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Showing posts from December, 2022

Why do some planets have rings?

Saturn We know many planets that have some kind of ring system. And the most well-known of those planets is Saturn. All gas giants in our solar system have a ring system that orbits them. So there are many theories about the origin of those rings.  There is the possibility that forming of the rings is unique. So that means there are more than one reasons why some planets have rings. But if we are thinking about the gas giants in our solar system we must realize that those planets are more distant than Earth.  So solar wind in that area is weaker than in the Earth's distance. And that means the particle (or ion) flow from the Sun would not blow those particles away. That explains why Earth has no rings. The reason for that is the solar winds. That are blowing sand or some other particles away from the Earth's orbiter.  "The backlit (of Saturn's) E ring, with Enceladus, silhouetted against it. The moon's south polar jets erupt brightly below it." (Wikipedia/Ring...

The jet from a colliding neutron star seems to travel seven times the speed of light.

The speed has seen when neutron stars collide. The impact energy can form the short-term warp bubble that allows the radiation to travel faster than it usually travels.  Two other things are making it possible to make particles travel faster than the speed of light.  A) Virtual crossing where high-speed particles are impacting each other. If the speed of both particles is 0,8 times the speed of light the impact speed is 1,6 times the speed of light.  B) Rising the escaping velocity of the particle higher than the speed of light. So behind the black hole's event horizon, the speed of particles is higher than the speed of light.  The reason for that is that particles drop to the gravitational center at the same speed as escaping velocity.  The fact is that crossing the speed of light is a paradox. That thing is quite easy to make in theory. The only thing that must do is to create an area where the light travels faster than light travels in the environment around ...

Can the simulated black hole turn into a real black hole?

The simulated 2D black holes can also make quantum stealth possible.  Researchers are forming simulated black holes by making a hole in the 2D atomic structure. That thing happens by returning the electron or the nucleus of that 2D atom, at minimum energy level to a 3D dimensional form. In that case, the 2D structure loses its ability to interact with that part of it that returned to 3D form, and that means the simulated black hole is 2D-area where is a lower energy level.  Another version of the simulated black hole could be the system that pulls electrons away from the orbiters of the atom. Or shaper saying the system would pull electrons to a maximum distance from the nucleus of the atom. The thing is that graphene can make that kind of thing possible. There is the possibility that graphene can use to pull electrons to the maximum distance from the core of the atom. That thing can make energy travel to that structure.  But can 2D holes turn into 3D structures and form ...

Snowflakes and nanotechnology

  Researchers who are working with nanotechnology are interested in snowflakes. Snowflakes are complicated, and their form is unique. By using information about conditions that are making a certain type of snowflake. Researchers can create complicated structures where the same form repeats time after time. That allows them to create a large mass of complicated molecular structures by using molecules. That have similar magnetic abilities to water. Or those molecules must have polarity. The idea of benefiting snowflakes for creating complicated-shaped nanotechnical structures works best with flat 2D structures. The nanotechnical systems can make many things. Which are impossible by using regular technology.  When we are thinking about simple nanorobots that have two square-looking structures that are rotating in opposite ways. That system can make it possible to create so-called micro- or nanobubbles. The idea is that this type of small nanomachine just makes supercavitation. Th...

The non-invasive laser light can improve short-term memory by 25%

When the brain is stressed by non-invasive laser light. That thing improves short-term memory by 25%. That thing might be interesting if we want to remember things better. There is the possibility to equip things like helmets with a system. That conducts the laser light to the head of the user. That kind of system can make it possible to make people with ADHD to study normally.  “People with conditions like ADHD or other attention-related conditions could benefit from this type of treatment, which is safe, simple, and non-invasive, with no side-effects.” — Dongwei Li ( Laser Light Therapy Could Improve Short-Term Memory by Up to 25 Percent)  That thing, called: "transcranial photobiomodulation", or tPBM makes it possible to help people remember things that they are learning in classes. Or the same system can also help astronauts remember things that they must do in some complex operations. This method means that the person can learn things better ...

Chinese students created a new cloak of invisibility, due to which a surveillance camera cannot detect a person.

The futuristic "stormtrooper suit" can make the person unable to detect by using normal surveillance systems.  The invisibility walls can already be a reality. Those things are flexible screens that are showing the image from another side to the front of them. The system uses a camera that takes an image from another side of the wall. And that thing makes a person or things like vehicles undetected. There are rumors that the most advanced aircraft have this type of core. And engineers can put this system into the tank or some other combat vehicle. So the invisibility means that the vehicle's core acts like a chameleon.  Making clothes invisible is a little bit more difficult than putting the solid and rigid layer acting like a chameleon. That kind of system can use multiple nanotechnical cameras that are around the clothes. And the clothes are covered by using small screens. So they might look like old-fashion Samurai armor. But the thing is that infrared systems can cove...

The "intelligent universe" theory again.

