People are willing to hear lies if they benefit them. The lies that "might become true" are the things that are making some people jump about excitement. The lies look like this: "In our company, the person not attending school can earn 5000 dollars per day". Or "our CEO has ever been in any schools. And he raises to the position of the head of 3000 employees company because of the good scent". And then some person can add that the "you can make similar career". So 1/3000 workers can rise to the position of CEO. And the probability seems very good. The thing that makes some people believe those things is, that they are a touch of self-esteem. Those things are told multiplied in a way that those people want to hear. People who are victims of that kind of lies are probably left their schools without graduating. So they want to hear things that support their choice. How do they confess to people around them that they made the right decision? And t...