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Showing posts from October, 2022

The hybrid cloud is one of the key elements in the metaverse.

Hybrid could mean the entirety of the virtual workspaces, computer centers, and physical tools like robots and 3D printers. The internet of things means the possibility to order any possible tool from the internet. And then print it with the 3D printer.  The fact is that the 3D printers that can print metals like kettles are so expensive that 3D printers will never become every-home tools. We can download 3D CAD drawings from the net and print them using 3D printers. But who needs new tools and merchandise all the time?  Some business leaders said. That we will very soon see the end of the mobile telephone. Maybe the next generation portable internet is based the interactive VR systems that are more flexible than modern mobile devices ever can be. The interactive VR system can contain a lightweight VR headset that can contain the user interface that can react the eye motions.  There could be two cameras that can make a stereo view. And then the user can also give commands...

The number of ADHD diagnoses rises because of publicity.

Today I read an article with the topic: what are the symptoms of ADHD? That was not the first time when things like ADHD played a big role in the media. For some reason, ADHD is so public diagnosis. And the media is full of stories about those things.  The media is full of stories about ADHD or some other psychiatric or neuropsychiatric diseases. The attitude toward that diagnosis is how it limits people's life.  And that thing causes the situation where people observe themselves and other people. Looking for the marks of those symptoms. ADHD is the thing that explains everything. And in many stories, ADHD will affect jut in later life when a person starts their educational studies.  The media is full of stories about when "Jack" or "Jill", 27 years old, went to the hospital. And there was diagnosed with ADHD. Then Jack continues his life in the workroom and leaves his studies. That was so stressful that he couldn't manage those things. And then, their life ...

Working life will never be the same again.

Remote work is one of the enormous upheavals in history. The person can sit at home and communicate with workmates. And that kind of way to make things please employers. That thing saves money because offices are not needed anymore.  The thing is that companies require more and more effective work. If the person can concentrate on work, remote work is where the person can start their work at home. And in that case, the person doesn't need the working trips and parking lots. That makes the work more cost-effective.  And things that the leaders can see all the time, what their henchman does, make remote work effective also for production. The team leader can see if the person is out from the screen. Or by using a remote desktop the boss can see if the henchman is working or playing some games?  Remote work is challenging because that's a different way to work. But if somebody says that it is needed too much independence, we must say that independence is needed in every sing...

Insect swarms can electrify air the same way as thunderstorms.

The reason. Why electricity in flashes of lightning is so powerful is that the thundercloud loads electricity into them until electricity travels to the ground. There is the possibility that insect swarms would get the same electric load as thunderclouds. If insects are flying at high altitudes and radio impulses are hitting them. That can raise the electric load on their body to a high level.  When small insects flap their wings. They can form static electricity in their tiny hair. The insect's hair acts like all other hair. And when it moves, it forms static electricity. Even if the voltage of one insect is not very high,  billions of insects can form quite a high-power electric phenomenon.  There is also possible that static electricity forms the ion channel in the air which conducts lightning to a certain point. Even a weak ion channel makes the point where electricity can travel easier than elsewhere. And that thing can cause problems with communication systems....

Can M-type red dwarfs have habitable planets?

Artistā€™s illustration of a young red dwarf stripping away a planetā€™s atmosphere. Credit: NASA, ESA, and D. Player (STScI) ( Could Dramatically Speed Up the Search for Extraterrestrial Life) Young  M-type star erupts very often. And those eruptions can strip the atmosphere off their planets. But otherwise, those small stars are extremely long living. And there is always the possibility that those exoplanets could re-form their atmospheres. The reason for that is when an M-type red dwarf goes more mature. It turns restless.  But young M-type red dwarfs are very active. And that makes forming life on their planets very hard. Also, the gravitation of a red dwarf is not as powerful as the Sun's gravitation. So if an exoplanet form too far from the M-type star it can just fly away and turn into a rogue planet.  In this text, the main focus is on the forming of liquid water. That thing is one of the primary elements that make the form of life possible. ...

NASA's X-57 "Maxwell" all-electric aircraft can be the pathfinder for next-generation aircraft.

Image 0) X-57 "Maxwell" The next-generation technology will turn the dream of a "one-hour world" possible also in physical form. The next-generation hypersonic VTOL systems can be more revolutionary than some SR-72 or some other systems alone.  If we think about modern technology, that thing makes it possible to create an aircraft with the capacity for hypersonic flight, low-speed flight, and vertical take-off and landing. That thing is quite easy to solve. There is needed only three series of engines.  Regular jet engines, ramjet- and scramjet engines can be used in stages. At first, the regular turbojet will accelerate the speed to Mach 1,5, where the ramjet can start. Then the ramjet will accelerate the aircraft to Mach 6-7, where the scramjet can begin its operation.  And the VTOL system can use blowers that make the aircraft operate silently above the city.  Image 1) SR-72  The systems developed for "flying cars" can use for larger-scale aviation syst...

The interesting thing in quantum entanglement is the string that connects superpositioned particles.

The centripetal force acts in all particles. And if the rotation speed is high enough, that thing causes the situation where even elementary particles are forming the channel.  Quantum entanglement is one of the most useful phenomena in the quantum world. In that "spooky effect of distance," the system puts the elementary particles (like photons, quarks, electrons, etc.) to oscillate in the same frequency. That means the same elementary particle is at the same time, in two different positions.  Also, things like electromagnetic fields can put to superposition. When two elementary particles are superpositioned and entangled that thing happens by using electromagnetic fields like laser rays. Photon or electron clouds are also forming electromagnetic- or quantum fields. And those things can use to put even complicated quantum systems into superposition.  Theoretically, superposition is possible also between quark groups. And theoretically, things like protons, neutrons, and ...

Why is strong identification important in the world of the internet?

Strong identification is the term that means biometric recognition. In the network's world, everybody is at a distance of 15 seconds. That means we can make contact with people who are 5000 kilometers from us. But there is a possibility that this person lives next door to us. And that means we must be careful and think about what we are saying or writing on the net.  But then we must realize that there are no harmless hackers. Even if, we think. That there is nothing to hide in our network. We forget one thing. Hackers can break into harmless networks to use that network as a platform to attack.  The attack can be: 1) Attempt to steal vital information.  2) Deliver propaganda and disinformation. Both of those hostile actions can cause the internet will be closed. By connecting a cell phone to the Google account and using a cell phone-based login protocol the account's legal owner gets information if somebody tries to log in to that account without permission. The modern "...

The product is the tool for making business and without a product is no business.

All companies must have a product that they sell. Without product is no business. For businesses, the product is the tool that should bring money to the company. Without a product is no incoming money. The reason for that is that the product is the thing that brings customers. And customers are people who are giving money to the company to get products that the company will offer.  When a person becomes an entrepreneur that person must realize that money that customers are bringing to the company is not a gift. Customers want those products. And if the product doesn't please them, they will choose some other deliverer for those things.  Somebody says that products are unequal. Because companies want that people buy new products in the next year. That thing is an urban legend. But the fact is that the product is the base for business. And without product is no business. When everybody buys some product that thing brings it to every pocket. And finally, there is no sale anymore....