In the beginning: Spinoza. Dutch Philosopher Baruch Spinoza (1632-1677) explained the god as nature's and universe's mechanism with no personality. So we can say that Spinoza is the creator or father of the so-called intelligent universe and simulated reality theories. The idea of the intelligent universe theory is that universe itself is intelligent. That is one of the biggest philosophical thoughts in history.  Can plasma balls form qubits spontaneously? That thing is one of the biggest things in philosophy. Spinoza's idea about the god is that god is dominating structure because that structure is intelligent. And because there is no other so large and powerful structure. This structure makes what it wants. Without intelligence, other structures cannot resist that intelligent structure.  That structure has intelligence and will. And that makes it dominating. The thing that makes this thing dominating is that can affect some big things. But small things like individual peo...

What is typical?

Is the Shelby cobra GT.350 the most typical car in the world? Or was that car the most common car in the world or even in the USA when it first time rolled out from the factory in 1965? That legendary car is back in production again. But the image portrays the 1965 model. The car is classic, but are those classics very often today? Media is the place where the extraordinary is turning regular things. Typical news and articles are handling superlatives or something very extraordinary things. Things like the fastest aircraft, tallest buildings, and tallest trees fill all articles. When we are looking at media, we might think that regular people are misters or they are some kind of president. We might think that a regular Russian is Vladimir Putin. When we look at war movies we might think, that all U.S. soldiers are fighter pilots or some SEAL team members.  We might think that a regular person in the western world is some kind of millionaire. If we look at car magazines we might thi...

Quantum computers can find dark matter.

"In a new breakthrough, scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Fermilab have found a way to detect dark matter using quantum computers." ( Dept of Energy Breakthrough: Detecting Dark Matter With Quantum Computers) 1) How do quantum computers detect dark matter? The idea of quantum computers is that they use very highly controlled superpositioned and entangled photonic qubits. The idea is that the system pack information photons. And then that photon will be superpositioned and entangled. If that superpositioned and entangled photon touches something.  That "something" causes a disturbance in the energy level of that superpositioned and entangled particle pair. So if the superpositioned and entangled qubit touches the dark matter. That thing causes disturbance of the energy levels.  2) What the dark matter could be?  Dark matter is interesting. 85% of the material in the universe is formed of dark matter. That is the gravitational effect w...

James Webb and Keck-telescopes cooperation uncovered the clouds in Titan's atmosphere.

"Images of Saturn’s moon Titan, captured by the James Webb Space Telescope’s NIRCam instrument November 4, 2022. Left: Image using F212N, a 2.12-micron filter sensitive to Titan’s lower atmosphere. The bright spots are prominent clouds in the northern hemisphere. Right: Color composite image using a combination of NIRCam filters: Blue=F140M (1.40 microns), Green=F150W (1.50 microns), Red=F200W (1.99 microns), Brightness=F210M (2.09 microns). " ( and Keck Telescopes Team for Unprecedented Look at Saturn’s Moon Titan – “Simply Extraordinary!”) "Several prominent surface features are labeled: Kraken Mare is thought to be a methane sea; Belet is composed of dark-colored dunes; Adiri is a bright albedo feature. Download the Titan NIRCam image from the Resource Gallery. Credit: NASA, ESA, CSA, A. Pagan (STScI). Science: JWST Titan GTO Team" ( and Keck Telescopes Team for Unprecedented Look at Saturn’s Moon Titan – “Simply Extraord...

UFOs again misinformation, disinformation, and new evidence.

U.S. intelligence confirms the UFO research. They are saying that the origin of the UFOs:s is some governmental, non-governmental, or yet unknown actor. And that's it. Somewhere is claimed that China or Russia is behind those, sometimes very small and strangely behave aviation objects. The fact is that origin of the UFOs is unknown.  Sometimes those objects fall into the sea. And then they vanish. Sometimes the UFO suddenly vanishes, when jet fighters follow it. And sometimes researchers think that those "Unidentified Flying Objects" are holograms. The purpose of those holograms could be to make people look away from something. That they should not see.  China-hypothesis: are UFOs from China?  When people are talking about the China hypothesis, where the origin of those objects is in China, some people are very skeptical. Is the Chinese aircraft industry capable to create that kind of thing? The fact is that those strange objects can behave in strange ways because they mi...

NASA: s new VASIMR engine takes spacecraft to Mars in 6 weeks.

A VASIMR (Variable Specific Impulse Magneto plasma Rocket) gives spacecraft travel ten times faster than a regular chemical rocket. That plasma-impulse engine is one of the most promising things for creating new and powerful rockets for interplanetary flight. The plasma ion engine can also give new kinds of abilities for the new type of spacecraft that are operating in the asteroid belt.  There is the possibility that air-breathing ion engines are the future of aviation. The problem is that there is needed a system. That puts the ion engine push against the front wall of the engine. One of the solutions is to shoot laser rays in the middle of the ion track. That causes that part of the ions are jumping to the front of the engine.  Another vision is that the ionized gas will put to travel in a screw-looking structure. That kind of ion system can use with regular jet engines as the electromagnetic afterburner. Or it can use things like electric cells or nuclear reactors as power...

