That thing means that there are no own losses. This thing supports the position of the military commanders. And the unsportsmanlike way to kill people helps the henchmen keep their mouths shut about those things that they see. Minimizing own losses and maximizing enemy losses is the thing in the war.  When some aircraft drops a bomb from 10 000 meters those people would not have a chance at all to harm ...

Most unemployed young men have criminal records.

Image: (ScitechDaily/Findings suggested a new approach needed to aid the unemployed). The research made by RAND corporation has shown an interesting and sad thing in the socioeconomic advantage "By age 35, 64% of unemployed men have been arrested. And 46% have been convicted of a crime, with the rates varying only slightly by race and ethnicity". That means just hanging around is a very bad thing to an unemployed person. The thing that might help to make those numbers nicer. Could be that the people should motivate to educate themselves. That thing makes it easier to get the job. And people's attitude to an educated person is always nicer. If the person would not go to any school that causes antipathy in the job interviewers.  And the negative attitude causes hate. Hate is the motive for many violent crimes. And many of the first-time assaulters are saying that the motive for their crime was hate. If the first crimes are not made those people would not go to jail.  The ne...

The new scaling quantum computers are coming.

Image 1) The quantum entanglement in quantum computers must protect against outcoming effects. Quantum entanglement plays a key role in quantum computers. And the time that the entanglement stays determines the speed of the quantum computers.  Photonic entanglement is one of the most promising things in quantum computers. There is the possibility to use two- or more layers of graphene. And then, between those layers, the system will create the quantum entanglement by using photons.  That makes it possible to create quantum processors.  The data would input those quantum systems by using lasers. Lasers can give the energy stress in the superpositioned and entangled photon pairs. And those photons can affect electromagnetic fields between graphene layers.  Image 2) Diagram of QubiC prototype showing room-temperature electronics hardware. Credit: Gang Huang and Yilun/Berkeley Lab (Phys.Org/Open sourced control hardware for quantum computers) The system senses those fiel...