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Showing posts from February, 2021

The brane and the antigravity (The writing about unlimited energy)

  .   (Image I) The brane and the antigravity (The writing about unlimited energy) What if we could conduct energy to our universe from the fifth dimension? That kind of thing opens the interesting visions for the new technology. The idea is simple, we must only conduct our third dimension to the fifth dimension. That thing will open the channel between our world and the unseen world. And the energy can conduct from the unseen world to our world.  The image above shows how the universe warps in spacetime. And that thing has brought an idea that what if the gravity interaction between our world and the hidden world can benefit as the engine systems. In theories, gravity is jumping between our world and the hidden world, and what if we can someday conduct that force through the channel?  That thing would open the route to the stars. In this model, the energy travels between branes, and there is the possibility that someday we could control that energy. But the problem ...

The new graphene could impact the next generation of computing. (The portable quantum computer might be closer than ever before)

  . The new graphene could impact the next generation of computing. (The portable quantum computer might be closer than ever before) The portable quantum computer might be closer than ever before. The image above this text shows the graphene structure, where the magnetic fields are forming tunnels that are looking like cones. Those magnetic- or quantum fields can use as the channels for creating qubit. In this case, the bi-layer graphene is tunneling the electric fields.  And that thing can benefit in the next-generation quantum microchips. But the problem is how to conduct electrons with enough high accuracy? The answer could be that the graphene-layers can be equipped with quantum antennas. The atomic-size pillars, what can give the system higher accuracy. If there are miniature arrays on that layer the jumping points can define very accurately. And this thing can make it possible to make the new type of lightweight quantum computers. When we are thinking about the possibili...

Quantum computers and human consciousness

     . Quantum computers and human consciousness Quantum computers will turn more and more powerful in a very short time. The power of those systems is enormous. And that allows them to make calculations that took months before them in seconds. So if we want to make the quantum computer serve, that thing can revolutionize CAD-design. And that means that the speed of the innovation will accelerate with very high speed. The new and more powerful quantum computers are increasing the speed of innovation. If we are thinking to connect the person to a computer to use the EEG for controlling computers. We must not use any equipment, what is dressed for the person.  The thing that is enough is giving the computer ability to see the electromagnetic fields of the brain. And that thing can do by using a powerful radio receiver.  So we could make the arrangement, where the person would sit at the front of the extremely sensitive radio receiver what will give the computer ab...

The magnetic fields are modulating our nervous system.

       Images above: Pinterest The magnetic fields are modulating our nervous system. The ions that ion pumps of cells are sending outside are causing the mysterious "aura" in Kirillian photos. In the objects like keys, the minimum rises of the things like metal items are causing that the electricity that is conducting to that plate is causing flashes of lightning or asymmetry of the electric field around it. When the electricity is conducted to the leaf, the veins are conducting the electricity in them. The electricity follows the ions in those veins, and that causes the shine around that thing.  Above this text is three Kirlian Images, which portray the "aura". The first is the leaf, the second is the hand and the third is the key. Those images are not portraying the magical force. They are portraying ion flow which comes from the ion channels or ion pumps of the living organism. And in the third image where the key is causing that effect the key is the metal ...

The form of the network is the chaos and order at the same time.

. The form of the network is the chaos and order at the same time. Frankenstein of order can transform the model of sociology.  Frankenstein of order means the system, what is in order and disorder at the same time. When we are thinking about the network structures one of the most interesting things is that they can be chaotic and order at the same time. The quantum structures can be chaotic and order at the same time because the atoms in one dimension layer are seeming to be in line if we are seeing that structure at the side of that structure. When we are looking at that structure from above. The particles are seeming to be in a random position on the layer.  So the particles can be in order but also in the turbulent or random positions when they are on the layer. The thing that makes that quantum phenomenon interesting is that we can transform it straight into sociology. When we are looking at things like groups of people from the same layer, we can think that people are ni...

Network-based social structures are hard to control

     . Network-based social structures are hard to control If demonstrations or protests are called to places by using social media. The number of people grows in who get the message will increase very fast. The thing called the fall of communist governments caused that the demonstrations grow too fast. And the reason for that was the SMS messages, which traveled from the phone to the phone.  So in the early 1990s, social media was a primitive thing, but today more advanced, complicated, and diverse platforms allow that film and photographs can also share on those platforms. But modern social media makes people collect together to see what other people are publishing, and that thing makes them a very powerful tool for share information with large groups of people. And demonstration calls are also information.  Social media has created a new type of political force that is based on network-based architecture. That thing means that people who have similar politica...