Biomechanic prostheses and brain control microchips are the new combination.

When we think about biomechanic prostheses there are two ways to control them. The easier way is to make a system that uses BlueTooth as the communication tool. In that case, the signals that are coming from brain-controlled BlueTooth devices normally remote control the prosthesis. And then another way to make the prosthesis is that the biomechanic system uses the impulses that come from the nerves of that wounded hand or leg.  There are two main types of biomechanic or bionic prostheses.  *The prosthesis is the external machine that connects to the user's body. The system can be a little bit like the HULC (The Human Universal Load Carrier) exoskeleton. And the Neuralink-type microchips can also control that kind of system.  *Another version of that kind of system is the system that gives simulated neural impulses to the muscles. These systems are BCI-controlled electrodes that can give muscular stimulation from the outside. Those electrodes can be used by BlueTooth conne...

Big Bang and 2-dimensional structure

If gravitational waves can form a quantum tornado. That thing can pull gravitational waves from both sides of that gravitational tornado. This causes the impact of the gravitational waves in the middle of that structure.  The thing called an artificial black hole that is the hole in the 2D atomic structure can make the fundamental way to exchange information in the quantum computer. There is a possibility. The two of those holes would connect by using the "8"-shaped energy tape.  This thing would not connect those electron holes themselves. It can connect the edges of those electron holes.  And that thing can make the revolution in quantum computing. But that same thing can open the secrets of what the cosmos looked like before the Big Bang.  The idea of this hypothesis is that before the Big Bag cosmos was 2D-structure. And then part of that structure reached an energy level that turned it into 3D. So the material turned to 3rd. dimensional. That caused things that ...

The direction of the gravitation.

The origin of the next theory is the elementary particle looks like a whisk. So the superstrings are forming rings that are causing the electromagnetic low-pressure in the middle of the particle. When that whisk-looking structure rotates. That motion causes the electromagnetic wave motion or gravitational waves are traveling inside the structure.  And they are causing a situation where impacting wave motion is forming the electromagnetic emptiness or so-called warp bubble inside elementary particles. Or they can form standing-bubble-looking gravitational waves.  Those gravitational waves can make the situation that the wave motion jumps out from the bubble and forms the warp bubble around that standing wave motion. Maybe that thing could also explain a thing called dark energy.  That thing can happen straight. Or the impacting gravitational waves are causing the oscillation of that whisk-looking structure called an elementary particle. The superstrings that are forming th...

Gravitation and its connection with strong nuclear interaction is the key element in the GUT (Grand Unified Theory)

The thing, that makes gravitation interesting is that it affects all particles in a similar way. Gravitation is also interesting because it is neutral. And that makes some researchers believe that the "Atomos" is real. There is the possibility that all particles are involved in the same particle or structure. So gravitation is the effect that affects those yet unknown particles. Maybe those particles are hypothetical graviton particles.  In some theories, the graviton and gluon are the same particles. In those models, gluon is a fast-rotating particle like a small-size pulsar between quarks. So when the jet from those fact-rotating particles that can be the quantum size black hole is sending radiation simultaneously. It causes the effect where quarks are pulling and pushing each other.  In that model graviton is an extremely small particle. That causes interaction in the area that is an extremely small part of the quark.  There are two forms of that model.  1) Gluon ...

New simulation proves that information exchange between black holes is possible.

Researchers created two tiny virtual black holes in supercomputers and made them exchange information. That thing can seem the very primitive thing. The simulated model is more fundamental than we think.  All practical solutions are formed from theoretical and fundamental models. And simulated black holes are the thing that proves the exchange of information between black holes is possible. Powerful computers are making it possible to make complicated simulations.  *Maybe we should think that wormhole is rather a ditch between two black holes than some pillar through spacetime.  In this model, we have two different types of wormholes.  *Black Hole itself is a wormhole that takes information to the point in space and time where it formed.  *Wormhole that connects two black holes is like a tube or ditch between two black holes.  The thing is this: The wormhole is not an absolute phenomenon. Its energy channel through spacetime. There are different strengths o...

A positive personality defends people against fake news.

"Wuerzburg psychologists have studied what makes people more susceptible to fake news. Credit: Jan Philipp Rudloff / University of Wuerzburg" (ScitechDaily/Psychologists: Dark Personality Traits Make People Susceptible To Fake News) People with dark and negative personalities believe fake news more often than positive personalities. This is the thing, that psychologists found when they research what kind of personalities are the most vulnerable to fake news. Or is it that, those dark personalities just don't react to fake news?  There is a possibility that dark personalities don't just react to lies that they see. So they don't mention if they see fake news. And the reason for that is maybe in their traumatic past.  Maybe those dark personalities are afraid to tell if they see things like fake news. The reason for that is negative personalities afraid that if they are giving some negative feedback or simply saying that they don't believe something those people...